WARNING: This post may make you want to have a Twilight movie marathon, feel desperate to see Breaking Dawn, feel the need to reread Midnight Sun, or send you running for your books. (good thing the weekend is upon us)
I've been worried about something that is absolutely crucial to me when it comes to the last two movies....I still am *biting my nails* but I'm a little less worried now that I've seen a glimpse into my Twilight forever future.
To me, a big part of Breaking Dawn is all the wonder Bella experiences--as she gets married, orgasms into oblivion and then as she sees herself after the change, encounters her firsts as a vampire, is amazed by her daughter's abilities, and learns how to control her power. All that wonder is really important to this part of the story. David Slade used the meadow as bookends in Eclipse, well I say Bella's wonderment is what stands as bookends for the story---first her fascination with Edward in Twilight and then her own wonderment as she experienced life with Edward in Breaking Dawn.
You remember all that wonderment, right? Wasn't it really apparent in Twilight---not like wondering if he'll call but shock, awe, I'm fascinated with Edward, did he just stop a moving van, his whole family is pale, etc.

I really think Kristen did a great job with 'acting' all mesmerized by Rob, err...I mean Edward in Twilight. There was that certain expression on her face. It was really one of the best things she brought to the role. From here on out I'm going to refer to it as Kristen's #Winning Bella Look (#WBL).
Bella was in awe of the sparkle but not freaked out.
Bella was fascinated by him being a vampire but not scared.
And then there was this:
Bella was infatuated with everything Edward.
Let's face it...WE ALL WERE!!!
But a lot of that was lost in New Moon, (the movie). And I understand that Bella went through a range of emotions during that time, but even before Edward left there was very little of that look even though she was supposed to still be mesmerized with Edward every time she saw him. I mean calling dating her old man of a boyfriend 'gross' was a bit of a digression. Despite her new comfort level with him, in the books, Bella was still always very taken by Edward when she saw him and was with him.
We reached Edward then, and he held out his hand for mine. I took it eagerly, forgetting, for a moment, my glum mood. His skin was, as always, smooth, hard, and very cold. He gave my fingers a gentle squeeze. I looked into his liquid topaz eyes, and my heart gave a not-quite-so-gentle squeeze of its own. Hearing the stutter in my heartbeats, he smiled again.
- New Moon, Chapter 1, page 9
*In all fairness and comfort--to me, if no one else--I don't think Bella displayed any fascination on her face when looking at the dog in New Moon did she?*
I think the closest we got to seeing Kristen's #WBL was when she saw Carlisle's black Mercedes and exclaimed, "It's them. They're back!"
And then in Eclipse (the movie) that 'in awe of Edward' was really nonexistent, wasn't it? Maaaaay-beee we got a glimpse of it right when she said yes to Edward's marriage proposal. Okay we got a glimpse of it just before she said, 'yes' to Edward, but I think she was more enamored with how she looked at Jasper.
In the book during the scene when Bella awoke to find herself in bed lying next to Edward, even with as dark as it was, you know she was surprised and awestruck.
I tensed, waiting for the fury -- both his and mine -- but it was only quiet and calm in the darkness of his room. I could almost taste the sweetness of reunion in the air, a separate fragrance from the perfume of his breath; the emptiness when we were apart left its own bitter aftertaste, something I didn't consciously notice unitl it was removed.
-Eclipse, Chapter 8, page 185
So ... I've been waiting, hoping, and praying that of all the things they will probably screw up in these movies, this wouldn't be one of them.
Then this picture hit.
See it?? Thank f*ck it's back!!!
And I did a little happy dance.
But still, this is just one picture, right?
Let's refer back to the book, Breaking Dawn.
All I really saw was Edward's face; it filled my vision and overwhelmed my mind. His eyes were a buttery, burning gold; his perfect face was almost severe with the depth of his emotion. And then, as he met my awed gaze, he broke into a breathtaking smile of exultation. -Breaking Dawn, Chapter 3, pg 48
See...even Bella knew she expressed an 'awed gaze' when it came to seeing Edward. So as my hopes were piqued slightly, out comes the trailer and we get this.
We have #WBL!!!!!
This just gives me all kinds of hope that Kristen has been instructed on really expressing the
wonder and
awe that Bella continues to feel throughout the last book--
that sense we all felt as we read.
...when I turned to answer him, the sunlight on his face stunned me into silence. Breaking Dawn, Chapter 26, pg 523 ** ** ** ** ** **
There's another matter I wanted to bring up and get your thoughts on, which may be in slight contrast to the above. Maybe not.
I've said previously that I hoped Stephenie Meyer would complete and release Midnight Sun in between the release of Breaking Dawn I and Breaking Dawn II as a way to keep the interest in the series going. I think it would be fantastic and a genius way to revitalize any fans whose interest may be waning.
But two things have come out that when looked at together, could indicate that it may be much longer before Stephenie finishes Midnight Sun, if at all. {gasp} And I'm not talking about what she has said--because we all know I prefer to read between the lines and draw my own theories.
I recently acquired The Twilight Saga's the official illustrated guide, (as a gift <3!) and for those of you who do not have a copy of this, one of its features is highlighting each character and including some of their famous quotes, indicating in which book they are said.
Guess what one of my favorite quotes is?
"Oh, and also, I'm wretchedly in love with you." -Edward Cullen
Okay, so it is not a quote as in he said it ...out loud *snickers*. He thought it to himself in Midnight Sun, as well as so many other wonderful lines. There are also quotes from Charlotte and Peter in Midnight Sun, as well as Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Carlisle. The point is, none of these quotes are acknowledged in The Official Guide.
Wouldn't it have made more sense to finish Midnight Sun before doing the guide? That way, wouldn't there then have been more to include in The Official Guide?
Am I making you feel sick over this? I'm sorry if I am. Truly. I love, love, loved
Midnight Sun. I think a lot of us did. Seeing a little interaction between Edward and Emmett in school was priceless. Knowing Edward's reactions as he eavesdropped on the conversation between Jessica and Bella the day after the restaurant was absolutely amazing. We all know we love our EPOV in our beloved fanfiction stories.
So here's the next thing....I have two theories. (shout out to the movie 'Conspiracy Theory' starring Julia!)
Did Stephenie work out a consolation prize for all of us with Bill Condon and Melissa Rosenberg? What do you mean TongueTwied? I'll tell ya.
Despite the fact that the movies have always been told from Bella's voice and now with the Breaking Dawn book we had the looming threat that Jacob's voice could take over to tell the story as it is in the book...instead, did they do that..[.what's it called again? Oh yeah, a compromise]...and decide to allow Edward's POINT OF VIEW to narrate some of the story in the movie? It's Edward's vow we hear in the trailer, is it not?
B) Or, is it possible with my original plan, Midnight Sun will be released in between the two movies and it will go hand and hand with the movie if and only if Breaking Dawn part 1 (at least) is presented partly from Edward's POV. Could you imagine hearing Edward's thoughts of thinking he was going to lose Bella, what he thought of having a baby girl, and his reaction to Jacob imprinting on her.
Is it possible that when we see Edward throwing Jacob across the room in the trailer it is in reaction to Edward realizing Jacob imprinted on his baby?
(Ya know...these are just little fantasy theories I come up with regarding a fantasy world. We don't need to debate if I could or could never be right regarding them, or if it would or would never happen. I write all this in fun.)
Back to the wonderment...
I'm also looking forward to Edward getting past some of the brooding and busting out some wonderous gaze too because as I read it, Edward shows a lot of wonder in BD II at both Bella and Renesmee. Think about it---the satisfaction on his face as he watches her jump out of the window, hunt for the first time, take on Jacob, then take on Emmett arm wrestling, when he realizes she is shielding the entire family, and, of course, when he realizes she can let her shield down and he can read her mind.
"What an amazing creature she is," Edward murmured...He was both dazzling and dazzled.
-Breaking Dawn, Chapter 26, page 523
** One final thing **
Showed the Breaking Dawn trailer to hubby, pausing it on the wedding guests and telling him how Wyck, Stephenie, and Melissa were in the movie and thought I'd share his reaction.
"What, Hardwick wasn't invited after everything she did for them?" -Mr. ATP
Uhhhh...he's kind of right, isn't he? I bet according to Summidiot, Catherine Hardwick was hanging with Lou the day that they filmed.
**And since Anon brought it up in the comments, to see my other big hope for Breaking Dawn II that Edward's reading Bella's mind at the end is a montage of film clips go see this
post. It has amazing videos in it!**
Have a great weekend!!!