Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

I Wonder What Recent Emails from Daddy Pattz Have Said...

Is that a real boo boo on his hand?
Do you think he needs someone to kiss it and make it feel better?

So what's the verdict?

I was thinking about those recent pictures and Rob's papparazzi experience and somehow I JUST CAN'T HELP but wonder if Daddy Pattz took the time to email his son with some supportive words and what such pearls of wisdom would be.

Maybe something about...

*Taking the high road when it comes to the papparazzi

*Returning to England where his celebrity status is less of a big deal

*Hiring a second Taylor...I mean Dean

*Reminding him how travelling in groups is still safer whether you are 12 or 24

*Suggesting he take a queue from Charlie Swan and start carrying pepper spray

I could go on and on...but I wondered which one of such emails Rob would choose to share on television again if given the chance.

I think it might go something like this...

Dear Rob,
I've often thought how blessed we Pattinson men are but flaunting the crown jewels is neither gentlemanly nor appropriate. Do you need your mother to send some proper undergarments to you? I hear Marks and Spencers is creating a line just for you.
Love, Dad

(Don't worry, it's just a totally fabricated theory!)

We've got a big Rob photoshoot next week with no pictures from the papparazzi involved and also a new fanfiction review/interview!!
Happy Weekend!!!

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Jackson Is Just a Big Kid!!

I saw this commercial earlier this week while my daughter was watching Dora the Explorer and I started jumping up and down with excitement to see Jackie boy in this. And I'm calling him Jackieboy because he looks like a big kid here! It is just so strange when and where Twilife crosses with Real Life...but isn't that the fun of it...life's little unexpected Twilight delights dropped in your lap?

So check it out here!

And if you need more Jackson then go see ItsRoblated who has a the third installment of Rehab going on all due to Jackson. Click here!

I was trying to explain the concept of the Rehab posts to Mr. AnTwi-Pattz when the Ke$ha song came on the radio and he made some reference to the movie, "Girl, Interrupted" but I corrected him how that movie was about girls in a mental institute. His response was sort of a "Yeah, I know." Then there was some quip about saying hi to Lindsay Lohan during our stay. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....I'll get him back!

I went to see Eclipse again the other night. It was a very Victorialike last minute decision when friends called. Hubby was okay with me going being that I felt like it might be my last chance to see Rob while he was still in town. I got home late and was a little wired so I was just about to throw Twilight into the DVD player (oh alright it was already in there I admit) so just as I was about to hit PLAY Mr. ATP pulls a rarity on me and declares, "No Pattinson." What? Well let me tell you I was pretty appreciative at how he handled the news of my last-minute movie plans and his default babysitting responsibilities so I decided to respect his request. But that didn't stop me from going downstairs, getting my Robp0rn totebag and hanging it up on the inside doorknob of our bedroom!!! I won't be censored in my own home!!!  ;o) Hmmm...what was the name of that show I loved in the '80s about the busy career woman who hired a man who was an ex-boxer to be her live-in housekeeper and he had a daughter played by Alyssa Milano.

Yeah, you get what I'm sayin'.

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Maybe I Need Some Rob Rehab

I feel like this!!!!!

(If you don't know the song, click here.)

Maybe I need some Rehab
Or maybe just need some sleep
I've got a sick obsession,
I'm seeing you in my dreams

I'm looking through every blog,
I'm writing those desperate emails
I'm staying up all night hoping,
Hittin' my head against the wall

What you've got Rob is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I'm all strung out, my heart is fried
I just can't get you off my mind.


Your Mug

Your Mug

Your Mug

is my drug.

 I said...

Your Mug

Your Mug

Your Mug

is my drug.

Won't listen to any advice,
Hubby's telling me I should think twice
But left to my own devices,
I'm addicted--it's a crisis!!!

My nonbloggy friends think I've gone crazy,
my judgment's gettin' kinda hazy
My marriage is gonna be affected
if I keep it up like a lovesick Twicrackhead.

What you've got Rob is hard to find
I think about it all the time
I'm all strung out, my heart is fried
I just can't get you off my mind.


Your Mug

Your Bum

Your Mug

is my drug.

I don't care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when I see you
But crash and crave you when you're away

So I've got a question:
Do you want to have a slumber party in my basement?
Do you wanna make your heart beat like an 808 drum?
Is my blog, your drug?
(Huh?) Your drug
(Huh?) Your drug
(Huh?) Your drug
(Huh? Your drug


Your Mug

Your Mug

Your Mug
is my drug.

Hey Rob!
 So your mug, your mug, your mug
*whispers* is my drug.

"I like your beard."

Looks like I'm not the only one headed to Rehab!!!
Click here
to see how the Twiholic ended up as my roomie in Rehab this week because of her Kellan fascination

Click here
to see who else is on her way to Rehab after divulging her Jackson-lovin ways. Jackson was tired of getting his ass charred on the backburner (tell me what show I stole that line from and I'll luv you forever!) so he emerged to the forefront of ItsRoblated today!!!!

Pictures are cool but not at anyone's expense. Rob shouldn't be hassled for a picture of his gorgeous mug!!! -TT

{Picture source}
**"Your Love Is My Drug" by Ke$ha
No copyright infringement intended.

Senin, 26 Juli 2010


Special Thank You to Munkee who made me this beautiful Rob-themed gift!!!


An inside Pocket well represented by a picture of Rob with his hands in his pockets!!!
Recognize the picture image? It's from MissAmyJoon's collection!!
Check out her wallpapers here.

"This sort of thing IS my bag, baby!!"

Aren't the colors and patterns and Rob just FUN???
I love it!

What to do with it...

It's definitely going to look good hanging off the shoulder!!!

And I'm going to need it to hold a few very important things for me.

Yep that's my new copy of Premiere magazine compliments of the Cold Shower.
(Thanks BFG #2)
Doesn't it fit in there nicely?

Let's see how it looks from the back.

Oooh Enrique!
 Nothing wrong with a 99% Rob to 1% Enrique ratio.
Makes me want to jump up and sing his new song over this bag,
"I Like It!"

Okay what else would I need in my bag?
Let's see...
Making the Eclipse days last!
Doesn't it feel like Eclipse is slipping away with summer?

Like an extended soft, pretty, comfy bed for him!

Definitely still more room left!!!

(Just like at Thanksgiving, and I'm very grateful!!!)

Yep, I've got Rob hanging all over my shoulder!

Thanks again, Munkee!
This was really so sweet of you and your mad skillz completely amaze me! Everything from the pictures to the colors to the patterns is purrrrrfect!

-TT ;)

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Hallmark: When You Care Enough About Yourself!

I happened to run into the Hallmark store earlier this week to get a card for a friend (whether or not I will actually get it in the mail is a different story because I suck at that) and I got a little sidetracked looking at those musical cards.

A while back sparklefortwilight (check out her blog here) had mentioned she saw Twilight cards in Hallmark so I knew they existed but I never seemed to see them in my local Hallmark store, but I had no problem checking any time I ran in there over the past few months. You can imagine my surprise when I did find not 1, not 2, but 3 different musical cards. Two were from New Moon with the music from Bella driving into the parking lot and one card was just Edward with the opening music from Twilight. My apologies to whoever ends up buying those cards because my daughter and I kept playing them over and over. One of the New Moon cards had both Edward and Jacob on it and was listed under a section that said for "Teen Girl." Ummm...Hallmark...do you think you could add a new section called, "For The Inner Teen Girl?" Just a suggestion.

As we are heading out I look over and realize all the Christmas ornaments are out for that "Christmas in July." Three-year-olds love looking at ornaments, so mini-TT and I went to look for all of her favorite characters. As we found Snoopy, Tinkerbell, Barbie, etc. the thought occurs to me, if Hallmark has a Twilight license for cards...could they? No. Would it be possible? Probably not. But maybe is there a designer for ornaments out there who might also be a Twilight fan and give me a perfect little Twilight freak flag for my Christmas tree?

Why yes there is!

So Cute!!! Edward even has amber eyes and wears his little wristband!!

I may or may not have bought the store out and already given these out to Twilight friends and family--there was no way I could wait until Christmas!! 

Merry Christmas in July to me!!!

Run to your nearest Hallmark store and buy one for yourself or your Twilighty buddies. Maybe if these fly off the shelves it will help to ensure this is the first in a neverending series and we will have future versions of Edward and Bella from New Moon, Eclipse, the Breaking Dawns and maybe even all of the Cullens!!! (I might even considering having a Jacob and the wolfpack ornaments if the series gets that big, though I'm hoping the Hallmark designers are just Team Edward.) Can you imagine a whole Christmas tree dedicated JUST to TwilightI can.

And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I think this still would make a nice addition to your Twilight collection. Keep in mind, it's only fair that Edward should be represented, too.

When it comes to Twilight, don't bother waiting until the holidays, care enough to buy yourself the very best today!


Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Things We Learned from Eclipse

Summer Observations:

Jackson Rathbone has been well-represented at fast food restaurants this summer!

Preview Observations:
Did you see the same movie previews as me?

"Charlie St. Cloud"
Well hello Zac Effron, I see we aren't in high school anymore! You are looking quite grownup with your sparkling blue eyes, light brown hair, all tan with a buff physique! I predict he will win the Oscar one day. Not necessarily for this movie but someday.

"Easy A"
How funny does this movie look? Bonus,
Cam G. is in it and looking extremely hawt and very nonJameslike!!!

Amanda Bynes' character, Marianne: "There's a higher power that will judge you for your indecency!"
  Emma Stone's character, Olive: "Tom Cruise?"

Rob looked hot throughout the movie!

~ x ~ x ~x ~

Riley is a cranky vampire.

If any human could have escaped Victoria, it probably could have been Riley. Despite getting thrown across the street and got up pretty fast and fairly easily! I couldn't have recovered from being thrown by a superstrong vampire through the air  6 feet and landing on my ass. That. Is. For. Sure.

Laurent thought very highly of Victoria. I say it is okay to underestimate her! It did take her 4 passes before she finally managed to bite Riley!


Forget divorce, when it comes to vampire-human marriages, Bella should be more concerned with the surviving vampire widow rate.


Edward wants to compromise.
Charlie wants to make Bella a deal.
Well they say you marry someone that reminds you of your father.


Jacob has girly handwriting.


Despite the complexity of the vampire mind and how easily they are supposed to be able to juggle so many things, Alice still hasn't mastered how to not look so obvious when she is having a vision in public.


Edward made his mistake when he decided to accompany Bella to Florida. Had he stayed behind he surely would have been able to do what 6 vampires and 2 wolves failed to do--catch Victoria in the ravine and kill her.  


A good facepunch is the perfect way of saying, "I option out."


Emmett is going to get his ass kicked by one tough little newborn one of these days.

Rosalie used to be a drama queen.


Mike Newton and the graduation speech have that one thing in common--Jessica nailed both.

Jacob really is an ass, by his own admission.

Forks High School offers a superior academic education  program considering  Bella was able to figure out what 7 supersmart, around-for-a-century-now, experienced vampires could not... that it was Victoria creating the army.

Note to Edward: Had you not decided to "study abroad" your junior year, you might have been able to figure all that out yourself.

Believe me, Edward is horny.


Vampires get to pick and choose which old-fashioned notions to uphold.
While Edward Masen may have asked Charlie's permission before asking for Bella's hand in marriage, Edward Cullen is gonna go with the "forgiveness is easier than permission" route.

Victoria's first mistake was thinking Laurent was her loyal friend.  
Her second mistake was thinking it was the Cullens that killed him.  


Bella was never a girl scout.


Newton's Sporting Goods Store was all out of heavy winter coats for Bella to take camping.

The Tent Scene is alternatively titled, "Jacob throws Bella a bachleorette party."


The Jacob-Bella mouth exchange gives new meaning to morning dog breath!
(I didn't see anyone brushing their teeth, did you?)


Size matters!
"That's an army? More like a gathering...a group, maybe." -Mr. AnTwi-Pattz


Bella is smarter than the average third wife because she realizes that you don't have to inflict a fatal wound on yourself in order to shed enough blood to distract your vampire opponent.


Edward was holding a grudge and had something to prove by killing Victoria... that clearly James was wrong.

Edward is both faster AND stronger than the rest of the Cullens.


Neither snow nor a headlock can damage Edward's hairdo. The only thing that can hurt it is...well I'm not sure what but by the time he met up with the Cullens to face the Volturi it was all flat.

Jane thinks newborns are hard of hearing.


SARCASM...Carlisle's lesser known gift.
"Edward surely if the Volturi had known what Victoria was doing they would have put a stop to it."


Jacob's a screamer.


J to B, "It would be so easy...except whenever we fight I will mope and run off on four legs."


As the wolf pack grows, the individual physical size of the wolves shrinks.


And the most important thing we learned from Eclipse....
Melissa Rosenberg is TEAM EDWARD!!!

More on that in another post!

Feel free to add your own lessons learned from Eclipse in the comments!

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Interview with an Artistic Writer: "The Canvas" by Twiholic

"What the...?" an unexpected meeting with a pair of golden eyes interrupted me mid sentence. The determination in them made my heart skip a beat before it started thumping loudly. With shaky legs, I retreated a few steps before bumping into my desk. With our gazes still locked, I could feel the resoluteness to throw him out evaporate.

My cheeks blushed at the site of his flaring nostrils, and already the warmth settled in between my thighs. All rational thought has escaped me. I could no longer remember what I had promised myself earlier that morning. I could only sense that I couldn't swallow my saliva, that my nipples tingled, and that my panties were wet.

Without a word, he closed and locked the doors behind me. My pulse increased to a disturbing frequency with every step he made closer to me. I felt paralyzed, unable to move, with both fear, and wonderful anticipation. I was feeling like prey standing in front of a predator; a predator specifically designed to hunt me.

"I hate to think that after you leave this room, you will be wearing my scent, instead of this wonderful smell of yours," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver as goose bumps traveled up and down my skin.
With his fingers in my hair, he gently pulled my head towards his. His lips, however, were furious, scorching and melting mine to shape his own.

My groan echoed in his mouth. He locked me in a tight grip, drawing me closer to him with both his arms. Out of their own volition, my legs wrapped themselves around his hips.

I shouldn't be doing this.

-Excerpt from “The Canvas” by Twiholic (beta'd by TwiWeasel)

Errr, gulp...looks like we've got ourselves another good one, chock full of Edward and Bella groaning, petting,  and moaning like in the above excerpt!!! "I hate to think that after you leave this room, you will be wearing my scent, instead of this wonderful smell of yours." Okay, go ahead now and imagine Rob saying this to you (accent optional) and it not killing you. No really. Try it! This is one of my fav lines from the whole story!  

So do you guys remember when I said how I like the dance between Edward and Bella? How much I enjoy the anticipation leading up to the first kiss? How much I enjoy that first kiss and the declaration of mutual feelings? Well not since reading “The Office” have I been so willing to just toss all that right out the window of a yellow taxi cab riding through the streets of New York City! And good thing because “The Canvas” doesn’t waste time letting Edward and Bella get, errr.. acquainted with one another! Wham! Bam! THANK YOU CHAPTER ONE!

In “The Canvas” Edward is a famous painter with Rosalie as his assistant. Bella runs a gallery in New York City with her best friend, Alice—which of course sets the stage for how these two hearts will collide.

Is “the canvas” a metaphor for their relationship? If it is, then chapter one is essentially a blank canvas that gets a good heaping of paint thrown onto it with high intensity, and then as the chapters go on and more details are revealed of the back stories of both Bella and Edward, the splattered colors on the canvas are intricately brushed out to create an outline of a picture. Slowly, the colors on the canvas combine filling in the developing relationship between the two until, finally, out of those original blotches is a beautifully created picture that tells a love story that is genuine but not always easy for Edward and Bella.

I think the world of this story! Jelena’s writing style is very descriptive, her lemons are juicy, and her characters are conflicted but well rounded, and the plot is full. You definitely will want to keep reading to see what happens next and how each "issue" that pops up will be resolved!!! I’m sure you are not surprised that it is an Edward and Bella love story. But if you want surprises, there are plenty in this story, and most of them very pleasant ones!!!

Surprise #1—Before the end of the first chapter, we are off and running to Smutville. There are more surprises regarding the stops made in Smutville a few chapters in.

Surprise #2—There is so much revealed in Chapter 2 that I found myself gasping out loud in surprise and had to figure out how to explain what had just made me cup my mouth in awe to the people that were in my presence at that moment.  (sounds intriguing, no?)

Surprise #3—A crush!!! Yes!! Oh someone’s got a HUGE crush in this story, but for me it was a total surprise who that person was and what that crush inspired him/her to do and one of the best crush "reveals" I've ever read in fanfiction (and I'm not talking lemons or words, this time).

Surprise #4—I really like this Jacob Black! Sure he doesn’t put the toilet seat down and he’s a bit irresponsible, but I almost wanted to take a ride on his motorcycle with him. By far, this is one of my most favorite Jacob's in fanfictionland. He adds so much to the story, too. He’s not a jerk. He’s completely understanding and mature—OMG he’s the AnTwi-Stephenie Meyer Jacob Black!!! He’s protective of Bella but only in a brotherly way and he's supportive of her choices. Jelena writes him so well that it is so easy to see real life Taylor--the boyish, happy-go-lucky, and well-spoken Taylor we’ve seen a lot of in interviews while reading this.

Surprise #5—Completey Cool Charlie! Definitely movie version of Charlie ala “famous ladies man” and champion of "the sex talk” jumps off the screen!

Surprise #6—The truth to her chapter titles. I know that seems like a small detail, but Jelena’s chapter titles were always very satisfying after I read the chapter. They are seemingly simplistic but once you get to the end of the chapter you realize the deeper meaning of each. I think chapter titles are normally very difficult to come up with for writers. I’d venture to say the Twilight books had some forgettable ones..errr, anyone remember any from Twilight other than “Flight?” Jelena’s titles are poignant and revealing!

And now, please enjoy the interview with Jelena from Twiliholic.

1. First thing is first, are you painting for Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Team Edward all the way. I hated Jacob in the book. He was aggressive and immature. I vividly remember being freaked out by that kiss Bella and Jacob share in Eclipse. I was terrified Bella would switch sides. In all honesty, all throughout the books, I wondered who had it wrong about what love is, me or SM.

2. Any writing background before fanfiction?
I've been writing for as long as I can remember. First I just kept a diary, then I started writing stories as well. The genre would vary over time, but most of what I wrote were angsty romances. This went on for years, up until when I started working for a magazine for children. It was immensely fun to step out of my usual style and create amusing characters and situations that kids would enjoy reading about. I loved that.

3. Why did you choose New York City as the setting for your story?
NYC is sort of Mecca for artists. It's now what Paris used to be at the beginning of the 20th century. Even though I've never even been to the U.S., I think NYC is the most urban, modern city, practically ripe with inspiration. I imagine that every artists has a dream of exhibiting at least once in NYC. Anyhow, since Alice had a choice in where she would open a gallery, it was only natural she went for the best. (I loved that it was set in NYC! Makes perfect sense and very cool to take the B/E out of Forks! -TT)

4. Did you plan out the whole story before you wrote it or have you developed the story as you've gone? What is your writing process?
No. I had no idea where I was going when I started writing The Canvas. In fact, most of the time, I don't even know where my chapters are going until I've finished them. I admit, I got stuck for a little while I was writing chapter 3. I wasn't sure how much I wanted to reveal to the readers at that point, but then I had an epiphany while I was in the shower. That was when I figured out the twist that starts to take place in chapter 10. So, you can say I had a general idea, but I didn't know specifics. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I take longer than some authors in between updates. However, I prefer to let the story enfold itself as I'm writing. It's a thrilling process to see the pieces come together entirely on their own. It feels like the chapters are writing themselves.

5.  Why did you decide to make Bella an art gallery owner and Edward a painter? Any background to that concept you want to share?
I love art, and I know a lot about it. I have been surrounded by artists my entire life, and it's a sad fact how many of them/us had to compromise, and sacrifice our primal urges in favour of societal demands. Just once, I wanted to immerse myself in that fantasy in which being of exceptional artistic talent was enough to be successful in this world. (I love that you based E/B around a subject YOU know and love! -TT)

6. Which character has been your favorite to write? Why?
Definitely Charlie, although his appearance is brief, he is there in the background throughout the entire story. I aimed to make him the parent I would want to be - a pillar of support to his children. He is the one person who doesn't judge anyone, who rather seeks to understand his children. He doesn't impose his own ways on them, but instead encourages them to deal with life on their own terms. He trusts them, and allows them to make errors as opposed to trying to keep them from getting hurt. I wanted to give him the maturity I would want in every parent, as opposed to just writing a stereotypical "I know what's best for you" character.

7. After Bella and Edward, who is your favorite character in the original book series?
Who said Bella and Edward were my favourites, lol? Just kidding. Definitely Seth. Man, I love that boy. His kindness and loyalty literally captured my heart. People like him are rare in this world.

8. What part of the upcoming Eclipse movie are you most excited to see? What part of the book do you hope makes it into the movie?
Um. You know, Eclipse is my least favorite book of the Saga because all throughout I feared Bella would ditch Edward and go for Jacob. Therefore, I'm most excited to see the leg hitch. Yummy. And those screen caps look promising. Honest to god, it's been so long since I read the books, and I don't remember Eclipse that well at all, so I can't tell you which part I hope makes it into the movie. I guess I hope they portray Seth the way I perceived him. (So what'd you think of Seth?)

9. What are your top 3 favorite fanfictions that you have read?
"The Office" - because it was my first fic. (Ahhh, we always remember our first with fondness, don't we?)
"Cinderella Tale of Lust" by TrueBloodTwilight - because it's so enchanting and different from everything I've ever read.
And, I'm really enjoying reading Stan's "Elusively Yours." It only has six uploaded chapters, but the writing is excellent, and I am eager to see more.

In the beginning, when I'd just discovered fan fiction, I was only interested in reading those with lots of sex, but now, I'm on the look out for quality written fics.

10. When "The Canvas" is finished are you planning on doing another fanfiction story? Any clues to what it would be about?
Not at the moment. I am planning on writing an actual book, and I do have an idea for that. I'd rather not discuss it at this time, though. ;)

11. What is your favorite scene in The Canvas? (without giving too much away)
Definitely in and outside of the restaurant - because it's filled with anticipation, anxiety and raw emotions. It was difficult, but fun to write. Difficult, not only because the scene is gut wrenching and I had to constantly remind myself why I need to do that to Edward and Bella, but because there are many characters involved. I had to make sure each character has their own special voice. The fun part came when the reviews started pouring in.

12. Favorite line from the whole SAGA series?
Holy sh*t. Would you believe me if I told you this is the most difficult question of the entire interview.

"About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him - and I didn't know how potent that part might be - that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

I adore that part, because SM makes it sound like it's no big deal Edward is a vampire and that he thirst for Bella's blood, which only further emphasizes the intensity of Bella's feelings for him. Simply beautiful.

13. Rob calls you up and says he really likes your story and wants to a) meet you for coffee to discuss it, b) meet you at a pub to chat over beer, or c) come to your house to re-enact a scene with you. If option C, Rob calls later and says he can't make it but he is willing to send Kellan in his place. So again, if that is okay, which scene? ;)
Gimme, gimme, gimme Kellan, of course. :D Oh, god, which scene? Let me see. It's not fair! I want to tryout ALL the sex scenes with him, obviously. Okay, sigh, I'll take the park scene. Not only because I am an exhibitionist by nature, but to be Kellan's instrument - with him whispering in my ear - would be more than I could ever hope for.

***Is there anything else specifically you would like to get across? It's your interview.
Well, yes, I would like to give a couple points of advice to aspiring fan fic authors.

#1 Start writing. It's incredibly fun, and super thrilling when you read reviews.

#2 You should definitely get a beta. I know the burden was lifted off of me when TwiWeasel offered to do beta-ing for me. I knew that she would catch not only simple grammar/spelling mistakes, but she'd also spot inconsistencies, redundancies, tell me if some parts were unnecessary or missing.

****I also have one more plea, if you will, for the rest of the people who are reading the fan fics. Please, always leave a review. You've no idea how much it means to us authors to get feedback. I go Squeee every time.

TT’s note: Even though it is so easy to read on our cell phones these days it is great to leave authors feedback and tell them if the story made you laugh, cry, etc. or even to just chime in about a specific line they wrote. (I tried to do that for you, right Jelena?)

As always, I hope my review is sparkling enough to make you want to run out and read “The Canvas” if you haven’t already. If you have, leave some love for Jelena in the comments!!! And Jelena, I look forward to your next fanfiction story even though you said you aren't planning on it. If it is an unexpected one, then I believe it will be centered around a certain Dr. Emmett Cullen, (lol) but that’s just a guess!

I have to give a special shout out to Musing Bella because it was through a recommendation on her blog that I originally learned of "The Canvas" and her words about the story piqued my interest. MB always gives great recommendations for fanfics! And also gotta say Happy Birthday MB!!! Have a great day!

Great answers Jelena!
Thanks again so much for sharing a little more about you and your story with us!

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Will You Join My Kellan Campaign?

**This post was inspired by the persistent shared admiration of Kellan Lutz by Jelena from Twiholic, DangrDafne from Days of Delirium, TwitardedMom from Spooning in Forks, TMC from TooMuchCoffee, and Jayla, Twilight fangirl extraoridinaire.**

You know I'm a Rob girl. I'm all "once a Rob girl, always a Rob girl!" It'll always be him and all, but today I'm just an all-around vamp girl! The more interviews I see with the vamp boys, the more I love all of them (including Cam G. and Edi)! Kellan's charm and easy-going attitude have hit a soft spot with me. I've always loved Emmett in the books and fanfiction so today I've been inspired by the man, his character, and the movies.  

Oh the seed's been-aah planted. You all heard the remark made in ECLIPSE right? That little exchange regarding how one day Bella would be stronger than Emmett. I know you remember it seeing as you've all seen the movie in excess of 5 times now!

So what I'm taking from this is that Bella and Emmett basically will get their moment to say "Bring it!" and Kellan will be showing off a bit.

Galvanized and Calvinized!

Well probably not showing off that but "boxers or briefs" is always a fun question to ask--even out of vampires!

We can only hope that means the arm wrestle scene from Breaking Dawn. I would think such a scene would make Breaking Dawn II but who knows, with those Twilighty powers that be with the pens of power.

All I know is this....

I've been watching the dogs run around half nekkid for 2 movies now.

I'm almost set to be severely disappointed by the honeymoon scene because of too many feathers and not enough nekkidity!

So I'm ready for some Kellan, and I'm pinning all of my hopes into one little detail for Breaking Dawn to make it in, which is why I'm running a campaign for it.

I hope you'll join me!

All you need to do is add your choice of 1 of 4 badges (made by the talented Kelly from mydiscomROBulation) onto your blog and I will compile a list of who is onboard and send it off to some important people, errr somehow.

I lust after Rob.
I fall over myself over Jackson.
I adore Peter.
but I think it is time for Kellan to have his due!

So if you are unhappy with your lot of so much doggy shedding and not enough sparkly vamp skin so far, then take a stand and join me in promoting the...

Email me for badge choices and add your very own to your blog today!


**Kelly, Thank you again for bringing this to life even though it's not exactly Rob related. But I swear it will take nothing away from Rob in the movie! ;)

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Is This a Joke?


But not today!

Head on over to Robmusement to see how the heck I'm able to link Rob to

International Joke Day

It was a tough one! But on my calendar I have today listed as "Cow Appreciation Day" so I'm glad I didn't get assigned that because then I might risk offending Kristen. Whoa hold up giveaKrapsteners! I'm not doing any name calling here!

You see, I would have had to link Rob to eating burgers at the In and Out Burger while he read scripts in his car and Kristen is a vegetarian, right?

The best link between Rob and a holiday to celebrate jokes?

Rob smiling and laughing!

Feel free to go check out what else I came up with!


Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Program Your Contest-Lovin' Self into your Blog GPS

Hope you are heading over to Robmusement every day during the month of July to check out how Rob can be linked to various holidays this month as seen through the eyes of fellow bloggy goddesses.

And in case you didn't know, Robmusement is now offering a summer giveaway!! 

Now tell me if this makes sense...I'm gaining an entry into the contest by sharing it with you guys so now you can all enter thus greatly decreasing my chances of winning. Whatever! This sounds like another case of a lazy blogger and me picking up the slack for them. But since I'm all unselfish, and let's face it I've won my fair share in the Twilight blogdom, I'm passing this info along to you!!!

Cheers to good karma and taking turns!!!

Direct from Robmusement:
CSNStores has generously offered up a $50 gift certificate for the winner which will be announced next Friday the 16th. Entries will be accepted until midnight Thursday the 15th and I will use the randomizer to choose the winner.

Here is what you need to do to be entered:

First, you need to be a follower of the park, then

Leave a comment on this post (<-----click)  along with your email.(1 entry)

Tweet about the giveaway (1 entry)

Blog about the giveaway (1 entry)

Make sure you check out CSNStores to see all the awesome things they have to offer.
One more thing I want to make you aware of is that there may be shipping charges or, in the case of Canadian addresses, international fees for certain products. It is important to check that while picking out your product.

Go enter! And Good luck!!!

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Program Rob into Your Blog GPS

Do Not Collect $200.
 Go directly to Robmusement tonight for my guest post.

Robmusement is hosting a month-long celebration of various holidays and itsjustme wants to prove that every holiday in July can in some way be linked to Rob. I was pretty confident I could take a stab at this considering last month I was linking nursery rhymes to Rob. And I really wanted a new challenge!!!

I'm happy to take part in this!

So like 6 degrees of Rob and a holiday?
Errr...something like that but luckily I was given a holiday that was synonymous with Rob.


Oh wait! That wasn't it? Lemme check.

Today July 7, 2010, we'll be celebrating...
National Junk Food Day

Despite the obvious, I consulted my RPattz bible handbook, Details magazine, for some details on his eating habits. It seems like he drinks and eats his way through every written interview doesn't he?

It was a sacrifice to have to fondle look at those pictures of Rob again, but I did it in the name of research for this very important hypothesis!

Go see what I came up with and feel free to add your own links!!! As I'm thinking now I know I forgot "soda."
Don't forget to check back there daily to see how Rob can be made to be a part of any holiday celebration! What is the date today? The 7th already? Check her older posts too while you are there because you've already missed out on some great ones!!!

Stay cool!

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

When I'm PMSing....

Twilight Delights

have violent ends...

and in their triumph die, like fire and powder
Which as they kiss consume."

This is the best PMS chocolate ever! It must be full of magnesium or something.
Chocolate that is INTENSE and DARK?
 Sounds like how I like some of my fanfiction Edwards!!!

(What DangrDafne, DangrDonna, Mrs. P, and LivingwithEdward? You didn't think I wouldn't buy some for myself too, did you?)

Though there was something that did not make it. You see my daughter was so into the goodies I had that she was running around with red sparkling ribbon and when I wasn't looking she commandeered the New Moon tumblers I had bought deciding she had better plans for them. So sorry they didn't make it, but you can see that they were put to good use.

She was also counting all the girls versus all the boys on the cups (she may have counted Jasper as a girl but can you blame her with that hair???). So once again, please take note how Rob and Twilight can be an educational tool for the under 5 crowd when incorporated properly.

Check out that centerpiece!

Classy three-year-old chic, right???
Usually Mommy sets up a clear glass vase with these flowers in it for her tea parties. She had her own ideas. I guess themes aren't lost on her, either.

Last Saturday Jayla, perpetual fangirl extraordinaire, went to see New Moon under the stars and wanted to share her pictures of Alex Meraz.

He looks good when he's not posing a threat to my Edward!
He's obviously wearing a v-neck because he realizes it works so well for Rob.

Looks like his paws were signing stuff!
***As always, thanks for sharing with everyone Jayla!!!!***

I have yet to see Eclipse again. Basically I woke up this morning and asked hubby why he was dressed the way he was and he said because it is Friday. Huh? I think I lost a day or two this week.

But if you want to read some kickass reviews that I found chock full of good highlights and, of course, heavy devotion to Rob go here...

Trixie and Tess's Top 10 Highlights They each had 11 so that makes 22 reasons to read!

My DiscomROBulation Kelly and Suz got a little eclipsie in NYC!

ItsRoblated I'd call this one an equal-opportunity cast tribute and systematically hilarious break down of various details of the movie!

The Cold Shower A comprehensive review given by guest poster @Jet_Set_Go

Looking forward to everyone's upcoming reviews especially from LivingwithEdward, Mrs. P, and DangrDafne whose shared movie experience sounded epic!
(yes Edward and I made them goodie bags, and would have done the same for ANY ONE of you! Though when handing out goodie bags in person I usually like to be funny and stick like a can of peas in 1 bag minus the goodies. And oh I always have special goodies reserved for Rob.)

Happy Fourth of July!