Selasa, 30 November 2010

TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive

Twelve months away.

One whole year to get through.

Four changes of seasons.

350ish days to go still...

Yes we have that long a time to wait until the November 2011 inevitabilities of seeing Breaking Dawn I on the big screen and :BONUS: seeing Rob Pattinson named as People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive. So as a lead-in to these two big events 17ForeverLisa and I have collaborated to offer a monthly reminder that you'll be able to use to count down to next November. As long as you all are willing to overlook that both of us have pending promised posts that we have yet to get to and separately each admit to be procrastinators.

         Ryan Reynolds may be good enough for
most People,
but wouldn't you agree that TwiPeople like us need someone of our very own?
So in the grand tradition of a Twi-Festivous for the rest of us...presenting the very first issue of:

Pick up your copy today and use it to fan yourself if necessary!

Really who better to kick off this year-long celebration than Fifty from Master of the Universe? Fifty is loved so much that I can't promise this is the last we'll see of him. Rumor has it, another issue will have design plans to make your very own Red Room in your home that both your subconscious AND your inner goddess will be doing somersaults over!!!

We'll try to get the December edition out sooner than the last day of the month! And let's keep it interesting, shall we? Think you'll know exactly who will be on all 12 months of the covers? Maybe. Maybe not. We promise to have a few surprises along the way!

Would you like a shot at nominating your favorite WARD for a future cover?

One lucky TwiPeep will win the chance to have their favorite WARD grace the cover of TwiPeople by doing the following:  

(1) Be or become a follower of this blog
And then
(2) Leave a note in the comments of this post that says "CYW" (Cover Your Ward)
with your email address, only if I don't already have it or email me privately if you don't want it all out there.

A winner will be selected randomly and that chickadee will get to tell us which WARD she thinks deserves to be the SEXIEST WARD ALIVE one upcoming month!!!

And as my month-long birthday celebration comes to a close, I again wanted to thank everyone for their wishes! And this idea would not even be possible without the crafty technical skillz of Lisa, who as you might suspect, was willing to oblige my idea to pay tribute in this way to Fifty! She really knows how to put the ka-ching in pizazz, doesn't she?

Do tell in the comments if you are ordering a subscription!!!

Rabu, 24 November 2010

It's Been A Year Since My Encounter with Rob

I know Rob, thinking back on that day is special to me too, but it's a heartwarming story
that I want to share with everyone!

November 2009 was an eventful month for me last year, truly like life-altering, but I believe that was the case for most of us, so I wanted to reminisce, celebrate, and give thanks with you guys!

So forget the Thanksgiving fixin's, let's all remember that this time last year we purged ourselves on the appetizers aka movie spoilers before the feast that was New Moon in the theaters several times. We were all gorging ourselves on the dessert that was watching Rob, Kristen, and Taylor on every guest appearance they did. And rewatching Rob. And rewatching Rob until we were stuffed.

This time last November I had just celebrated my 30sumpthin' birthday and was completely immersed in this new world! I had recently read the Twilight books, delighted in Midnight Sun, was watching Twilight daily-ish, was deep into reading fanfiction, lurking at Twitarded, having Rob dreams, etc.

Essentially, my heart was having a smitten-filled crush on all things Twilight, Edward, and Rob. Crushes are fine, when you are married, as long as they don't develop into something more that cross the line. Mine was all still very hush, hush (not from Mr. ATP.) But, it was a secret crush with no real visible evidence to the outside world.

But that all changed...the day I had an unplanned uncounter with Rob
Mr. Pattinson
Mr. Sex on Legs

I was left with my head spinning, so I don't remember the exact day or time. I was at the grocery store. It is possible I was there shopping for Thanksgiving dinner, possibly with my daughter, possibly without. I don't remember, and I'm embarrassed to say that all things around me disappeared when I saw him. It was just me and him in that room, and a grocery cart that I was using as a crutch to hold me up.

Our eyes met, and my heart leapt out of my chest. In fact, my whole body vibrated from the shock and excitement of seeing him. It was soo unexpected. I hadn't gone looking for him that day. I don't think I even knew he was in town, and I guess I shouldn't have been surprised he was at the grocery store or even what business he had there, but I was.

There he was, staring at me with bedroom eyes. know the ones.
(Yes, those!)

He never took his eyes off me, and I thought to myself, Should I? Just this once? No one has to know. At that one moment, he was truly my heart's desire. So with a smirk on my face, butterflies in my stomach, and little sparks in my heart I reached out to Rob and made him mine, and I've never looked back.

Yes chickadees, that was the day I picked up VF Rob and took him home with me, to keep forever. It was my very first Robp0rn. And it was practically a centerpiece of my Thanksgiving spread last year. And thus this became the first outward sign to the world that I was crazy about Robert Pattinson. That my obsession with Twilight went beyond Edward and extended to RPattz.

So won't you share in celebrating with me the anniversary of this very special event by looking through some very hawt VF Robp0rn provided below, and if you feel so inclined, when you are giving thanks tomorrow for all the spoils in your life, include Rob, Vanity Fair, and photographer, Bruce Weber!! I know I will.

Very Fine!

                                            Very Frigginhawt!!!

        Very Fantastic!

                                            Very Forlorn over me obviously.
                       Very Friendly.
Very  F*ckable!

(Wait for it...)


Looking back a year later, I have no regrets. That day I bought myself a gift that would turn out to be the first of many.

Thanks to Aice who related this to BH, 90210 with her reference: Like that time Kelly went in and bought the engagement ring Brandon returned.  See it @4:35  Gotta LOVE my friend Alice, even if she doesn't totally love on Rob!]
 Last December's Vanity Fair issue asked "Can 100 Million Screaming Twilight Fans Be Wrong?"

Dear Vanity Fair, make that 101 Million. Also, with all those outtakes, wouldn't it have made sense to just publish a second month full of Rob? You would have made 2x the money. Maybe they could have given some of the money to charity or something. Ya know?

"Ugh! Why didn't I think to suggest that?"

I know, Rob, I know. I believe their next issue had an exposed-to-be-a-cheaterTiger Woods on it. Raise your hand if you bought THAT issue? It's like I always say, Rob...

(Made for me by Robmusement)

Here's an idea...Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, and remember that I'm thankful for all of you!

Feel free to tell me in the comments what your first Robp0rn was, what your favorite VF picture was, and not throw tomatoes at me for tricking you into thinking that I had really met Rob! If that is what you thought then allow me to reintroduce myself, "Hi! I'm TT, and I'm a braTT!"

Thank you so much to 17ForeverLisa for making me a celebratory Vanity Fair Rob banner!

After you take the time to comment, come back and click onto here to see the dieTwihard HAWTEST F*CKIN' enhanced picture of Rob from WaterforElephants! It was definitely "his good side" when speaking photography angles!!!
It will blow your mind.
There are no words for it.

{Picture Source VanityFair}

Senin, 22 November 2010

The Boys Help Me Come to Terms with My Age

So I've had a little trouble 'accepting' my new age this month. I had to take some time to reflect on it and where I am in my life. Are any of us ever where we thought we'd be by a certain age? To say I've been 'derailed' once or twice in my lifetime would be an understatement of the jumping Rob variety. How does someone with only two feet have 'the other shoe' dropped so many times?  Everytime I've ever hit my stride crossing the bridge, some evil little troll comes up from under the bridge and trips me. So I've thought about my age and came up with a few things that make me very happy.

Jax....I'm still in my 30s. I'm still young enough for YOU and Mohawtie!

Happy Dance it out for me boys!!!

And guess what Rob, you aren't THAT young for me--I mean we are BOTH of legal age to buy and consume lots of alcohol and have fun together. Sound good?

And apparently I'm the perfect age for any one of these guys seeing as I'm older than Megan Fox but younger than Luke Perry.
Thanks to LivingwithEdward and DangrDafne (how awesome is that?)!

Most importantly, I've decided I am the perfect age to LOVE Twilight, have a blog, lust over my celebrity crushes, write fanfiction, laugh with new people in my life who share in my Twilight love, read fanfiction, hang out with my friends, surprise my family, work like a dog, be a braTT, hire a housekeeper, love my husband to pieces, and be a caring mom.
[okay well I'd like to hire a housekeeper]

Come back this Wednesday because I plan on celebrating what I can only describe as something

Quick note:  I've seen People Magazine, as in I flipped through it this weekend while in line at the grocery store. If Rob was in it, I missed him. Kellan did a wonderful spread with a picture of him shirtless with "For Sale" written on it. Ummmm...Kellan, don't tempt us like that. But as far as I could tell, the SEXIEST GUY in there was the BLACK & WHITE print ad a few pages in of James Franco. I do like him, but I sat there dumbfounded at his little video short I watched on the "Love & Distrust" DVD I rented--which includes 'The Summer House.' Franco is in an upcoming movie about the hiker that cut off his arm, which Brian the Movie Guy out of Seattle has stated is OSCAR worthy. You can check out his review here.

In the meantime, I've got a question for you.

Will this kiss lead to Edward 'giving in' to Bella's seduction in place of the sex after the dream in the book version of Breaking Dawn or will it just be one more time Edward performs a self cockblockectomy and tells her, "No more sparkly good-n-plenty until I've poisoned you with my venom and left you a bloodthirsty, high-school poser???"

Meet Alice in the comments with your predictions!

Rabu, 17 November 2010

SURPRISE???? Well Jumping Rob Me!!!!!!

     Look Who Jumped Out of My Birthday Cake!!!!

How the Jumping Rob did he even fit in there?

So it probably seems like I'm a spoiled braTT (cuz I jumping Rob am) with this whole 'I celebrate my birthday all month long' but the thing is that with everyone's schedules I usually have different get togethers with various family members and friends and I never, ever actually celebrate on my actual day.

Guess who else decided to come to one of my birthday celebrations....

And he did....

   So what's this now? I've gotta answer trivia questions and stuff? Do I get to cheat and use my books?

I'mma be around soon as I put the mini to bed!

And fyi, the last celebration I had, Mr. ATP declared,
"It's not a party without the Cullens!"


People's Sexiest Man Alive Named And It's...

Not Rob????

WTJumpingRob, People Magazine? I'm not getting any younger here...In fact, quite the opposite this month.

There's just something about the guy that won the title this year that I just couldn't give a jumping Rob about!!!
(Thanks LivingwEdward)

By the way, I've been cursing WAAAAYYY too much lately and decided I needed to clean it up. I've been trying to finish "Emancipation Proclamation" (really Fran, I'm working on it) but one paragraph into reading Mafiaward's POV and I'm all eFF this and eFF that!!

So back to Anyone named Sexiest Man Alive Who is Not Rob...

Who gives a Jumping Rob about him? I couldn't give a Jumping Rob about him! I don't give a Jumping Rob about what they said!! How the Jumping Rob did this happen? 

Now look, poor Rob is sulking, all taking his bat, balls, and fine ass away.

"Hey! Wait for me Rob! I'll go with errr, console you. We'll make a long weekend out of it."
This calls for a special Rob montage with lots of tongue.

See you guys back on Monday!

What in Jumping Rob is going on now?

Minggu, 14 November 2010

How To Get Rob to Touch You!!!

I've got it figured out now.

You're a fan, like me. You come into close proximity to Rob and you don't want to just have 2 seconds of screaming and jumping on him *ahem* we're IN PUBLIC HERE and then being pulled away by Dean. You're not sure what to say to him or how long you'll have to even talk to him but you just think, "God if I could just get this man to lay his hands on me somehow."  

Well I now have the perfect line to supply in such a situation, and it is all compliment of Rob's codependentco-star {and co-sumpthin'}Kristen. It obviously has worked for her so well that she continues to use it on Rob year after year, movie after movie, event after event.

Write this down.

After all, I'm sharing a trade secret here that I should just be reserving for myself, but I'm in a generous mood this month. Probably the holidays.

Preface it according to the situation, and the line should end...

"Rob, don't let me fall."

"I'm scared of being so high up in this tree. Rob, don't let me fall."
[reaches out a reassuring hand]
"Don't worry. I won't." -Rob

"I think whatever is in this drink is going right to my head and I feel dizzy. Rob, don't let me fall."
[lightly places fingers on hip]
"Don't worry. I won't." -Rob

"It's just been such a long exhausting day and I can barely hold myself up any longer. Rob, don't let me fall."
[places hand around shoulder]
"Don't worry. I'll hold you up." -Rob

"Look at these heels? I'm so afraid if I take one step in them I am going to trip and fall flat on my face in front of all these people."
"Like what happened at the MTV Awards!" [laughs] -Rob
"Yeah, thanks for bringing that up. Just don't let me fall.'
[Hooks a finger around hers reassuringly.]
 "Don't worry. I'll keep you from a repeat performance." -Rob

Yes chickadees, it is that simple!!!
Rob is a caring person, and if presented to him the right way, that is, voicing a sudden fear of falling down in his presence, he would surely reach out and lend a steady hand to you, and you would get to experience his magical touch.

This kind of info is better than any 'beauty secret of the stars' as far as I'm concerned.

So remember, with each new picture that comes where the cameras aren't filming Edward and Bella but instead the the image captured is of Rob and Kristen, take a minute to study it and figure out what excuse Kristen used this time that you can 'borrow' for when you meet Rob and can find yourself asking him for a little support.

More possibilities that could be used:

"Wow, I inhaled too quickly with this cigarette and feel a little lightheaded. Rob, don't let me fall."

"Just had some ice cream. Brainfreeze. Rob, don't let me fall."

"Whoa caffine rush! I had like 5 cups of coffee this morning! Rob, don't let me fall."

"I just listened to another angry voicemail from my ex-boyfriend. I feel so weak. Rob, don't let me fall."

"Feeling faint, because I think I just spontaneously conceived our baby, Rob. Don't let me fall."

Think you'll never have your chance to use one of Kristen's lines?

You gotta have faith
"I know all the games you play, because I play them too."

that one day Rob will Lay His Hands on you...

[Picture of Rob and Kristen at top of waterfall in Brazil. Her hand on his shoulder and she's pointing his attention off in the distance.]
"See over there! It's the stalker guy I keep telling you I have. I'm feeling so exposed and vulnerable that I think I might lose consciousness. Rob, don't let me fall and drown in the water below."
"What are you talking about? That's just Tom! I'm starting to think you'll use any excuse to try to butter my biscuit! But don't worry, I won't let you fall."

Oh that Kristen is a sly one!! I'll bet she never even uses the same 'excuse' twice. I'll be watching for more pictures and taking notes for more possible reasons.

So what excuse will you use on Rob? Share them in the comments!

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Edward, You Weren't My First...

That's right! Edward you may have been Bella's first but not mine.
"How could that be when I've been around 60 some more years than you TT?"
{This is not a post about losing one's virginity. If you want to read about those in the fandom then you need to head to Twitarded. And girls if you wrote about it there, guess what I read all about it. I didn't write about mine, but I did have some first time similarities to Bella's. I was in love. I was on an island--not a hot, tropical one though. Just a little one you had to use a car ferry to get to. We're not talking a honeymoon destination, chickadees and it was long before I got married. Last time I checked, Isle Esme didn't have a church youth group camp.}

What I'm talking about is a fictional, rich boyfriend, and Edward this guy was my first.

I loved Alfonso's moves, but my heart belonged to Ricky.

But technically, it all started 
much earlier than him being a teenager.

Yes friends it goes thisssssssssssssssssss far back!
I wanted to kiss those freckles, ride that train around the house, and go do a "Dine and Ditch" on a date with him.
[side note: What do Ricky's dad and Bella's dad have in common?]

"And that's it? don't like that guy anymore? Or did you expect me to be jealous over him? I mean look at the guy. He's like Mike Newton overdosed on cotton candy."

Edward he was sweet and we were young. But then he went and married someone else young and went away for a lot of years. When I saw him again he was so different! Insisted on being called 'Rick' and using a fake New York accent.  

"Then we are still good TT."

Well, I mean there were others. Everyone has a past, right? [nervous chuckle] But there was really only one other than you that really meant something to me.

 "Who was he?"

He was just someone that was an important part of my life on and off for about ten years with the potential of him showing up again at any moment. I'm sorry to risk hurting you Edward, but you should know these things before we go any further. 

"Were you in love him TT?"

Yes. I mean I thought I was.

"Do you still love him? Do you want to be with him?"

NO!!!! I want you Edward.

"Then just tell me who it is and we'll deal with it. Wait it's not that dickkety dog Jacob is it?"

No!!! How could you even think that! You still just need to brace yourself.

"Oh God! There's only one thing this former fictional, rich boyfriend
of yours could have had that would piss me off and make me really jealous...he didn't...I mean... was his hair cooler than mine?"

[hangs head]

I'm sorry, Edward

And his forehead was kind of high like yours too Edward, which is a sign of intelligence.

"Uggh, that hurt me TT."

Who was your first?

And do you think Luke will return to 90210?

Thanks to Jeanette whose sense of humor always gets me skipping down 80s memory lane with a shootoff into the 90s. If you need a laugh you should definitely youtube Carlton dancing on "Fresh Prince."

If you haven't seen the latest Hillywood Eclipse parody I think you should allott yourself the 13 minutes and watch it because there is some serious making fun of the characters and, in my opinion, Rob and Kristen in it. Also, the Bella and Edward actors really nailed replicating the exact movements and facial expressions of particular scenes in the movie. The whole thing is funny.

PS: If you aren't following me on tumblr you are missing out on gems like this:

"Your turn to take the helm, babe." -Rob

And this...
Some people really get testy on planes.

Senin, 08 November 2010

Book Release Announcement: "Shades of Atlantis"

I'm beyond thrilled to share this news with everyone today!!!

One of our fellow Twi-bloggy buddies, Carol Oates (aka Alitriona, aka Eila), is so knee-deep in the Twilight world you would think she has time for nothing else.

First and foremost...A working mother? Naturally!!

Lover of Twilight?  Clearly!!

Obessive Cullen Disease and fangirl of Rob?  Absolutely!!

Runs a Twilight blog? You betcha!!

Inspired by Twilight enough to....

Write fanfiction, make fanfiction videos, and banners?
YES! Yes! and Yes!!! And she does it all FANTASTICALLY well too!!

Her fanfiction "Random Angels" is now complete. 
If you missed my review of her story you can
read it here. Link on the side of my blog as always!

. So what's a busy girl like that do in her not-devoted-to-Twilight spare time?

Write a novel, of course!

"As a reader of this blog, I'm delighted TongueTwied could be one of the very first to announce the official release of Shades of Atlantis. Shades has many meanings in regards to the story. Shades in terms of color, shade as the place between light and darkness where someone may find themselves protected or kept from the truth, or the old meaning of shades -- ghosts, in this case, an inescapable legacy.

If you decide to read the book, I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to let me know what you think. I can be found around twitter, facebook and on my website Thanks!"
                                                                                                    -- Carol
Shades of Atlantis
Book release today, November 9, 2010

You can read a summary on Carol's blog:

It is available through Omnific Publishing (and summary given) through this link:

{FYI:  Alice Clayton's book The Unidentified Redhead has also been published through Omnific. She currently writes the fanfiction story 'Edward Wallbanger.' I'm a chicken, are you?}

Please join me in wishing Carol all the best with her first publication! I know so many of us aspire to be published writers, and I'm so happy to be able to announce her publication so we may all share in her success and be inspired to strive to reach our own goals and dreams!

Congratulations Carol!

You are an amazingly talented writer, and I am so looking forward to reading Shades of Atlantis and your future publications!

Of note, Carol is also participating in the NaNo Insanity this month. And you can read about the interesting premise for her story here, which deals with vampires, but before you assume that she was inspired by Twilight, you might be interested to learn she 'grew up within shouting distance' of where Bram Stoker was born.

So the most important question (for some of us)!

Is there a role for Rob in the movie adaptation of Shades of Atlantis?
After reading the story's summary, I can think of only one 'devishly handsome' actor to fit the bill.

"Did someone mention Shades..."

Thank you Carol for letting me celebrate you and your achievements on my blog yet again. As always, it is my pleasure and this doesn't count toward our 'Pay It Forward' tally.  :p

Please say you'll go check out Carol's book and leave her some support in the comments!

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Jayla Meets Kellan in Atlantic City!!!!

Let's follow Jayla on another one of her Twilight Adventures! She was accompanied by her friend KellyAnne whose comments are in red.

This time she met none other than...

That's right...KELLAN!!!

Borgata-ween Oct 30-31st

I met KellyAnne (KA) through a mutual friend *waves to Jax* this past summer in NYC during the Volturi Venture’s early showing of Eclipse. Out of the group that attended that event, KA and I were the only brave souls that decided to head to Atlantic City for Borgata-ween (This is about a 3.5 our drive for both of us. (and TT but she wasn't invited, not bitter or anything though!) We just couldn’t pass up the chance to attend Mur. Mur’s Halloween party and host Kellan Lutz.

Okay, I know what you’re thinking… Unlike TT I’m way over the ‘club age’ (Really? LOL)– but I had just decided days before the flyer ended up in my inbox that it would be high unlikely for me to ever meet Kellan. Now that the opportunity had fallen into my lap (gah, was there a chance that Kellan would ended up there too?), I wasn’t going to pass it up.

What to wear? Um, I went as a ‘sexy’ hell’s chef… fire engine red chef jacket, cocktale cocktail apron, fishnets, stilettos, and devil horns; and KA was a gorgeous flapper decked out in her pretty pearls and blue/silver beaded period dress.

Although the doors weren’t scheduled to open until 10pm, we arrived at the club around 9:15pm just to scope out the casino and the crowd. Lots of people were decked out in their Halloween finest (e.g. Victoria’s Secret Angels *gags*, lederhosen clad men and faeries) but people seemed to be milling around, but no one was in line yet. We wandered around a bit then jumped into the quickly forming line. The club staff (minus the bouncers) were all dressed as, you guessed it, vampires *shakes head*. It’s a fairly small club- a square flanked on the right and left sides with bars, one long wall of VIP and three dance floor level VIP sections on three corners of the sunk in dance floor.

                                                              Looks yummy!

KA & I both hoped and prayed to the Twi-gods that our mini adventure wouldn’t turn out to be a wild goose chase. Ya see KA and I were concerned about the tweets regarding Kellan being back in LA, just the day before Borgataween. Anyway, after plying ourselves with a drink or two (or three?) we decide to find a spot to post, pose and people watch. Slowly but surely make our way around the outskirts of the club and stand above an empty VIP section near the DJ.
Around midnight I eventually plucked-up the courage to ask an older female bar-back if Kellan was indeed going to show up. The bar-back just gave me a confused blank stare. I repeated my inquiry and she shouts, “Some Twilight guy is going to be here” [insert eye roll] as she gestured below to the sunk-in VIP area below where KA and I were standing. KA and I glance at one another, not believing our luck. Around 1:15 am, I see an ‘entourage’ of people walking past the bar to my right, and I see a gorgeous smattering of blonde hair, the most virulent blue eyes and a jaw to die for.
                            !Let's Em-met it to ourselves...He. Is. Gorgeous!
I peek at KA and resume my hopefully-not-open-mouth-stare while grabbing her arm tightly. I realize at that moment that he’s going to walk right past where we are standing and I grasp KA’s shoulders to swing her around so she can see why I am gawking and speechless. And there not 2 feet from me is Kellan Lutz, dressed as a boxer – red silken robe, ribbed t-shirt, red boxer’s shorts and black boxing gloves hanging from his neck. He wore a scowl on his face – as if he was a boxer about to enter the ring for a huge fight.
                                         Wanna piece of me?

I'd go a few rounds with

Okay- I was a total fangirl and reached out to touch (yes, just touch) his robed arm from shoulder to elbow, and then KA mimicked my move < mine was more of a full on arm grope, from his hand all the way up to that gorgeous bicep!>. We turned to one another and squeed. Yes, I squeed, in public . At least KA and I were in a club, so no one could actually hear either of us . In the few moments it took Kellan and his friends (roommates we were told later ) to walk to their VIPs seats below us, Kellan had bounded up on to the banquette seats directly in front of KA and I .
We were now face to face with him, and we were in awe. The boxer scowl gone, he wore the most endearing smile and was readily greeting the fans that were now jostling KA and I back and forth. He took his time chatting and greeting everyone who was around. I managed to whip out my mini sharpie and asked him sign the arm of my chef jacket; in the process of grabbing the marker I broke the zipper on my wristlet, classy and klutzy move, right? Due to bad nerves and very bad phone/camera skills I will admit I missed opportunities to take pictures of KA and Kellan together *bows head in shame* . However, KA was nice enough to catch one shot of me receiving the best bear hug ever.
                                                          Jayla, you devil!!!
Kellan dances really well *lets that sink in*, it was especially fun to watch him after he rid himself of the boxer’s robe. And let me just say that no padding was necessary for the Calvin Klein ad *smirks*. (Nice!!!!! And not surprised!)  We hung out watching Kellan for quite a while still enjoying the music and the atmosphere. By the time KA and I wandered back to our room at the Water Club, it was 4am.
                                 So he was dressed as a boxer...

                             boxer briefs...let's check out the size of his....


I can honestly say that the evening was one the best Halloween’s tied only with my 6 year old’s first trick or treating experience. 
                                   !ATLANTIC CITY JACKPOT!
Jayla and KellyAnne,
Thank you so much for sharing your fangirl experience with us and making us all wildly jealous!!! It is always wonderful to hear about a positive Twilight fan encounter and experience!!
leave'em some love in the comments!