Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive, January Issue Featuring Author Interview

"I want to be whole again." -Bella Swan
Just Like Always, chapter 9

Have you ever gone through something that left you so depressed you wondered if you could ever be happy in your life again? That made you want to shut down and not deal with the decision of even having to take the next step? That left you feeling so much despair that you had absolutely no idea what that next step should be?

Yeah, I think we've all been there--whether it was a break up, a rift in a friendship, loss of a loved one, suffering a long-term illness, victim of a crime, job loss, some kind of personal failure, being caught up in an unforeseen accident, et cetera, et cetera...

Or, if you are lucky enough to have not experienced something like this, then you've probably witnessed someone you love go through something painful as you tried your best to offer comfort and support. After all, that's how we cope, isn't it? We turn to others for strength in the midst of those tough situations, but ultimately it is something we have to find from within ourselves that pushes us to get up in the morning and put one foot in front of the other in order to begin the process of healing and moving on with our lives.

Sometimes we think we are alone in going through something tough, but then we read a story that lets us know we aren't, that dealing with something painful is universal, which is why I loved the story "Just Like Always" by itsjustme1217 because in 11 short chapters it takes you on an emotional rollercoaster but in the end will give your spirit a renewed sense of empowerment and a stronger determination to grab the reigns of your own life, make choices for your own happiness and well being.

Don't we all need a reminder to do that once and a while?

By the end of the second chapter of this story you will feel confused, possibly sad--which is exactly how Bella feels as she goes in and out of two different altering states of being. In one she lives alone in a modest apartment with a poster of rockstar Edward Cullen on the wall. In the other, she lives in a nice house with her husband, rockstar Edward Cullen.

Is one state just a dream and the other a reality for her? If so, which is which? You just won't know completey until you are a good ways in, but there are several clues mixed in to the story along the way that are explained at the end of the story. And if you love Jasper, and I think we all do at this point, you would be happy to know that he plays a very important part in this story. His role influences Bella positively and their friendship will leave you hoping that your own decisions in life can positively impact those around you.

Bella shifts in and out of two very different lives, but Edward is always a constant in her thoughts--the anchor that inspires her to find deep within herself the strength to choose how she wants to live her life.

And so, the Edward from this story also inspired this month's issue of...

Interview with the Author itsjustme1217 (Robmusement)
1. First thing is first, are you just like, always Team Edward or always Team Jacob? Team Robert forever! ! !

2. Any writing background before fanfiction? Other than the high school newspaper, no.

3. How did you come up with the idea for this story? Yes, this story draws on some personal influence but is mostly made up.

4. Did you plan out the whole story before you wrote it or have you developed the story as you've gone? What is your writing process? The story was planned out in advance. I came up with the ending first and then basically wrote it backward.

5. I think your story has a very important message to it. If you could sum up that message in one sentence what would it be? Dreams do come true if you believe in yourself.

6. Which character has been your favorite to write? Why? I liked writing the scenes with Alice in the them. She was the comic relief in the beginning and later, the rock.

7. After Bella and Edward, who is your favorite character in the original book series? In the original novels, Seth Clearwater was probably my favorite. He was very accepting of everyone and just a genuinely good guy.

8. What are your top 3 favorite fanfictions that you have read?

"Fearless' by mygoldeneyedangel http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4770452/1/Fearless (The story of severely abused and neglected Edward finding love with Bella and his adoptive parents, Esme and Carlisle. )(If this was a movie, it would be one of those heartbreaking ones that you cry all the way through)

"Work in Progress" by araeo http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4874316/1/Work_in_Progress (Hilarious! Everything araeo writes is fantastic. Doctorward and Neurotic Bella with dirty talking ovaries.)(If this was a movie it would be a romantic comedy worthy of Adam Sandler)

"The Red Line" by Winndsinger http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4819806/1/The_Red_Line (Stripward has sold his soul to the devil, Victoria. When Bella buys his company for two weeks to study him for a college psychology paper, things get complicated when they both want more.)(If this was a movie, it would be a thriller. One of those where you sit on the edge of your seat and feel a bit uncomfortable at times. Then, at the end you exhale and realize you've been holding your breath for two hours.)

9. Who are your top 3 Fanfiction Edwards?

Geekward! Oh I love me some Geekward! There is so much I want to teach him.

I love Crazyward! Give him to me all broody and pulling his hair out in frustration while he talks to people who are not there. I can fix him!

I know everyone loves Domward and I really do too, but I have a sweet spot *wink* for Subward. What? He WANTS to please me for God sakes!

10. What is your favorite scene in "Just Like Always?" My favorite is the end. That last scene of chapter 10 is how the whole story started.

11. Favorite line from the whole SAGA series? "If I could dream at all, it would be about you. And I’m not ashamed of it." -Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.294

12. Are you even a fan of Robert Pattinson? Have you seen him in person? Met him? Autographs? No, I have never met Rob, seen him in person, nor do I have his autograph. After over a year and a half of basically devoting myself to him, I am still in awe of him and a little embarrassed by my reactions to him. I am honestly terrified of what he could do to me if he standing in front of me in the flesh. I have this vision of me staring up at him with this goofy, lovestruck expression on my face while little red hearts dance around my head, clutching my heart to prevent it from jumping out of my chest into his hands, saying things like, "Yes, Rob," "Whatever you say Rob," and "I love you Rob."

14. You are leaving tomorrow for a 2-year extended trip to do missionary work and will be cut off from technology. You'll be given your choice of getting a special viewing of only one upcoming RPattz movie on the plane to said location. Do you choose Water for Elephants or Bel Ami. Why? First, I don't care who I gotta sleep with or kill, I am not going on this trip. However, if I must choose, I would say Water for Elephants. Jacob Jankowski is sweet and broken but hotheaded and willing to stand up for his what he believes in. Basically a broody hero in dirty clothes.

15. Rob calls you up and says he really likes your story and wants to  a) meet you for coffee to discuss it, b) meet you at a pub to chat over beer, or c) come to your house to re-enact a scene with you. If  option C, which scene? I am going to choose b) meet at a pub to chat about it over a beer. If I got to be with him, I would want him to be comfortable and I think Rob would be more comfortable in a dark pub with a beer in his hand where he could relax a bit. Also, if I got to kiss him, I want it to because he feels something and wants to kiss me not because it's a scene and he has to.

Special thanks to itsjustme for doing this interview with me *cough - months ago - cough* and for giving us a new kind of Twi-fecta--story review, interview, and TwiPeople Cover!

                     Make a date with Dreamward and check out Just Like Always .

***Thanks again to the 17ForeverLisa who heads up TwiPeople's Graphic Design Dept for all the hard work she did on this month's cover! Upper management was very happy with your work! Look for a bonus in yer next paycheck! ****

And just like always I'm asking that you leave some love in the comments for our featured author and your reactions to her interview or let us know if you have read the story and what you thought of it. 


It goes without saying that February is a prime month for a romantic leading Edward. Who will claim TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Cover in February?

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