First thanks to everyone who entered the TwiPeople contest. I haven't had the drawing yet, so there is still time to get in on it. And I feel like I always say this but if I'm scarce upcoming it is because I've got shiTT to do. And *bonus* as of today, I am having Christmas at my house. wtf? My family knows I don't know how to cook. Whatever, no driving means more eggnog consumption for me!
Now sometimes I pose these fun little questions to our bloggy buddy Lisa because it is like we live on two different planets I find that what little knowledge I have about the stupidest of stuff that amuses me, sometimes tortures her because she has no clue what I'm talking about. So I'll ask you guys what I asked her the other day and see if anyone knows the answer.
Yes you know what to call this animal with a red nose, but what cute little term is used to refer to a red nose on a person? The first person to get it right is gonna win...
***The Golden Onion!!!***
So last year around this time I wanna say I saw a cartoon of Edward draining Rudolph much to Santa's horror? Does anyone remember that? Did I make this up? If so can someone who can draw better than me make that, because my twisted mind thinks that would be funny!
Anyone like to drink the Blue Breeze?
Vodka, Malibu, pineapple juice, Blue Curaco, and lemonade
Sounds delicious, right? It does, especially right now. So why am I bringing this up? Because Rob said it on the Eclipse commentary. Did you hear it? He was talking about being up on the mountain before the tent scene and how many takes it took to get that shot because the bears that lived there were having a party and consuming Blue Breeze.
It's Rob's adorable accenttish way of saying, blueberries!!!
Those aren't bears!!!
But apparently, there were bears! Sure, bears, eat blueberries. And David Slade what were you thinking putting Rob's life in danger in that way? I mean Kellan can handle an irritable grizzly but bears going after sweet, sweet berry juice? I *shiver* to think just how appealing Rob was to those bears. *shiver* I tell ya!
Since I brought up drinking, who thinks Rob was just drinking a virgin Arnold Palmer?
Not me.
btw: I had to Wiki (don't tell Profward) who Arnold Palmer was. A golfer. Perhaps what Rob does not know is that when alcohol is mixed in, like vodka, the drink becomes a John Daly. Wiki doesn't explain who "John Daly" is when you look up the John Daly drink (wtf?) but looks like he was another golfer who did drugs, gambled, and drank. ***I bet he walked around with a ________________[insert term for red nose].
Speaking of virgin...One minute in the commentary Rob is going on and on about how he is uncomfortable with all the kissing and the next minute he's making sexual innuendos to the point that even Kristen is telling him to shut up because she feels uncomfortable. Did you think his statement about how she makes a much sexier sound when she is bitten than Xavier/Riley was referring to her acting in Twilight? I only made that mistake for a second.
You gotta love Rob's take on Jacob, though. He said what I've been saying all along. Rob saw how Jacob acts all smug and looks at Edward to make sure he sees every time he's getting a little bit of attention from Bella or the littlest bit of contact.
A couple of notes about Kristen
1. I liked the wigs more.
The wigs on Bella helped me compartmentalize and separate Bella and Edward from Rob and Kristen. I need to think of them separately. With the wigs, it was like keeping Robsten hidden it was easier for me to see just Bella rather than twitches Kristen. That's important to me.
2. I do hope that Kristen follows in Jodie Foster's footsteps.
I'd like to see her go to college. Then I'd like to hear Kristen's original, intelligent, well-thought out ideas on the books. Get Franco to tutor you. ;) He has some thoughts!
I definitely need to take out a can of Wupp Ass on Eclipse. There are so many things that bothered me.
Like Bella blew off an entire day of school and didn't get home until nighttime when she was with Jacob? Ummm, didn't it seem like she was on the reservation for all of 40 minutes? And Charlie had no clue that Bella wasn't in school all day?
Don't get me started!
I'll save it for another day. PMSing will be optional that day.
Any Memorable Lines from Eclipse?
You know how we had all these fun lines from Twilight and New Moon that we like to say. Have you found yourself using any Eclipse vernacular?
I haven't found a need to say too much from Eclipse.
I like Jessica's line, "Epic? It'll change lives." I think I used that in the comments somewhere once.
Otherwise, I haven't found myself in any situation where I need to look at someone and say, "After all, I am hotter than you."
I haven't looked at my husband and said, "I love you more" [he knows I'd be lying. I love Rob more.]
And I don't think I would ever, ever say to anyone in my home, "If you are here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave." I think I would offer them cake and coffee instead.
I probably have rolled my eyes and thought to myself, "Super" the way Charlie says it, but you know I have a special place for him anyway.
What about everyone's significant others though? I know a lot of them indulge in the lines from the movies, though I think sometimes they take liberties with them.
**Note to guys--Use the lines with respect for our love of the books and movies. Don't tarnish our Edward-is-the-perfect-guy-thing by looking deep into our eyes and saying, "Would you do the extraordinary honor of sucking me off tonight."
I think we are getting closer to Emmett's Shirtless Arm Wrestling. See it in this video that Rachel Reiss sent out where Kellan is talking about abs and arm wrestling. Put them together and you get this:
{Made by Kelly @mydiscomROBulation :)}
HERE to go see Kellan talking about doing the arm wrestling scene from Access Hollywood.
From the red nose
to the red pawn
and everything in between today, huh?
Don't forget to answer the trivia question and let me know if you know what cartoon I'm talking about or if I'm just confused!