"What the...?" an unexpected meeting with a pair of golden eyes interrupted me mid sentence. The determination in them made my heart skip a beat before it started thumping loudly. With shaky legs, I retreated a few steps before bumping into my desk. With our gazes still locked, I could feel the resoluteness to throw him out evaporate.
My cheeks blushed at the site of his flaring nostrils, and already the warmth settled in between my thighs. All rational thought has escaped me. I could no longer remember what I had promised myself earlier that morning. I could only sense that I couldn't swallow my saliva, that my nipples tingled, and that my panties were wet.
Without a word, he closed and locked the doors behind me. My pulse increased to a disturbing frequency with every step he made closer to me. I felt paralyzed, unable to move, with both fear, and wonderful anticipation. I was feeling like prey standing in front of a predator; a predator specifically designed to hunt me.
"I hate to think that after you leave this room, you will be wearing my scent, instead of this wonderful smell of yours," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver as goose bumps traveled up and down my skin.
With his fingers in my hair, he gently pulled my head towards his. His lips, however, were furious, scorching and melting mine to shape his own.
My groan echoed in his mouth. He locked me in a tight grip, drawing me closer to him with both his arms. Out of their own volition, my legs wrapped themselves around his hips.
I shouldn't be doing this.
-Excerpt from
“The Canvas” by Twiholic (beta'd by TwiWeasel)
Errr, gulp...looks like we've got ourselves another good one, chock full of Edward and Bella groaning, petting, and moaning like in the above excerpt!!! "I hate to think that after you leave this room, you will be wearing my scent, instead of this wonderful smell of yours." Okay, go ahead now and imagine Rob saying this to you (accent optional) and it not killing you. No really. Try it! This is one of my fav lines from the whole story!
So do you guys remember when I said how I like the dance between Edward and Bella? How much I enjoy the anticipation leading up to the first kiss? How much I enjoy that first kiss and the declaration of mutual feelings? Well not since reading “The Office” have I been so willing to just toss all that right out the window of a yellow taxi cab riding through the streets of New York City! And good thing because “The Canvas” doesn’t waste time letting Edward and Bella get, errr.. acquainted with one another! Wham! Bam! THANK YOU CHAPTER ONE!
In “The Canvas” Edward is a famous painter with Rosalie as his assistant. Bella runs a gallery in New York City with her best friend, Alice—which of course sets the stage for how these two hearts will collide.
Is “the canvas” a metaphor for their relationship? If it is, then chapter one is essentially a blank canvas that gets a good heaping of paint thrown onto it with high intensity, and then as the chapters go on and more details are revealed of the back stories of both Bella and Edward, the splattered colors on the canvas are intricately brushed out to create an outline of a picture. Slowly, the colors on the canvas combine filling in the developing relationship between the two until, finally, out of those original blotches is a beautifully created picture that tells a love story that is genuine but not always easy for Edward and Bella.
I think the world of this story! Jelena’s writing style is very descriptive, her lemons are juicy, and her characters are conflicted but well rounded, and the plot is full. You definitely will want to keep reading to see what happens next and how each "issue" that pops up will be resolved!!! I’m sure you are not surprised that it is an Edward and Bella love story. But if you want surprises, there are plenty in this story, and most of them very pleasant ones!!!
Surprise #1—Before the end of the first chapter, we are off and running to Smutville. There are more surprises regarding the stops made in Smutville a few chapters in.
Surprise #2—There is so much revealed in Chapter 2 that I found myself gasping out loud in surprise and had to figure out how to explain what had just made me cup my mouth in awe to the people that were in my presence at that moment. (sounds intriguing, no?)
Surprise #3—A crush!!! Yes!! Oh someone’s got a HUGE crush in this story, but for me it was a total surprise who that person was and what that crush inspired him/her to do and one of the best crush "reveals" I've ever read in fanfiction (and I'm not talking lemons or words, this time).
Surprise #4—I really like this Jacob Black! Sure he doesn’t put the toilet seat down and he’s a bit irresponsible, but I almost wanted to take a ride on his motorcycle with him. By far, this is one of my most favorite Jacob's in fanfictionland. He adds so much to the story, too. He’s not a jerk. He’s completely understanding and mature—OMG he’s the AnTwi-Stephenie Meyer Jacob Black!!! He’s protective of Bella but only in a brotherly way and he's supportive of her choices. Jelena writes him so well that it is so easy to see real life Taylor--the boyish, happy-go-lucky, and well-spoken Taylor we’ve seen a lot of in interviews while reading this.
Surprise #5—Completey Cool Charlie! Definitely movie version of Charlie ala “famous ladies man” and champion of "the sex talk” jumps off the screen!
Surprise #6—The truth to her chapter titles. I know that seems like a small detail, but Jelena’s chapter titles were always very satisfying after I read the chapter. They are seemingly simplistic but once you get to the end of the chapter you realize the deeper meaning of each. I think chapter titles are normally very difficult to come up with for writers. I’d venture to say the Twilight books had some forgettable ones..errr, anyone remember any from Twilight other than “Flight?” Jelena’s titles are poignant and revealing!
And now, please enjoy the interview with Jelena from Twiliholic.
1. First thing is first, are you painting for Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Team Edward all the way. I hated Jacob in the book. He was aggressive and immature. I vividly remember being freaked out by that kiss Bella and Jacob share in Eclipse. I was terrified Bella would switch sides. In all honesty, all throughout the books, I wondered who had it wrong about what love is, me or SM.
2. Any writing background before fanfiction?
I've been writing for as long as I can remember. First I just kept a diary, then I started writing stories as well. The genre would vary over time, but most of what I wrote were angsty romances. This went on for years, up until when I started working for a magazine for children. It was immensely fun to step out of my usual style and create amusing characters and situations that kids would enjoy reading about. I loved that.
3. Why did you choose New York City as the setting for your story?
NYC is sort of Mecca for artists. It's now what Paris used to be at the beginning of the 20th century. Even though I've never even been to the U.S., I think NYC is the most urban, modern city, practically ripe with inspiration. I imagine that every artists has a dream of exhibiting at least once in NYC. Anyhow, since Alice had a choice in where she would open a gallery, it was only natural she went for the best. (I loved that it was set in NYC! Makes perfect sense and very cool to take the B/E out of Forks! -TT)
4. Did you plan out the whole story before you wrote it or have you developed the story as you've gone? What is your writing process?
No. I had no idea where I was going when I started writing The Canvas. In fact, most of the time, I don't even know where my chapters are going until I've finished them. I admit, I got stuck for a little while I was writing chapter 3. I wasn't sure how much I wanted to reveal to the readers at that point, but then I had an epiphany while I was in the shower. That was when I figured out the twist that starts to take place in chapter 10. So, you can say I had a general idea, but I didn't know specifics. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I take longer than some authors in between updates. However, I prefer to let the story enfold itself as I'm writing. It's a thrilling process to see the pieces come together entirely on their own. It feels like the chapters are writing themselves.
5. Why did you decide to make Bella an art gallery owner and Edward a painter? Any background to that concept you want to share?
I love art, and I know a lot about it. I have been surrounded by artists my entire life, and it's a sad fact how many of them/us had to compromise, and sacrifice our primal urges in favour of societal demands. Just once, I wanted to immerse myself in that fantasy in which being of exceptional artistic talent was enough to be successful in this world. (I love that you based E/B around a subject YOU know and love! -TT)
6. Which character has been your favorite to write? Why?
Definitely Charlie, although his appearance is brief, he is there in the background throughout the entire story. I aimed to make him the parent I would want to be - a pillar of support to his children. He is the one person who doesn't judge anyone, who rather seeks to understand his children. He doesn't impose his own ways on them, but instead encourages them to deal with life on their own terms. He trusts them, and allows them to make errors as opposed to trying to keep them from getting hurt. I wanted to give him the maturity I would want in every parent, as opposed to just writing a stereotypical "I know what's best for you" character.
7. After Bella and Edward, who is your favorite character in the original book series?
Who said Bella and Edward were my favourites, lol? Just kidding. Definitely Seth. Man, I love that boy. His kindness and loyalty literally captured my heart. People like him are rare in this world.
8. What part of the upcoming Eclipse movie are you most excited to see? What part of the book do you hope makes it into the movie?
Um. You know, Eclipse is my least favorite book of the Saga because all throughout I feared Bella would ditch Edward and go for Jacob. Therefore, I'm most excited to see the leg hitch. Yummy. And those screen caps look promising. Honest to god, it's been so long since I read the books, and I don't remember Eclipse that well at all, so I can't tell you which part I hope makes it into the movie. I guess I hope they portray Seth the way I perceived him. (So what'd you think of Seth?)
9. What are your top 3 favorite fanfictions that you have read?
"The Office" - because it was my first fic. (Ahhh, we always remember our first with fondness, don't we?)
"Cinderella Tale of Lust" by TrueBloodTwilight - because it's so enchanting and different from everything I've ever read.
And, I'm really enjoying reading Stan's
"Elusively Yours." It only has six uploaded chapters, but the writing is excellent, and I am eager to see more.
In the beginning, when I'd just discovered fan fiction, I was only interested in reading those with lots of sex, but now, I'm on the look out for quality written fics.
10. When "The Canvas" is finished are you planning on doing another fanfiction story? Any clues to what it would be about?
Not at the moment. I am planning on writing an actual book, and I do have an idea for that. I'd rather not discuss it at this time, though. ;)
11. What is your favorite scene in The Canvas? (without giving too much away)
Definitely in and outside of the restaurant - because it's filled with anticipation, anxiety and raw emotions. It was difficult, but fun to write. Difficult, not only because the scene is gut wrenching and I had to constantly remind myself why I need to do that to Edward and Bella, but because there are many characters involved. I had to make sure each character has their own special voice. The fun part came when the reviews started pouring in.
12. Favorite line from the whole SAGA series?
Holy sh*t. Would you believe me if I told you this is the most difficult question of the entire interview.
"About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him - and I didn't know how potent that part might be - that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."
I adore that part, because SM makes it sound like it's no big deal Edward is a vampire and that he thirst for Bella's blood, which only further emphasizes the intensity of Bella's feelings for him. Simply beautiful.
13. Rob calls you up and says he really likes your story and wants to a) meet you for coffee to discuss it, b) meet you at a pub to chat over beer, or c) come to your house to re-enact a scene with you. If option C, Rob calls later and says he can't make it but he is willing to send Kellan in his place. So again, if that is okay, which scene? ;)
Gimme, gimme, gimme Kellan, of course. :D Oh, god, which scene? Let me see. It's not fair! I want to tryout ALL the sex scenes with him, obviously. Okay, sigh, I'll take the park scene. Not only because I am an exhibitionist by nature, but to be Kellan's instrument - with him whispering in my ear - would be more than I could ever hope for.
***Is there anything else specifically you would like to get across? It's your interview.
Well, yes, I would like to give a couple points of advice to aspiring fan fic authors.
#1 Start writing. It's incredibly fun, and super thrilling when you read reviews.
#2 You should definitely get a beta. I know the burden was lifted off of me when TwiWeasel offered to do beta-ing for me. I knew that she would catch not only simple grammar/spelling mistakes, but she'd also spot inconsistencies, redundancies, tell me if some parts were unnecessary or missing.
****I also have one more plea, if you will, for the rest of the people who are reading the fan fics. Please, always leave a review. You've no idea how much it means to us authors to get feedback. I go Squeee every time.
TT’s note: Even though it is so easy to read on our cell phones these days it is great to leave authors feedback and tell them if the story made you laugh, cry, etc. or even to just chime in about a specific line they wrote. (I tried to do that for you, right Jelena?)
As always, I hope my review is sparkling enough to make you want to run out and read “The Canvas” if you haven’t already. If you have, leave some love for Jelena in the comments!!! And Jelena, I look forward to your next fanfiction story even though you said you aren't planning on it. If it is an unexpected one, then I believe it will be centered around a certain Dr. Emmett Cullen, (lol) but that’s just a guess!
I have to give a special shout out to
Musing Bella because it was through a recommendation on her blog that I originally learned of "The Canvas" and her words about the story piqued my interest. MB always gives great recommendations for fanfics! And also gotta say
Happy Birthday MB!!! Have a great day!
Great answers Jelena!
Thanks again so much for sharing a little more about you and your story with us!