Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Join The Twilight Saga Craze

Join the Twilight Saga Craze
Join the Twilight Saga Craze

Sexiest Ward Alive, July TwiPeople Cover

With the last day of the month upon us after an exciting few weeks, it's time to sneak in a TwiPeople cover.

I'm not sure what an ode to some of my favorite fanfiction stories would be without a cover dedicated to 'The Office.' This story was the first Edward/Bella smut I read...or should I say Mr. Cullen/Ms. Swan? It was the first story I read where the characters were in their twenties.

For a lot of you it might have been your first fanfiction story. I know most of you have read it so I'm not going to go into a lengthy summary or review of the story. I will say that the story itself packs a punch and was heavily influential on me and my willingness to dive deeper into fanfiction. Was that true for you as well?

I think I have said this before, but if only the headquarters at GQ knew that their 2009 photoshoot of Rob in the corporate power suit and the perfect hair would be perfect advertising for a fanfiction story. There is such a desire to bring to life fanfiction stories through banners and videos, right? The GQ suit pictures succeeded in bringing to life a whole new character most of us never knew we were ready for---Beautiful Bastard.

And so chickadees, this month our favorite panty-ripping, full service conference or lingerie dressing room pleasure giver, elevator sex god, likes orange juice when he gets sick, brings cookies to his niece's tea party, wants to wisk us away and show us Paris IS our cover Ward!!

Stunning. Stunning. Stunning. by 17ForeverLisa.

In a lot of ways, he's our gold standard of Wards!

I know several of you are newer to fanfiction who have recently read it, and it seems it still holds up as a really well-told story. And who can argue with all the shock value sex? But there are some of us who still hold it near and dear to our fanfiction luvin' hearts, like @TwiloveSue. Months back when @TwiLoveSue was checking out the TwiPeople covers she had emailed and said she hoped we would be covering 'The Office' because that was one of her favorites. So Sue, we thought it would be fitting to dedicate this month's issue to you!!!

When kiTT told me she wanted to dedicate this TwiPeople cover to @TwiloveSue for her hospitality and for suggesting awhile back that we feature Beautiful Bastard on an upcoming cover, I couldn't think of anything to write. Sue's not hospitable. I didn't know she liked The Office, either. Just kiTTing! My bestie, Sue, has a ginormous heart. She was my roomie in Forks, the one who called me during the Twi Convention so I could try and hear the Q&A with the Holy Trinity, the one who called me from the Eclipse premiere tent city/red carpet, and the one who opened her home to me when I went to the San Diego Comic-Con last week. Her hospitality knows no bounds. I know she's read a few *coughseventeenthousandcough* fics and that The Office is one of her favorites. The Office was one of the original BIG stories and still holds a special place in the hearts of readers and ff history. And, I'll have you know, it's actually one I've read too. Love ya, Sue! Hope you enjoy the cover.   ~Lisa

Hope everyone enjoys the cover and that it illuminates Beautiful Bastard in all his glory (ok well not ALL his glory *looks forward to Rob in Bel Ami*) in a way that completely compliments your fond memories of the story.

And recently Creations by Jules was told me how much she loved the BB and was hoping to pay tribute to him through a future desktop, sooooooooo we decided to coordinate. Her vision of the Beautiful Bastard is just as amazing as ours and is a must see!!! Click here to go to her website and download yourself a new desktop!!!! Thanks @creationsjules for doing such a beautiful job and wanting to link up with us!

I feel like the mention of 'The Office' is going to bring up a lot of stories. Errr....I mean about many of us finding fanfiction or perhaps bonding with others over this story. Did you think I wanted you to tell me about your office trysts? Well feel free if you want to share those too, I guess!

~kiTT & Lisa

Rabu, 27 Juli 2011


Welcome to the Extra Innings of this knuckle-biting baseball game!!!


I know you were hoping to be benched today, but you're not! Your birthday is a great time to say how thankful so many of us are for your support with our fanfiction stories. When it comes to fanfiction, your style is to say what you like and spread the joy of what you enjoyed! The fanfiction is a huge part of this fandom, and your contribution to it is vast whether it's just been the enthusiasm you have voiced about a story, tweeting updates, the recommendations you have given, being relentless about your love of certain characters, the positive comments you have left, feedback as a pre-reader, beta-ing stories, celebrating FF stories on TwiPeople covers, and making story banners. Everyone appreciates the tremendous amount of support you give them!

Wanna know my fav part of your love for FF? I know your mind goes a little foggy sometimes so I here's a hint!

What a great gift to me and these story authors that you were willing to take on
TwiPeople Sexiest Ward Alive Covers! They have all been homeruns!

So here is a gift to you!!!

{Made by Robmusement}

And now on to some fun drabble!!!

When you get to be your age, you start thinking,
 "Am I ready for a lift?"

Even Kellan wants to be your friend!!!


{thnx Rena}


A card from your friend Fran:

There isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said about you. It's clear to us you all that you are well loved, admired, and appreciated by all of us fangirl h00rs. I suspect you know what it's like being sought after, hounded, photographed much like our Precious Rob and Jackson have. Look at all these pictures we've taken along side of you. So I'll borrow one of our favorite lines, written by our beloved Kate. A birthday wish from me, to you:

"Wishin on a star was like printing your name in a book which would journal your life story--that's what my daddy told me. If you filled the pages with words like hope and friends and courage, then your own star might be drawn down shining a light directly onto you." - Seventeen Men by Conversed

Well it's clear your star continues to be drawn down shining a light directly onto you, so that friends like me get pulled toward your light. Thank you for the seemingly 'little' things like waiting to read the last chapter of Seventeen Men with me.  I held it all in for you, you know. I thought it would be a bad idea if you didn't have a strong shoulder to lean into, so I was strong for both of us. Can I just say that was the best part of our trip, followed by our own alone time with Jackson. Once again, to repay you for that honor I held my shit together when I was really as excited as you were. You deserve every good thing you've gotten, with my wises for many more to come.

Happy Birthday to my own star.


Take me out to Lisa's ball game.
Take me out to the slash crowd.
I don't care if I never go back!!
{from me and Fran}
[credit to @stephanies74 for the brilliance that is 'p33nuts']

And now an array of some fabulous FanFiction story banners!!!

Coming Soon!

{From the fabulous Jayla}

{From me and Robmusement}

Summary:  When Edward Cullen joined the majors he was running from the girl that broke his heart. It was up to his coach to help him find his potential as a baseball player and forgiveness in his heart.

Looking forward to reading this fic?

An actual Fanfiction recommendation for you! Something about it made me think of you!

by eternallyaddicted

Summary:  Lonesome and second-guessing his career as a baseball player, Edward never imagined that it would only take one foul ball to turn his world upside down. Would he embrace it, or would he strike out, never knowing true love?

kiTT's note: Baseballward plays for the St. Louis Cardinals.

How about another b/w picture of Rob?

Whoa who would tease Lisa about her age like that? Oh yeah, the braTT would!

And for the

Please visit Korrissaa's FF page for a special
prequel to "Angel of God"


Happy Birthday Lisa!

Unfie and I wondered if you would like to read about Jasper's date night. Just ping us when you have time to read 17 drabbles, plus one for each of the kids.
Have a wonderful day!
Kate & Monica



Keep up the pace!

Extra Innings w/Grand Slam http://www.tonguetwied.blogspot.com/ <-----YOU ARE HERE
Derelicts Underneath the Bleachers http://www.twitarded.blogspot.com/

**Special thanks to Rena, Fran, Jayla, Korrissaa,Kate, Monica! Extra special thanks to Jeanette, Corben B., Jackson and Rob for making this post everything it was!!!

The Twilight Saga Eclipse

The Twilight Saga Eclipse
The Twilight Saga Eclipse

Senin, 25 Juli 2011



Eat Your Heart Out, Ethan Hawke

{stolen from thecoldshower}

Sure we could call it acting, but something tells me Uma was just going with it and enjoying every moment. After all, that's what we would do! I have no problem with Uma walking away saying she got some satisfaction from doing love scenes with Rob for the big screen.

I hope Ethan gets a chance to see 'Bel Ami'.

Speaking of Paris, we've got the next TwiPeople cover coming up this week! It's gonna be a hot one!!!


**I'm implying more here jsyk. I've always been a fan of Ethan's work but not his personal choices that led to his divorce from Uma. That's all.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Msg in a Bottle

When I was at the beach last week I caught a glimpse of something shimmering in the water.

It was a ways away so I mostly ignored it, but it kind of sparkled in the sun so I couldn't help but to smile and think of Edward.

It made it's way a little closer toward the beach.

Then it came into view more a little more clearly! It was a bottle that
looked like it was carrying a message.

Sing-A-Long if you need to!

Is it an SOS to the world?

It was just kind of washing back and forth and I couldn't quite get to it.

Then I caught sight of something and I was suddenly reminded
how in the book New Moon when Bella got pulled out of the water
by Jacob she remembered seeing just a little bit of fire red, which turned
out to be Victoria's hair.

So really....Could it be?

Holy Shit!!! It is her! It really is!

I waited for her to dock and watched to see if any other beachgoers went after her.
There were a lot of curious people, but I made my way over and scooped her up, said hello, and read the message!

My reaction to finding this was Oh no, Mrs. P you've got a ways to go! You're still all the way over here on the East Coast!

Still, it was nice to run into a familiar face while I was on vacation.

Small world.
(as I always expected)

I wished her safe voyage, told her to watch out for pirates, and tossed her ship back into the Atlantic Ocean for the long journey ahead.

That was a week ago today!

I was hoping she navigated her way there and found her friends @17ForeverLisa, @TwiloveSue, & @TwiredJen.

But I think she scored a whole other ticket in! Rob is looking very happy at his little find, isn't he?

I bet Bear spotted her first!!! Enjoy, Mrs. P!!!


Now, I Thought The First Movie

Now, I thought the first movie
Now, I thought the first movie