Hey chickadees! So I finally saw WFE. I hacked through it and my ears were really congested so I might have missed some of the dialogue, but I'll tell you what, there was nothing wrong with my eyes (once I dabbed them dry after seeing Hal cry in the beginning) and seeing Rob in that safari khaki shirt with the belted pants WHEW BABY *dabs cool cloth to head that hubby thinks is for a fever* Don't ask me why that did it for me but boy did he look HAWT in that getup.
We have another guest blogger, which makes my life so much easier! Back when we ran the Cover Your Ward contest to choose a future TwiPeople cover a few lurkers came out of the woodwork, much to my surprise--I mean who knew I had lurkers?, and it was 'hisbella' that won. You can see her TwiPeople Cover choice of RyeWard here. So I get to chatting with her and she's this Twilight/fanfiction/Rob MEGAfan who is so much fun that's just been hiding herself away, but I think we coaxed her out to play in the fandom sandbox and here's her tale of her WFE fandom date!
The lovely kiTT has been gently prodding me to write a guest post here for months. (Wow I can't even read 'prodding' now without cringing over the thought of a bullhook!)
I finally got up the courage and decided I’d do it! I'm choosing to write about finally meeting UtterlyAbsurdBella, TheOnlyMrsCullen and RobzSinger on opening day of Water for Elephants and give my thoughts on the movie.
I’m a Blog Virgin. Please be gentle…(you are so worried for nothing here! I've never had one mean comment here, i.e., the bestest group of Robfans stop by here!)
Before I get to my ‘review’ of the film that stole a lot of us from our significant others, I wanted to tell you how my day started. I’ve been discussing meeting the ladies mentioned above with one of my best friends. We’re supportive of each other and practically live in each others homes.
“Susie” (name changed in case she ever decides to actually use the internet for things other than shopping!) called me and put me through 20 questions.
“What time are you meeting them?”
“Where are you going?”
“What time do you think you’ll be back?”
What if she sees this movie and decides to run away with the circus?
Let me just say…MY OWN HUSBAND didn’t ask this many questions!The man pushed me out the door and said “Have Fun!” At first I thought: “She’s just wondering what I’m up to.”But, then she launched into the whole internet safety thing…"You know, you never know who you’re talking to on these blog thingies.It could be some psycho who decides to kidnap you.”I chuckled a little at this.Then, it was; “I was talking to so and so and she said that people can tap into your iphone and when you take a picture, they figure out where you are and then they come and get you.It happened, one woman was kidnapped and they did unspeakable things to her.”This from the woman who didn’t know what a ‘blog,' Facebook or tumblr was until I told her. I’m not even that savvy to these things.She literally uses the World Wide Web just for shopping. (Cafepress? HotTopic? Nordstroms?) I began to laugh harder and told her, “I highly doubt some psycho would pose a as a woman of a certain age who is just as obsessed with Twilight/Rob Pattinson as I am.” (he he yeah maybe Harry Potter but no way Twilight!)
UAB, is that you?
I know she was just worried about me.I get that.She just doesn’t understand the whole fandom.(Why don't you have her drop in and meet everyone?) I promptly hung up with her and texted UAB to tell her my funny for the morning.UAB and Kassie thought it was hilarious!
I was nervous about meeting these ladies. (I would be too! Scared shitless!) I am shy naturally, but once I feel comfortable, usually open up. I wasn’t sure if they’d like me or not. We’ve emailed back and forth, but meeting face to face is a whole different ball game. I have a very odd sense of humor, which gets lost on some people. I was greeted with Hugs & Smiles. (AWWW I expected nothing less from them!) We started toward the auditorium only to find out from UAB’s friend Kristen that the room was packed and there were only 3 seats left. I wasn’t having any of that and promptly tried to find someone to help us. After getting 2 seats in one row (2nd row, right of screen – causing a fish bowl effect!!!) and 3 in another, we grouped off. UAB and I sat together. She gave me one of the Eclipse charm necklaces she made. (So very thoughtful, UAB! Thanks Again!) (Oooooh one of those really cute dogtag necklaces she made for the DVD release party that I really, really loved so much and wish I had one...yeah, wow lucky you!) We were twins in our WFE shirts! We giggled, prodded (*cringe* there's that word again) and gave each other excited smiles at each new scene. The poor woman! I jumped numerous times during the film and ending up hitting her. She said she didn’t mind. Realistically, it was probably better I got her, instead of the elderly gentleman to my left. I think Kassie was the youngest person in the room . She said when they arrived so did a large bus full of older'Hal Holbrook's generation' folks. It wasn’t even Wednesday Ladies!!!
After the film, we promptly got in line for the next show and finally got to talk a little. (Yeah, we saw it twice!) Kassie showed me some videos from NYC. I am so jealous! We only waited a few minutes and got much better seats the second time around. I talked with UAB and Robz about twitter and blogging. Robz encouraged me to do this too. Kassie and I talked about fanfiction and different stories we liked. The insane fun began once the movie started. Kassie & I spent most of the time watching but doing a very colorful commentary throughout. We fanned ourselves and poked each other when our favorite “Jacob” showed up. For me, it was him walking through the circus midway in the tux, sans tie. Hello, Mr. Jankowski!!!!
I have never smiled and laughed more just after meeting someone. If you haven’t had the chance to spend time with them, you have to! They were funny, awesome and totally welcoming. I sooo want to watch Breaking Dawn with Kassie, if not for the dirty commentary alone. I hope there are many more adventures with these ladies! I don’t know about Kassie & Robz, but UAB & I were on a “Rob Drunk” the rest of the night!
(Kristen, RobzSinger, Me, UtterlyAbsurdBella & TheOnlyMrsCullen, taken by an older woman wondering if we’d lost our minds!!)
Now I’ll tell ya what I thought of Water for Elephants. If you haven’t seen it yet, you may want to stop reading…there might be spoilers.
Thanks for stopping in…but time to look away if you don't want spoilers.
I really loved this movie. Was it exactly like the book? No, but we all know that you can’t put everything in a book on to the screen. Visually, it was colorful and just lovely. I felt like it was the 1930’s, not some set made to look like a different time period. Casting Hal Holbrook as the older Jacob Jankowski was right on. I could even see some of the same facial mannerisms as Rob. I was sad for the man as he started to tell his story. I teared up a little when Rob was faced with identifying his parents. No one wants to see a loved one like that. This is not “Edward Cullen” or “Tyler Hawkins” here. This is smiling, giggling, drunk off his ass Rob at his finest. You could see/feel his disdain for August’s actions toward Rosie. For once, I think people will see him as a real actor and quit comparing everything to the TwilightSaga.
We never laughed harder than his emergence from the trunk; tassel and all! (Me too! What a great surprise that was!!!!) Trust me, it’s a Rob you’ve never seen before. I think Reese did an excellent job with the animals. You couldn’t pay me enough to get on a 9 ft elephant! She was terrific as Marlena. I thought the screenwriter wrote a much tougher woman than in the book, and she portrayed it well. Christoph Waltz plays August beautifully. He drew you in. You think he is such a nice, generous man, but within the blink of an eye, he showed just how dangerous August was. My stomach turned and I had to look away while he hit Rosie with the bull whip. August deserved everything he got in this film. Tai as Rosie, stole the show, without a doubt. Tai’s interactions with Rob and Reese were adorable. You will feel Rosie flirting with Jacob. You will feel her reluctance and fear with August. You will feel her pain. Jim Norton as “Camel” and Mark Povinelli as "Kinko/Walter" seem to be straight from the book, with little variation. You’ll really like these two characters.
There are so many memorable scenes from this film, but if I could pick one to tell you to watch for…it would be Barbara doing her striptease. Watch Rob, filmed just over her left shoulder. There couldn’t have been a better reaction. If you’ve read Donna W. Scott’s interviews, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
The only thing I was disappointed in *starts to cower in a corner* was the ‘chemistry’ between Jacob & Marlena. I’ve seen all the interviews and Rob & Reese have more chemistry off screen than on. Don’t get me wrong; I like them together on screen, but it just wasn’t it romantically for me. I didn’t feel the “LOVE” until maybe the montage at the end. The kisses were good, the love scene a little hott in a chaste way (despite commentary about the sinus infection). The scene where August confronts them and makes them re-enact their night at the Club was steamier. I still loved it.
I have already told everyone I know that they should go see this film. I’m already planning a date night with the Hubby this week to see it. (3 Years since the last date night, Twilight!) I even tried talking my 90-year-old Grandmother into seeing it.
Go see it, and then go see it again. If I could say one last word…it would be “Brahvo! Qweenee, Brahvo!” (That’s a hint too!)
I rambled a bit, first time jitters and all. Thanks again to UAB, Kassie, Kristen and RobzSinger for meeting me. Ladies, let’s do this again, real soon!
Thanks and Hugs to kiTT for encouraging me do this. I hope it was alright. (you bet it was! Could have only been better if you packed Rob up and sent him to read this to me) You & Lisa (Lisa? Pffft...don't encourage her. She only gets credit on this here blog on TwiPeople cover days)pulled me out of my ‘lurker’ mode. All because of “Ryeward.” I don’t know if I have the guts to do my own blog. Maybe you’ll invite me back sometime. You are the Best!!
**Thank you for sharing your story with us HisBella! I enjoyed your review and the tale of your fandom date with the twilight junkies and robzsinger! You are most welcome back any time! Told you that you were a future blogger!!! So glad you shared here at the TongueTwied blog! **
So I haven't seen WFE yet. Not kiTTing you either. I gotz the strep throat. You know those people that say 'not even strep throat could keep me away from seeing WFE'??? Well they can bite me. I want to go see it tonight but I'm dead on my ass. You might have to send flowers and words of sympathy to my mother at this rate. You raised such a nice h00r--she could be such a funny perv. Yeah, I think my mom would just love to hear that.
In the meantime, we will have a special guest post in the next day or two from HisBella *round of applause* with her wonderful WFE experience. In the words of Emmett...something to look forward to...
So while I was online this morning looking for showtimes for 'Water for Elephants' I came across a banner at the AMC site saying they would be showing 'Top Gun' in theaters for two special showings to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of this movie.
25 years ago? Really? Nut uhh!
Something about this upcoming event speaks to me! I was too young to see this movie in the theaters, and my parents were lame and sent me to bed when they watched a copy of it someone had recorded for them from cable. I think I finally watched the movie at a friend's house when I was a teenager. But I know to some of my friends that are only about four to eight years older than me that this was THEE movie for them (outside of the john hughes films). That one movie that still makes them sigh and comforts them. (Like Twilight is for us) It just struck a chord in them and spoke everything to them--1986 Tom Cruise, sex, shirtless guys on the beach, breaking the rules with a forbidden romance, friendship between guys, danger, legacy, hot bad guy, cool motorcycle rider, the bad boy with a good heart, the bad boy with a sad backstory, guys in uniforms, guys in sunglasses, the zest of a young married couple, and the heartache we all felt when Goose died. Not to mention a great soundtrack--this movie had a string of hits on the radio including introducing a whole new generation to The Righteous Brothers.
Check out the new trailer!
With the flying of the jets and Tom's million-dollar smirk, I just think there would be something extra special to seeing this movie on the big screen. You know the beauty of 'Top Gun' was that it was a chick flick with appeal to men. Not that I think guys want to see it more than once, but in the previews it looked cool to guys.
I love how movies are brought back to the theater for these special anniversary showings. A few years ago my mom and I went to see 'Dirty Dancing' on the big screen and loved it!!! Not that we hadn't seen it already a gazillion and a half times but she had not seen it on the big screen and 'unofficially' I had not seen it on the big screen either.
My hubby and I went to see 'Pretty in Pink' on a big screen once and it was like a cute date for us since we didn't know each other in 1986, but we did both see the movie in the theaters when it came out. I do try to look around here and there for places doing something special. Someone was recently showing 'When Harry Met Sally' but that one just wasn't a must on the big screen. Cruises are another great place to see movies, if you can stay up late when they show them. The Disney cruise ships have their own movie theater built in and are a great place for watching movies since you can walk to the theater in your pjs.
Most of you know I missed seeing Twilight on the big screen the first time around, which was one of the things I most looked forward to the night Eclipse came out because I got to see all three movies on the big screen and loved seeing Twilight!
Not that I want the time to fly, but I can only hope that they will do a 25th Anniversary release of Twilight in the theaters and my daughter will want to go see it with me.
Here's hoping they RE-release 'Pretty Woman' in 2015! That would be a must see on the big screen--one to go see with your girlfriends! Viv? Howz 2015 sound?
Here's the site to check out to see if a theater in your area is showing 'Top Gun' and the dates and times.
Have you gone to see any RE-released movies or special viewings of an older movie?
If so, which movies were they?
What movies would you absolutely love to see in the theater if it were RE-released?
Was 'Top Gun' an IT movie for you? Did you see it in the theater the first time? Any interest in seeing it to relive that piece of your past or have you lost that lovin' feeling toward this movie?
I'm happy to share a guest post from BellaTesoro (Fran), resident EP enthusiast who accented February's TwiPeople issue with a summary of the Valentine's Day chapter from EP. If you missed that click here. When Fran told me she was thinking about going into NYC for the premiere and get together I told her that I thought it was a great idea. She was a little reserved about meeting up with so many people she didn't really know because she is a bit newer to the fandom, but I vouched for all of your bloggy butts and reminded her there's always 911!!! :-) Here's her story. (with my commentary in purple )Enjoy it as much as I did.
Water for Elephants New York Weekend
Captured Moments
by BellaTesoro
There were plenty of things I'd hope to find while on my Water for Elephant weekend. Of course I wanted to find Rob, and so I did. He was, after all, the reason for the weekend to begin with.
Looking for this man in NYC ..have you seen him?
He was every bit as wonderful and charming as I'd imagined. I followed him, camera in hand, clicking shot after shot, traveling along the street in front of the Ziegfeld Theater and then on the plaza while at the Today Show. He smiled, and posed, responded to questions, and signed autographs along the way. I heard a young girl tell him she'd waited in line, in the rain for sixteen hours to see him. His serious face on, he replied, “I'm so sorry.”
I even got lucky enough to have him sign a poster I lovingly made in his honor. (see above) I was determined to get that poster, which my students helped me make, signed. So, I sort of, practically, stuck that poster board in his face and yelled, “Rob, please sign this for my kids?!” He did and I said to him, “Thank you Rob, that was so gracious of you.” He replied something like “Oh, your welcome.” Yeah, I will remember THAT moment forever and always!
How lucky was I to find him dressed in both the looks I love?!
Premiere day he was decked out in charcoal grey, looking stylishly sophisticated and breathtakingly handsome.
The following day he arrived at the Today Show in what I like to describe as his bad-ass EP MafiaPrinceward look. Yeah you just knew I'd find a way to get EP in there right? (I know Dean always gets himself in there! But we all 'get' the EP reference!)
The memories I made that weekend of course centered on Rob, but the most cherished moments were spent in the company of incredible woman. MrsKassieCullen was as cute as could be, with her midwestern “The Bears” accent and all her youthful enthusiasm. One of my idols, Robzsinger was one of my roommates and we bonded over serious issues as well as silly girlie talk. Dangrdafne is a strong, straight forward, kind and now a dependable new freind. LivingwithEdward is cool, witty and oh so pretty! And then I found my soul mate; 17foreverlisa has my heart. She's every bit as kind, warm, and generous as they make them. I found in her someone who I can relate to, speak my mind with, and never for a minute judges me. I found in Lisa the living meaning of the phrase, “love is love no matter where you find it.”
there's the NYC Gals!!!
There were so many others I met; heartfelt bonding was created everywhere. The weekend was everything I'd hoped it would be and then some. (see I knew you wouldn't miss me not being there)
The author of WFE, SaraGruen and Mark Povinelli who plays Kinko/Walter, both signed my book and took pictures with us.
I brought back with me memories I'll remember always. I believe in living in the moment, experiencing them fully and so I just tried to BE with Rob, in this moment of mine as he walked by, stopping briefly in all his glory. It was magnificent, this incredible man standing before me, in MY ROB moment. The crowd around me seemed to melt away, leaving just Rob and I. He is all that I'd imagine him to be and then a little more that I couldn't imagine.
So, I lingered in OUR moment, trying to get as close as I could without offending anyone. I snapped away with me camera. I didn't want to miss any part of this moment and so I really didn't focus closely at what I snapped, preferring to see the real live Rob instead of what I'd catch on film. The next set of magical moments played out as I happened across a TINY gold morsel of UNSUSPECTED Rob perfection. I came upon this yet undiscovered piece of Rob gold like a miner would. After a long day of standing in lines, and walking the streets of NY,my newest BFF's, Robzsinger, MrsKassieCullen, Dangrdafne, LivingwithEdward and I were chilling out in my room. I was digging, sifting through the many buried pictures I'd taken after being lucky enough to have been in Rob's presence. I decided to upload my gold nuggets onto my laptop and started panning for any that hopefully came out good. I was in awe of any part of Rob I managed to capture, and I did get some perfectly solid photos.
But it wasn't a “perfectly” cropped picture that proved to be uniquely amazing. Oh no, I hit “the motherload” as I managed to unearth a sliver of Rob Gold. I clicked on a random photo, hit full screen and what I saw took my breath away. When my new BFF's heard
my high pitched squeal they joined me as together we witnessed a view of Rob that fewever will. This “moment” we were in was captured by DangrDafne and here you'll witness a burst of our blissful moment. This video is priceless!!!
I share with you a piece of Rob Gold. It must be viewed on a BIG screen to capture the full effect. Zoom in, sit back, have your own “Rob Moment!” Feast on the incredibly PERFECT eyelashes, a shade of eyelids that no makeup artist could accurately create, the ruddy British facial tone, the day old scruff, the crisp starched white shirt collar, thedesigner dark grey suit, the chiseled chin, the well defined straight nose, and then theglistening moist, juicy ruby red lips. This was MY “Tesoro” in all his glory. This seemingly incomplete picture, captured for me, an oh so, intimate vision of ROB.
Behold MY GOLDEN TESORO (My NY Treasure)
This weekend, for me, wasn't about being able to be the first in line to see Rob. From first hand experience, living within the moments are important to me. Yes of course he was the reason for being here. Rob and that specialness he has, that twinkle in his eyes, that humble, honest attitude of his, that quirky charm, that whimsical way he blurtsout just about anything that pops into that precious head of his. I dreamed, for reasons I don't understand, to be in his presence someday. And I got THAT moment.
At the Today Show
What I'll cherish even more than that, are the amazing women I was fortunate to finally
meet. MrsKassieCullen and Robzsinger who I bonded with and who were fun to sleep with. MKC, I hope someday you will understand and appreciate all the intentions behind the moments I hoped would happen for you. Robzie, you were more lovely than I could have imagined! Dangerdafne and Livingwithedward, thanks for sharing and being part of MY moments. Lisa, I look into your eyes and saw YOU... To ALL the other beautiful women I met, thank you for generously opening your arms and welcoming me in.
To UtterlyAbsurdBella, I “ kept you in my pocket” the whole time, and thank you for starting me on this journey.
And finally to kiTT, names don't mean a damn thing, it's an honest heart that does. Yours
is pure. (not so much, me thinks) Thank you for being the catalyst for helping me be part of something bigger than myself, stepping outside my box and into New York with a bunch of strangers who turned out to be one big FAMILY! (You are welcome! You deserved this weekend!!!)
**Bella Tesoro, thank you for sharing this piece of your special weekend with all of us! I'm so happy to hear that you went for it and had such a wonderful time with everyone!
Readers, please be respectful of BellaTesoro's treasured picture. She is sharing it with us but would like for it to remain as her property unless she gives you permission to use it.
**UPDATED** I'll admit for the longest time I was completely scared off from seeing The Bad Mother's Handbook and it was all due to one main reason.
This picture...
Not the peachy hair.
Not the glasses.
Not the messenger bag strap.
Not the perceived dorkesqueity.
It was the R A I N B O W sweater.
It's hideous!!! And it looks like something a girl should wear if anyone at all needs to be wearing it.
But the magnetic pull of Rob was stronger than my willpower to resist the rainbow sweater anymore so I caved a few months back and bought the movie. Actually I think I asked my mom to pick up the movie for me because she was going to the store. And she did!!
Sure I had read some reviews about it over at Robmusement and TwiBite a while back, but still something in me had blocked out what the movie was about and somehow I had written it off as going to be baaaaaaaaaaaaad...again all because of the rainbow sweater.
Oh, and this didn't look particularly appealing either.
Is that even Rob?
fyi: Going forward, there are some spiritual/religious undertones included in this post. Don't let that scare you off, though.
But once I saw the movie, I realized that these stills just needed context to them. (Where have I heard that before recently?) In the context of the movie, these scenes are adorkable. The character of Daniel Gale is this strange mix of a human Bella and vampire Edward---awkward yet completely sweet and protective.
{SPOILERS}The movie is about Karen, a woman in her thirties who finds out she was adopted just as she is shocked to learn her teenage daughter, Charlie, is pregnant. The two storylines are juxtaposed, and it takes Karen's journey to learning the truth about her birth mother to embrace her daughter's situation.
Rob's character is Daniel Gale, a new student Charlie is asked to help him find his way around the school. The trailer shows one of my favorite parts of the movie. Daniel realizes Charlie has a bit of an attitude and brings her flowers and chocolate in hopes she will lighten up with him. He wants to be her friend. In return she kisses him on the mouth just trying to get the attention of her ex-boyfriend but it leaves poor naive Daniel confused and smitten with Charlie.
They become friends and Daniel provides her with support while she goes through her pregnancy. He's her rock in helping her deal with everything--school, family, friends, hormones, pregnancy, and the ex-boyfriend. Sure he like-likes Charlie, but for the most part he just offers her friendship and never tries to force himself on her.
Wouldn't we all love to have a Daniel Gale in our lives? I definitely did when I was younger. He was sweet, supportive, and generous with his alcohol. I absolutely cherish the friendship we had. He was not someone I sought out to be friends with but somehow it just happened, even though I was a bit resistant to hanging out with him in the beginning. But he turned out to be a bright rainbow in my life! He's married now and I don't talk to him so much, but that's okay because look whose goofiness and sense of humor often reminds me of him:
{Collage by me...no seriously I made this with the software program that RoseArcadia told me about.}
So many colors. So much pretty to brighten up your days.
While we are on the subject of rainbows, I wanted to share this poem:
God's Rainbows
Rainbows appear after mighty storms,
When things look their very worst.
Just when skies are darkest gray,
Look for the rainbow first.
The rainbow is a sign of God's promise,
That He will guide us through any storm.
That He will see us through all our troubles,
No matter what their form.
When you feel battered by Life's storms,
And you are filled with doubt and dismay,
Just remember God's rainbow will come,
For it's only a prayer away.
Daniel Gale was Charlie's rainbow. He showed up unexpectedly in her life but at the perfect time in The Bad Mother's Handbook, just as Rob showed up in our lives and has enriched so much for us---the love of a story, love of a character, friendships, connections, writing, artwork, hidden talents, etc. So much that it runs the color spectrum.
Bottom line:
Another case of don't judge a book by its cover.
Moral of this post: You never know who you let in to your life who is meant to be a rainbow from God, i.e., you never know who God drops into your life who is meant to be a rainbow for you...[even if that person is a celebrity who has a presence in your life.]
Team Thursdays, so when it comes to the best friend are you...
Team Jacob from Twilight
Team Daniel Gale from The Bad Mother's Handbook
The perfect song!! "The Rainbow Connection" song by Kermit and Blondie (famed CBGB singer!)
Any thoughts you want to share about the movie if you saw it? Any special people you've known in your life that have been 'rainbows?' Do tell in the comments!