Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive, January Issue Featuring Author Interview

"I want to be whole again." -Bella Swan
Just Like Always, chapter 9

Have you ever gone through something that left you so depressed you wondered if you could ever be happy in your life again? That made you want to shut down and not deal with the decision of even having to take the next step? That left you feeling so much despair that you had absolutely no idea what that next step should be?

Yeah, I think we've all been there--whether it was a break up, a rift in a friendship, loss of a loved one, suffering a long-term illness, victim of a crime, job loss, some kind of personal failure, being caught up in an unforeseen accident, et cetera, et cetera...

Or, if you are lucky enough to have not experienced something like this, then you've probably witnessed someone you love go through something painful as you tried your best to offer comfort and support. After all, that's how we cope, isn't it? We turn to others for strength in the midst of those tough situations, but ultimately it is something we have to find from within ourselves that pushes us to get up in the morning and put one foot in front of the other in order to begin the process of healing and moving on with our lives.

Sometimes we think we are alone in going through something tough, but then we read a story that lets us know we aren't, that dealing with something painful is universal, which is why I loved the story "Just Like Always" by itsjustme1217 because in 11 short chapters it takes you on an emotional rollercoaster but in the end will give your spirit a renewed sense of empowerment and a stronger determination to grab the reigns of your own life, make choices for your own happiness and well being.

Don't we all need a reminder to do that once and a while?

By the end of the second chapter of this story you will feel confused, possibly sad--which is exactly how Bella feels as she goes in and out of two different altering states of being. In one she lives alone in a modest apartment with a poster of rockstar Edward Cullen on the wall. In the other, she lives in a nice house with her husband, rockstar Edward Cullen.

Is one state just a dream and the other a reality for her? If so, which is which? You just won't know completey until you are a good ways in, but there are several clues mixed in to the story along the way that are explained at the end of the story. And if you love Jasper, and I think we all do at this point, you would be happy to know that he plays a very important part in this story. His role influences Bella positively and their friendship will leave you hoping that your own decisions in life can positively impact those around you.

Bella shifts in and out of two very different lives, but Edward is always a constant in her thoughts--the anchor that inspires her to find deep within herself the strength to choose how she wants to live her life.

And so, the Edward from this story also inspired this month's issue of...

Interview with the Author itsjustme1217 (Robmusement)
1. First thing is first, are you just like, always Team Edward or always Team Jacob? Team Robert forever! ! !

2. Any writing background before fanfiction? Other than the high school newspaper, no.

3. How did you come up with the idea for this story? Yes, this story draws on some personal influence but is mostly made up.

4. Did you plan out the whole story before you wrote it or have you developed the story as you've gone? What is your writing process? The story was planned out in advance. I came up with the ending first and then basically wrote it backward.

5. I think your story has a very important message to it. If you could sum up that message in one sentence what would it be? Dreams do come true if you believe in yourself.

6. Which character has been your favorite to write? Why? I liked writing the scenes with Alice in the them. She was the comic relief in the beginning and later, the rock.

7. After Bella and Edward, who is your favorite character in the original book series? In the original novels, Seth Clearwater was probably my favorite. He was very accepting of everyone and just a genuinely good guy.

8. What are your top 3 favorite fanfictions that you have read?

"Fearless' by mygoldeneyedangel http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4770452/1/Fearless (The story of severely abused and neglected Edward finding love with Bella and his adoptive parents, Esme and Carlisle. )(If this was a movie, it would be one of those heartbreaking ones that you cry all the way through)

"Work in Progress" by araeo http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4874316/1/Work_in_Progress (Hilarious! Everything araeo writes is fantastic. Doctorward and Neurotic Bella with dirty talking ovaries.)(If this was a movie it would be a romantic comedy worthy of Adam Sandler)

"The Red Line" by Winndsinger http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4819806/1/The_Red_Line (Stripward has sold his soul to the devil, Victoria. When Bella buys his company for two weeks to study him for a college psychology paper, things get complicated when they both want more.)(If this was a movie, it would be a thriller. One of those where you sit on the edge of your seat and feel a bit uncomfortable at times. Then, at the end you exhale and realize you've been holding your breath for two hours.)

9. Who are your top 3 Fanfiction Edwards?

Geekward! Oh I love me some Geekward! There is so much I want to teach him.

I love Crazyward! Give him to me all broody and pulling his hair out in frustration while he talks to people who are not there. I can fix him!

I know everyone loves Domward and I really do too, but I have a sweet spot *wink* for Subward. What? He WANTS to please me for God sakes!

10. What is your favorite scene in "Just Like Always?" My favorite is the end. That last scene of chapter 10 is how the whole story started.

11. Favorite line from the whole SAGA series? "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not ashamed of it." -Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.294

12. Are you even a fan of Robert Pattinson? Have you seen him in person? Met him? Autographs? No, I have never met Rob, seen him in person, nor do I have his autograph. After over a year and a half of basically devoting myself to him, I am still in awe of him and a little embarrassed by my reactions to him. I am honestly terrified of what he could do to me if he standing in front of me in the flesh. I have this vision of me staring up at him with this goofy, lovestruck expression on my face while little red hearts dance around my head, clutching my heart to prevent it from jumping out of my chest into his hands, saying things like, "Yes, Rob," "Whatever you say Rob," and "I love you Rob."

14. You are leaving tomorrow for a 2-year extended trip to do missionary work and will be cut off from technology. You'll be given your choice of getting a special viewing of only one upcoming RPattz movie on the plane to said location. Do you choose Water for Elephants or Bel Ami. Why? First, I don't care who I gotta sleep with or kill, I am not going on this trip. However, if I must choose, I would say Water for Elephants. Jacob Jankowski is sweet and broken but hotheaded and willing to stand up for his what he believes in. Basically a broody hero in dirty clothes.

15. Rob calls you up and says he really likes your story and wants to  a) meet you for coffee to discuss it, b) meet you at a pub to chat over beer, or c) come to your house to re-enact a scene with you. If  option C, which scene? I am going to choose b) meet at a pub to chat about it over a beer. If I got to be with him, I would want him to be comfortable and I think Rob would be more comfortable in a dark pub with a beer in his hand where he could relax a bit. Also, if I got to kiss him, I want it to because he feels something and wants to kiss me not because it's a scene and he has to.

Special thanks to itsjustme for doing this interview with me *cough - months ago - cough* and for giving us a new kind of Twi-fecta--story review, interview, and TwiPeople Cover!

                     Make a date with Dreamward and check out Just Like Always .

***Thanks again to the 17ForeverLisa who heads up TwiPeople's Graphic Design Dept for all the hard work she did on this month's cover! Upper management was very happy with your work! Look for a bonus in yer next paycheck! ****

And just like always I'm asking that you leave some love in the comments for our featured author and your reactions to her interview or let us know if you have read the story and what you thought of it. 


It goes without saying that February is a prime month for a romantic leading Edward. Who will claim TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Cover in February?

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

To take the chill off...

{Created by the talented Jules! Follow her here! CreationsbyJules}

You ain't kidding, Rob!
Damn it!!!
Is it still winter?
Wait, did Rob just call me 'baby?'
*falls to the floor*

Is it at least February yet? (*snickers at Robmusement*) Well while my order of Fukitol is being processed by an online Canadian pharmacy I'm still trying to fight against the cold, snow, and winter doldrums and...carve out a warm happy place for myself with the resources available to me.

All done carving...
(If you read that sign as Rob's Love Goo, don't be ashamed)

And inside he's waiting for me...

       Finally a place we don't need to worry about smoking in bed.

We do, however, need to worry about the walls melting down around us either from his hawtness or the.... friction. =)

Just the other day I chatted with Munkee, the maker of my fabulous totebag (go on check it out and be totally jealous!!), and she directed me to her tumblr account to show me her recent creation, a scarf with pictures of Rob on it that she made for one of her lucky friends.

 That's one way to get Rob to wrap himself around a fangirl! Munkee you really need to ditch the day job and just start a business with skills SEW fantastic as that!

              Scarves are great! After all, a girl has to protect her neck, unless she's hoping for a certain sparkly vampire, or his father, or one of his adoptive brothers, hell even James or Laurent to change her so she can feast on the local wildlife, have smash the cottage down sex romps, and frolic in the land of Meyer's Forks forever

  But back to real life because that's not going to happen {it sooooo can} I thought we'd take a little looksie at Rob and his neck!

Awww, just beautiful.
So much so that usually jaw and neck blockage infuriates me.

Like here...

Someone definitely screwed up here Mr. Slade! Those flowers were meant  to lean toward the right to block some of Kristen's wig. I'm sure of it!! There was a designer on set who should have been fired for jawblocking and neckblocking here!!!

If my view of his neck has to be obscurred, here's the way to do it with Rob looking all dashing...

Prep school preppie Rob.

Fashionable and reminds me of  Profward who
had a black and white scarf from his Oxford days that he
gave to Bella to wear to the meadow in University of Edward Masen.

Another time he looks like such a schoolboy!

{Picture probably stolen from Robmusement}

And for the greatest scarf Rob ever wore...the one that subliminally screamed, don't worry ladies above a certain age, I'm still growing and I'm going to grow into this for you....
Ya look at that and you just think looooooooong, don't ya?
Or do you think mustard and then...wiener? *quirks eyebrow*

Ward the chill away by any means necessary!
But be sure to come back for the next issue of
TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive
It hits stands on Monday!

Enjoy yerrrrr weekend, chickadees!!
Can you believe it's the end of January already??


Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Edward, How about an UnTraditional Wedding March?

 When I was growing up I used to stay with my grandparents overnight from time to time and being that they lived over the river and through the woods one of their favorite pasttimes was watching tv so that's what I did with them, right after I had to dust and polish the top of it`.

So because they loved Dick Clark and laughing they always watched "TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes." It was good to see my grandparents laugh. It was contagious, and I grew up loving blooper reels from television and movies. Even more I love the practical jokes! Who knew, right? Yep! Me and George Clooney should collaborate sometime.

Now we've all seen the Twilight bloopers, right? See them here but DAMN you just know there are more!

And we know when Rob is around scenes are bound to end up in theshitter going astray as he so easily cracks himself up over stuff.

What's so funny Rob?


          HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
                                             HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
                                                                                              HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Sorry but Rob laughing is contagious but just what we needed to lighten up the mood!!!

Now Bill Condon strikes me as the kind of director who is all business, like his idea of a good time is bringing in pizza for lunch one day and announcing his next project will be featherless. I admit he's got a lot to think about filming two movies at once and a huge cast to coordinate but Bill, how about letting your hair down....(uhhh sorry about that one, it's just an expression) cutting a little footloose, and letting the cast be a little fancy free.

I have an idea for some extra footage, that yes we know won't be part of the movie, but would be highly anticipated to see on the EXTRAS part of the DVD along with any bloopers. It won't take more than two hours of Scummit's precious time (and don't worry about the money because it will pay for itself) to shoot and I bet...I mean I just bet...that if you propositioned this idea to the cast they would all be SO ONBOARD with the idea.

So just recreate this....

Can't you see it now?
Okay watch the video and follow along...

It starts out with your ushers Tyler and Eric handing out programs as Charlie closes the doors and sneaks off to the side.

The music starts! The remaining programs get thrown in the air like confetti!

Tyler begins shaking some booty and doing his prom dancing all the way down the aisle. You remember how he had is hands all up in front of him dancing in Twilight.

Eric follows behind with his hands waving through the air and shades on, looking slightly cool.

Jessica and Angela enter with sunglasses on and flowers in hand as they sache down the aisle, do a few cheerleader moves using their flowers like pom poms, and then end with a risky ode to what they always wished to do to Edward.

Then Forks' famous rumpshaker Mike Newton does what he does best as he flags his friends at the wedding, stops to put a flower in his mouth and walks on his hands to keep his ass in the air, lands back on his feet and gives us another glance of what he looks like while on a surfboard!

Bear down and brace yourself! In dances Emmett and Rosalie in their shades! While dancing Rosalie actually hides any remaining disgust she has for Bella. Emmett has some badass moves!!!

Here comes Seth and Quil sporting some moves! Seth dances thinking, "Wow, I'm gonna sneak some champagne tonight" and Quil is just glad he didn't have to bring his cousin as a date.

Oh Renee and Phil are getting in on the action too! I'm not surprised, Renee really is young for her age and Phil keeps her feeling young so of course she was gonna flaunt that in front of poor Charlie.

Then Sue and Leah don their shades, grab bouquets, and get in on the action as they join hands and run down the aisle flipping each other followed by cameo appearances made by Stephenie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg.

And let's take pity on the dog, because Taylor has some awesome moves, so clear the aisle, like a dog run, and let Taylor backwards flip all the way down the aisle!!!

Here comes our fine monkey man, Jasper and Alice, give'em a second to match the music and now they are doing some funky uppercuts as they come down the aisle then run it back because it's time for Cuttin' lose Cullen style including Carlisle and Esme and the rest!!! What can bring the wolves and vamps together like kicking newborn ass and casuing a commotion Madonna style?  

He's here! [Anticipation builds.] He's so close! He's coming!

Make way for Edward, as our favorite groom emerges from the clan with a somersault in one lithe move [and way more graceful than that backward flip he did on the mat in the behind the scenes footage of Eclipse!!!! 

(As Edward dances the rest of the way of the aisle most of the female guests can't help but holler and yell about how hawt he is however inappropriate that may be at a wedding! Some of the girls faint.)

After slo-mo buildup from the Clan up at the altar, our anticipated bride Bella appears at the back of the church and begins her little awkward "I can't dance' movements. Halfway down the aisle, Edward rescues her by taking her arm and gently gliding her the rest of the way as he leans in and whispers to her, 

Dear Bill C. and Summit,

Yes I'm available for hire, phone consultations, or Skype critiques.

Let's have some fun!!

*hisbella...how's that for Dreamgirls meets Twilight? he he

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Do We Have Time for a Movie Montage?

If my title sounds vaguely familiar to you it is from the movie The Sweetest Thing which is one of my favorite stupidly funny movies. The characters dress up and act out scenes from some of their favorite movies.

I'm a sucker for a montage of movie clips that are used to show a character reflecting on memories. I think we all experience it, and when it is displayed that way it gives me more credibility to how the character feels and more basis for their words. It's just something about how the mind works that I really like to see brought to life.

'Memba in Twilight when Bella slips into an unconscious state after Edward sucks the venom out and Catherine Hardwick did that fantastic montage of clips with Rob singing in the background, Bella's words getting her through the transition and the last scene of the snow falling while Edward was lying in the grass holding Bella. "Death is easy, denying my love for Rob is harder." *chills*

Wanna know the real genius of this transitional scene? Catherine Hardwick could have just pulled a


here, but she didn't and she's damn proud of it, had no problem patting herself on the back  saying so in the commentary. She went with something visually dynamic, melodically pleasing, heartmeltingly moving, and arousing because you know I love seeing Rob's arms and him wearing blue!

That ain't Fade To Black! Something to keep in mind there Mister Bill C!

Here's a little mix up of the montage if you need to revel in the happier times when Bella could hang out in the cold and snow with Edward and not need the dog around to keep her warm.

Awesomely made by RhiiLouise

So I wanted to share some  my favorite videos that use clip montages, and truth be told, I think the videos are better than the actual movie scenes. {gasp} Take a look! See what you like!

1. I think Bella could have had a few more memories of the meadow in New Moon once she got there and found it barron and desolate.

2. Yes the proposal scene in Eclipse is great except for the fact that there was way too much synthetic fabric going on (aka hair and plaid) but I swear because that is the scene that  I wanted to see most it just goes by TOO QUICKLY!!! I want to live in that moment just a little longer or for like an hour, but I feel like I hold my breath once Bella gets through that door and before I have any effects from loss of oxygen their engaged and hugging.

But take a look at this video! It is a wonderful version and expression of Edward's feelings here and Bella's reaction to the words he is speaking. And even if you love Sia's "My Love" there is something undeniably powerful about the music used and it genuinely feels like it s-l-o-w-s the process down a bit and let's you take a breath and really enjoy the moment!

3.  What about the end of Eclipse when Bella gives her speech about what she's gone through? This video chronicles what she's reflecting on during her little "I'm soon to be vampire, hear me Grrrrrr" speech! Check it out!

Very nicely done by DefiningBeautyNet

But this...THIS ONE...This one is my new favorite because this is one of my favorite scenes in New Moon--when Bella is risking foreign accents, uneven gravel, bad coordination, and a bad sense of direction to run to get to Edward in time. The biggest problem with the movie is that Chris Weitz left out Bella yelling out for Edward, so I'm really happy to hear it in this version. Plus more of her memories that you can see! Those memories fuel her drive to get to Edward in time to save him.

Gah! Props to verotruth for making this!

So is there a point here? Like a big pointy fang point? Yes, there is!!!

One of my BIGGEST HOPES for the very end of Breaking Dawn 2, i. e. {insert simultaneous gasp and cry here} the end of the series, is that when Bella let's down her shield to let Edward in they do a montage of clips from Twilight through to the end. I mean if Bill C. and Melissa R. were really smart they would pull from some EXTRA NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN FOOTAGE that has been lying around collecting dust and include a good deal of it as well as filming extra stuff specifically for the described montage! Now should you both fail to give me what I want, I'll look elsewhere...to someone who has real vision that can't be silenced simply by shutting down her youtube account, I'm talking about  Biel! Her new channels can be found here!

While we are on the topic of someone having vision....
We've all seen the New Moon trailer a thousand times, right?
Ummm...first off, don't try to downplay it here.
Now that we are all being honest with ourselves, maybe you would be willing to admit that you noticed a few changes from the trailer to the movie, and if you are like me, they bugged the ever-unliving shit out of you.

These lines were already INGRAINED in my brain exactly with the anticipation of the emotion of the scenes so why oh why Scummit did you go and use a different cake....I mean TAKE...not to mention where the hell was the line about the cake!

Line 1: "Oww... papercut." -Bella, said with emotion

Line 2:  "What happened with Jasper was nothing." -Bella, said with emotion

Line 2:  "I can't help myself. You are soooooo mouthwatering." -Laurent, said dripping with emotion

Why did these lines come off so flat in the movie? I liked these lines as said in the trailer MUCH better!!!! In fact they were PERFECT but they ended up changed in the movie.

Chris Weitz, why mess with perfection? Why did you build me up buttercup just to let me down and mess me all up???

So what did you think...

Did you notice a difference in the ways the lines were said?

Do you like any of the above videos better than the original scenes?

Do you think Bella's shield lifting for Edward would best be served by a montage of clips?


Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Winter Doldrums Got You Down? Let's Consult Dr. C

We're approaching that time of the year when it might start to feel like LIFE / MOTHER NATURE can't get over her own damn PMS and is taking everything out on you.

Take the Quiz...

1.  Did you buy a lot of Twilight merchandise over the holiday season and now your bills are rolling in?

2.  Is getting up in the dark and coming home in the dark starting to affect your enthusiasm to accomplish anything other than escaping with some fanfiction while watching Twilight?

3.  Is it so freezing cold that you can't wait to cozy up under your Edward blankie?

4.  Are you tired of suffering through the flu and no Rob dreams to show for it despite all the Nyquil you take?

5.  Are you still reeling from the fact that the Zef beat out Rob for the award at the PCAs?

Well let's turn to our favorite fictional doctors to see if he can help us get through the despair of the upcoming month. 

"If you answered yes to any of the above questions then take two of these, and I think you'll be just fine."

        Let's get a second opinion....

 Look's like 2 out of 2 fictional Dr. C's recommend it!

Take that winter doldrums!!

Get this winter over with, flash forward to spring time, when I'll see him again...

See he's just hanging back waiting for April and me...

I didn't see anyone talking much about these pictures but
here's what I noticed.

The Volturi look like they don't travel light.

Remember when we dedicated posts to the Cullen men with Ke$ha's "Your Love is My Drug"?
Rob was my drug.
Kellan was Jelena's drug.
Jackson was rpfangirl's drug.

Well we left out Peter Fachinelli, who has proven with his acting, family life, charity, tweeting, and overall good guy attitude that he is just as worthy of having a photo montage to that song! 
So thanks to Raychell_92 he's getting some loving through this amazing video and lots of praise on her whole youtube channel. Peter's even seen it!

Anyone else need some Peter Rehab?

(I bet Jennie doesn't. She's had her lips all over my men for years now. And don't think I'm NOT including Grant Show in that mix. I suppose it's only a matter of time before you get to represent the cougars and Mrs. Robinson up Rob.)

In case you haven't seen it, this was my favorite Christmas gift. Last one in the store and marked down to clearance price of $12. How could I not buy it and make Mr. ATP wrap it up for me for Christmas? I'm not wearing this out in public. Please don't embarrass yourself by going up to a random stranger you seeing wearing this and asking them if they are TongueTwied.

See even Dr. C and Dr. C are excited over it!!

One last thing. While sitting in Dunkin' Donuts having coffee this weekend this song came over the ALL 80s music loop that was playing. I hadn't heard this song in a long, long time. It's usually just retired to those easy listening stations, I guess.

So...wanna guess what  and who it made me think of?

Have a great Monday or...Fukitol!


Disclaimer: Do I really need one here? Like I always say "Cullen Men Hugs Not Drugs." Fukitol is a fictitious medication and therefore can only be prescribed by fictitious characters. See their site for more info.

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Celebrating Being Robmused in 2010!!

If you frequent Robmusement, you know that the park owner runs a Rob-exclusive theme park over there with lots of rules about respecting Rob or else you will be Ejected From the Park Without Refund. Once you get to know Jeanette, the park owner, you realize that she talks about Rob being BIG....errr, wait a minute I mean, she talks BIG about Rob. She serves up a great mix of wit and humor in her posts, but she also offers a big service for the rest of us. Every Saturday she posts a "Best of Week" pulling out all the highlights from the Rob related happenings and choosing her favorite blog posts. On Sundays she gives out great fanfiction recommendations for one shots! 

And while she may claim it is all about Rob all the time, it's more than that. She manages to weave her Robsession with her friendships together often. It is frequently with kindness and no hesitation that she does something for her friends whether it is find them a particular picture (her Rob library wall-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall with 3 ladders), direct them to a particular video, track down a .gif, make them a banner for their fanfiction story, recruit them for various fun park activities, sharing her knowlege of computer software, or even throw them an online birthday party! She even makes banners for one shot stories she recommends, whether the authors of said one shots realize or not.

Here's a look back at some of the special things Jeanette has done for me this past year that I am so appreciative of!

Back in the early days of my blog, she let me borrow this picture I had seen on her blog.

And next thing I knew she was asking me to participate in her upcoming 120 Reasons to Love Rob post on her blog. I was really surprised by the invite because I was so new. And I sent her this email:

Love your devotion to Rob! I have no photoshop skills (yet!) but ideas hit me randomly so if you ever want to collaborate with me let me know and I'd pitch ya an idea.  -TT

Jeanette responded, "So glad you'll help" regarding her post. 
There was no mention of ever wanting to collaborate with me. I was not deterred. I knew that 
"love for Rob conquers all"

Next thing I knew I was part of the Robpalooza in May better known as
for which she made this banner!

Then, in July she asked if I would do a guest post for her blog where I had to link Rob to a few special crazy holidays. I mean it was no easy task connecting Rob to National Junk Food Day but it was well worth it, because Robmusement rewarded me by making me this banner!

So pretty and peaceful!!! And it is a reminder to me everyday of what was on Rob's mind this day.
You can see this larger than life on my tumblr account!

But the thing with Jeanette is she's not just kind, she is also gracious as seen in her blog anniversary post here from August.

In this post she gave me a nod and said she liked brainstorming with me. Up until that day I always assumed I was bothering her with my emails.

Then Halloween came and Jeanette made this for everyone!

Isn't that cool?

Then she encouraged me to write a one shot and acted as my beta. She didn't just stop there, then she made this f*cktastic banner!!!

Really, I think this is one of the best things she made all year!!!

She made me a cool signature picture--as seen at the bottom of this post.
In October we did all had fun celebrating World Smile Day that
Jeanette organized!

More beautiful artwork

Next up was my birthday!
She came up with a Twilight trivia game for me and all of us to do--How perfect was that?

And she made me a couple of  special cards:

And materialized a couple of jokes:

The icing on the cake is this one though, because friends or not, if I'm standing in the way of her and Rob, I'm getting pushed in front of a bus.

She treats herself well, too!
Check out this banner she made for her one shot. Click on it to read the story!

Are those cupcakes strategically placed? .
And at the close of the year, she made this.
Nothing like adding Rob into the Holiday Magic!!!

Robmusement just posted a week's worth of Best of Year posts you can get to by clicking here. My favorite was her picspam she did matching up to some of her favorite lines Rob said this year. She didn't just do 10 of these or 20...she made 35 of them!!! Here are some of my favorites:

    To see more from that post click HERE.
Jeanette does even more than most of us realize.
You can sometimes find her posting at Thinking of Rob.
and does Memoirs of a Robmance, which are short little love notes to Rob.

 Thank You Jeanette for all your expressions of friendship to me and everyone! Each and every one of the above pictures /banners is a gift!
You say it's all about Rob, but it is more than that. You invest so much extra time into doing nice things for others! It is about your kind heart, doing what you like to do the way you want to do it, and sharing so much of your talent with all of us! We can't do a Best of Year of Robmusement post because you give your best to one of us and all of us everyday with all you do!!!

Looking forward to more of Robmusement's  contributions and gifts in 2011!

(Dear Jeanette, you were one of the first people in this fandom to be really nice and helpful to me, and I thank you for it! I'm thinking that in 2011, I might finally have the nerve to pitch you an idea or two, ya know, if I'm not lying on the road dying from being hit by a bus!)