Senin, 07 Februari 2011

A Twi-Valentine's Day Wish List

I just called my husband and left him a message at work saying not to buy me flowers or candy or champagne for Valentine's Day.

Over it...

I think when it comes to hubby and I we are at the been there, done that stage in our relationship and, if you ask me, him calling ProFlowers is a sucky, easy way out for a guy that used to specifically pick out flowers for me at a florist that he knew I liked. And...well, basically I let him know that. Yeah I did! It's not that I don't like flowers because I do, but I'd rather him reserve those for picking up and surprising me on any old ordinary day. And as stated in our marriage vows, our long-lasting and enduring marriage has rules that are subject to change based on my current obsession and I'm upholding those vows!
So I started to wonder about what us girls would want out of our special fellow for Valentine's Day and it all came back to Rob...Twilight...Edward.

Who would have thought, right?

"Me? Really? I think I can keep it up..."
First let's get Rob off...the list. For as much as any of us can actually have Rob--pictures, video, movies, autographs, listening to his music, a memory of meeting him *I can hear Kelly sigh*--we might as well tell the world we always have a seat reserved just for him in our lives, make ourselves a card with a heart on it, and call every day Valentine's Day.

And I'm not just talking about guys picking us up a box of Twilight Sweethearts and one of those musical Twilight cards because let's face it...most of us have already bought those for ourselves or our Twifriends. Am I right?

But in the spirit of late night talk shows, I've come up with a top ten list of things we'd like to have that someone special in our life do that are Twilight inspired. [Feel free to print this out and hang it up somewhere if you need to in order to get your message across. Use a highlighter on your favorites. And burn a cinnamon roll candle next to it--the smell apparently arouses guys.]

Top Ten Twilight Valentine's Tips for Guys

10.  Watch over us while we sleep and in the morning tell us our hair looks like a haystack but you still like it. {submitted by Robmusement}

9.  Be willing to throw a guy across the room, crashing into a piano if necessary, for causing even a speck of blood to fall from our fingertips. {submitted by Robmusement}

8.  Surprise us by showing up while we are out shopping and tell us you want to take us out to dinner, that calories be damned, you think we should eat.

7.  Realize that the only thing you should ever concentrate on more than us are the notes to a lullaby you have written and will perform on the piano.

6.  Be willing to take the mental abuse of any woman in our lives who tries to inflict pain on us with her mind tricks. (While you guys might be thinking someone short and blonde, let's not rule out your own mother!)

5. Use a picture of yourself to make a poster that says 'Team Hubby' or 'Team Boyfriend' or 'Team ___(Insert Name Here)____ and hang it on the back of the bedroom door.

4.  Buy and wear Twilight Woods cologne and tell us that is what Edward smells like.


3.  Leave us a card on the nightstand the morning after a night of amazing sex that says, "Your fictional Edward couldn't have done that to you."

2. Build a gazebo in our backyard, string up lots of lights, and surprise us by taking us out there to dance.

and one last thing...

1.  Climb a tree in the park and profess that they love us and are NOT bothered by anything Edward, Twilight, or Rob!

I can't think of a better way to say Be My Valentine to a TwiObsessed Gal!

If you have already been the recipient of any of the above gestures or something similar and want to share your story in the comments feel free because you know I'd love to read it!

Also if you have other suggestions let's hear them!  I'm sure you guys could come up with more that are WAY better than mine!! No need to keep it clean either!

***Thanks to Robmusement for help on this one!***


So how will my Valentine's Day end up? My husband will probably still get me flowers even though I told him I would rather us spend a little extra money going out. Maybe even finding a babysitter to pay. I hear they exist but there is a shortage of that around here. And then I will end up writing out the credit card bill next month groaning at the obscene amount of money hubby spent when he ordered flowers because he never looks at price. You know how guys are--when you are ordering for the sake of ordering you can't be bothered with details like "how much is this going to cut into the kid's preschool budget?" But I won't complain. :-)

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