I'll admit for the longest time I was completely scared off from seeing The Bad Mother's Handbook and it was all due to one main reason.
This picture...
Not the peachy hair.
Not the glasses.
Not the messenger bag strap.
Not the perceived dorkesqueity.
It was the R A I N B O W sweater.
It's hideous!!! And it looks like something a girl should wear if anyone at all needs to be wearing it.
But the magnetic pull of Rob was stronger than my willpower to resist the rainbow sweater anymore so I caved a few months back and bought the movie. Actually I think I asked my mom to pick up the movie for me because she was going to the store. And she did!!
Sure I had read some reviews about it over at Robmusement and TwiBite a while back, but still something in me had blocked out what the movie was about and somehow I had written it off as going to be baaaaaaaaaaaaad...again all because of the rainbow sweater.
Oh, and this didn't look particularly appealing either.
Is that even Rob?
fyi: Going forward, there are some spiritual/religious undertones included in this post. Don't let that scare you off, though.
But once I saw the movie, I realized that these stills just needed context to them. (Where have I heard that before recently?) In the context of the movie, these scenes are adorkable. The character of Daniel Gale is this strange mix of a human Bella and vampire Edward---awkward yet completely sweet and protective.
{SPOILERS}The movie is about Karen, a woman in her thirties who finds out she was adopted just as she is shocked to learn her teenage daughter, Charlie, is pregnant. The two storylines are juxtaposed, and it takes Karen's journey to learning the truth about her birth mother to embrace her daughter's situation.
Rob's character is Daniel Gale, a new student Charlie is asked to help him find his way around the school. The trailer shows one of my favorite parts of the movie. Daniel realizes Charlie has a bit of an attitude and brings her flowers and chocolate in hopes she will lighten up with him. He wants to be her friend. In return she kisses him on the mouth just trying to get the attention of her ex-boyfriend but it leaves poor naive Daniel confused and smitten with Charlie.
They become friends and Daniel provides her with support while she goes through her pregnancy. He's her rock in helping her deal with everything--school, family, friends, hormones, pregnancy, and the ex-boyfriend. Sure he like-likes Charlie, but for the most part he just offers her friendship and never tries to force himself on her.
Unlike some people....
Wouldn't we all love to have a Daniel Gale in our lives? I definitely did when I was younger. He was sweet, supportive, and generous with his alcohol. I absolutely cherish the friendship we had. He was not someone I sought out to be friends with but somehow it just happened, even though I was a bit resistant to hanging out with him in the beginning. But he turned out to be a bright rainbow in my life! He's married now and I don't talk to him so much, but that's okay because look whose goofiness and sense of humor often reminds me of him:
{Collage by me...no seriously I made this with the software program that RoseArcadia told me about.}
So many colors. So much pretty to brighten up your days.
While we are on the subject of rainbows, I wanted to share this poem:
God's Rainbows
Rainbows appear after mighty storms,
When things look their very worst.
Just when skies are darkest gray,
Look for the rainbow first.
The rainbow is a sign of God's promise,
That He will guide us through any storm.
That He will see us through all our troubles,
No matter what their form.
When you feel battered by Life's storms,
And you are filled with doubt and dismay,
Just remember God's rainbow will come,
For it's only a prayer away.
Daniel Gale was Charlie's rainbow. He showed up unexpectedly in her life but at the perfect time in The Bad Mother's Handbook, just as Rob showed up in our lives and has enriched so much for us---the love of a story, love of a character, friendships, connections, writing, artwork, hidden talents, etc. So much that it runs the color spectrum.
Bottom line:
Another case of don't judge a book by its cover.
Moral of this post:
You never know who you let in to your life who is meant to be a rainbow from God, i.e., you never know who God drops into your life who is meant to be a rainbow for you...[even if that person is a celebrity who has a presence in your life.]
Team Thursdays, so when it comes to the best friend are you...
Team Jacob from Twilight
Team Daniel Gale from The Bad Mother's Handbook
The perfect song!! "The Rainbow Connection" song by Kermit and Blondie (famed CBGB singer!)
Any thoughts you want to share about the movie if you saw it? Any special people you've known in your life that have been 'rainbows?' Do tell in the comments!
Team Adorkable in a Rainbow Sweater,

You never know who you let in to your life who is meant to be a rainbow from God, i.e., you never know who God drops into your life who is meant to be a rainbow for you...[even if that person is a celebrity who has a presence in your life.]
Team Thursdays, so when it comes to the best friend are you...
Team Jacob from Twilight
Team Daniel Gale from The Bad Mother's Handbook
The perfect song!! "The Rainbow Connection" song by Kermit and Blondie (famed CBGB singer!)
Any thoughts you want to share about the movie if you saw it? Any special people you've known in your life that have been 'rainbows?' Do tell in the comments!
Team Adorkable in a Rainbow Sweater,

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