Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Will You Join My Kellan Campaign?

**This post was inspired by the persistent shared admiration of Kellan Lutz by Jelena from Twiholic, DangrDafne from Days of Delirium, TwitardedMom from Spooning in Forks, TMC from TooMuchCoffee, and Jayla, Twilight fangirl extraoridinaire.**

You know I'm a Rob girl. I'm all "once a Rob girl, always a Rob girl!" It'll always be him and all, but today I'm just an all-around vamp girl! The more interviews I see with the vamp boys, the more I love all of them (including Cam G. and Edi)! Kellan's charm and easy-going attitude have hit a soft spot with me. I've always loved Emmett in the books and fanfiction so today I've been inspired by the man, his character, and the movies.  

Oh the seed's been-aah planted. You all heard the remark made in ECLIPSE right? That little exchange regarding how one day Bella would be stronger than Emmett. I know you remember it seeing as you've all seen the movie in excess of 5 times now!

So what I'm taking from this is that Bella and Emmett basically will get their moment to say "Bring it!" and Kellan will be showing off a bit.

Galvanized and Calvinized!

Well probably not showing off that but "boxers or briefs" is always a fun question to ask--even out of vampires!

We can only hope that means the arm wrestle scene from Breaking Dawn. I would think such a scene would make Breaking Dawn II but who knows, with those Twilighty powers that be with the pens of power.

All I know is this....

I've been watching the dogs run around half nekkid for 2 movies now.

I'm almost set to be severely disappointed by the honeymoon scene because of too many feathers and not enough nekkidity!

So I'm ready for some Kellan, and I'm pinning all of my hopes into one little detail for Breaking Dawn to make it in, which is why I'm running a campaign for it.

I hope you'll join me!

All you need to do is add your choice of 1 of 4 badges (made by the talented Kelly from mydiscomROBulation) onto your blog and I will compile a list of who is onboard and send it off to some important people, errr somehow.

I lust after Rob.
I fall over myself over Jackson.
I adore Peter.
but I think it is time for Kellan to have his due!

So if you are unhappy with your lot of so much doggy shedding and not enough sparkly vamp skin so far, then take a stand and join me in promoting the...

Email me for badge choices and add your very own to your blog today!


**Kelly, Thank you again for bringing this to life even though it's not exactly Rob related. But I swear it will take nothing away from Rob in the movie! ;)

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