Summer Observations:
Jackson Rathbone has been well-represented at fast food restaurants this summer!
Preview Observations:
Preview Observations:
Did you see the same movie previews as me?
"Charlie St. Cloud"
Well hello Zac Effron, I see we aren't in high school anymore! You are looking quite grownup with your sparkling blue eyes, light brown hair, all tan with a buff physique! I predict he will win the Oscar one day. Not necessarily for this movie but someday.
"Easy A"
How funny does this movie look? Bonus,
Cam G. is in it and looking extremely hawt and very nonJameslike!!!
Cam G. is in it and looking extremely hawt and very nonJameslike!!!
Amanda Bynes' character, Marianne: "There's a higher power that will judge you for your indecency!"
Emma Stone's character, Olive: "Tom Cruise?"
Riley is a cranky vampire.
If any human could have escaped Victoria, it probably could have been Riley. Despite getting thrown across the street and got up pretty fast and fairly easily! I couldn't have recovered from being thrown by a superstrong vampire through the air 6 feet and landing on my ass. That. Is. For. Sure.
Laurent thought very highly of Victoria. I say it is okay to underestimate her! It did take her 4 passes before she finally managed to bite Riley!
Forget divorce, when it comes to vampire-human marriages, Bella should be more concerned with the surviving vampire widow rate.
Edward wants to compromise.
Charlie wants to make Bella a deal.
Well they say you marry someone that reminds you of your father.
Jacob has girly handwriting.
Despite the complexity of the vampire mind and how easily they are supposed to be able to juggle so many things, Alice still hasn't mastered how to not look so obvious when she is having a vision in public.
Edward made his mistake when he decided to accompany Bella to Florida. Had he stayed behind he surely would have been able to do what 6 vampires and 2 wolves failed to do--catch Victoria in the ravine and kill her.
A good facepunch is the perfect way of saying, "I option out."
Emmett is going to get his ass kicked by one tough little newborn one of these days.
Rosalie used to be a drama queen.
Mike Newton and the graduation speech have that one thing in common--Jessica nailed both.
Jacob really is an ass, by his own admission.
Forks High School offers a superior academic education program considering Bella was able to figure out what 7 supersmart, around-for-a-century-now, experienced vampires could not... that it was Victoria creating the army.
Note to Edward: Had you not decided to "study abroad" your junior year, you might have been able to figure all that out yourself.
Note to Edward: Had you not decided to "study abroad" your junior year, you might have been able to figure all that out yourself.
Believe me, Edward is horny.
Vampires get to pick and choose which old-fashioned notions to uphold.
While Edward Masen may have asked Charlie's permission before asking for Bella's hand in marriage, Edward Cullen is gonna go with the "forgiveness is easier than permission" route.
Victoria's first mistake was thinking Laurent was her loyal friend.
Her second mistake was thinking it was the Cullens that killed him.
Bella was never a girl scout.
Newton's Sporting Goods Store was all out of heavy winter coats for Bella to take camping.
The Tent Scene is alternatively titled, "Jacob throws Bella a bachleorette party."
The Jacob-Bella mouth exchange gives new meaning to morning dog breath!
(I didn't see anyone brushing their teeth, did you?)
Size matters!
"That's an army? More like a gathering...a group, maybe." -Mr. AnTwi-Pattz
Bella is smarter than the average third wife because she realizes that you don't have to inflict a fatal wound on yourself in order to shed enough blood to distract your vampire opponent.
Edward was holding a grudge and had something to prove by killing Victoria... that clearly James was wrong.
Edward is both faster AND stronger than the rest of the Cullens.
Neither snow nor a headlock can damage Edward's hairdo. The only thing that can hurt it is...well I'm not sure what but by the time he met up with the Cullens to face the Volturi it was all flat.
Jane thinks newborns are hard of hearing.
SARCASM...Carlisle's lesser known gift.
"Edward surely if the Volturi had known what Victoria was doing they would have put a stop to it."
Jacob's a screamer.
J to B, "It would be so easy...except whenever we fight I will mope and run off on four legs."
As the wolf pack grows, the individual physical size of the wolves shrinks.
And the most important thing we learned from Eclipse....
Melissa Rosenberg is TEAM EDWARD!!!
More on that in another post!
Feel free to add your own lessons learned from Eclipse in the comments!
And the most important thing we learned from Eclipse....
Melissa Rosenberg is TEAM EDWARD!!!
More on that in another post!
Feel free to add your own lessons learned from Eclipse in the comments!
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