All of the Wards were vying to be named the February cover Ward. With Valentine's Day occuring in February, this is a coveted month. So many of the Wards wanted the chance to say that they should be the one associated with hearts, flowers, romance, sex, and love.
But when it came down to it, there was one Ward in this fandom who owns Valentine's Day, because it was finally on Valentine's Day, a mere -- count'em -- 47 chapters into his story, that he dons a white button-down shirt and black blazer and heads out to the George Washington Inn in Port Angeles to set up the perfect Valentine's Day for his Bella and sets the stage for their perfect first time together.
I had asked our resident "Emancipation Proclamation" enthusiast, Fran, to give us a little write-up on her thoughts of Mafiaward as he proceeds in Chapter 47, and she graciously accepted my request. Here's what she has to say:
If there was an award given out for Best Valentine Day Edward, then 'Emancipation Proclamation' and MafiaPrinceward would surely win. One of the many reasons I love EP is because this Edward is not JUST about being a “HOT” Edward, rather itʼs a story about an Edward with a pure HEART. “A Thousand Words and One Deed” which is the name of the V-Day chapter, finds our finnicky, naughty-mouthed, and adorable Edward practically having an anxiety attack as he tries to plan a once-in-a-lifetime Valentineʼs Day. Edward claims not to be romantic and thinks V-Day is stupid, yet on this day all that bravado changes as he sets out to worship, and honor his “Bella Ragazza.”
Bella, a slave, has no expectations about V-Day. She knows nothing of being free, or cared for or cared about. Edward wants to open up the world for Bella, help heal her mangled past, and so he sets out to treat her like the treasure that she is, referring to her as his tesoro.
With the help of his brother's girlfriend, Alice, Edward anxiously prepares a full experience for her. He rents out a Bed and Breakfast, the ENTIRE house. First, he takes Bella to an art gallery simply because sheʼs never been to one and he knows she herself has artistic talent. This is followed by a picnic in the meadow outside the B&B. Thereʼs some talking, butterfly kisses, and tender moments. Bella is able to ease Edwardʼs nerves by accepting his attempts at being romantic. She tells him she doesnʼt want romance, she just wants HIM. They continue the day in a playful manner. Edward gives her Toblerone candy because, “Alice said youʼre supposed to give chocolates,” and Edward has a thing for Toblerone, as they are the best!
Next, Edward plays the piano for Bella, a song that reminds him of THEM; “18th Floor Balcony” by Blue beautiful and perfect! If youʼve never heard it, you really should. Itʼs on this fan made Twilight video by diandravideos and itʼs sweet and so Valentine perfect.
Edwardʼs not done yet! Bella wants to go to their room and she finds that Edward has filled it with roses everywhere. Edward freezes here as Bella longingly turns to him and asks him to make love to her. She knew that in this moment she wanted Edward. He so wants “to do right by her” and make her FIRST time everything that it should be! He got down on his knees and started cherishing every inch of her body...melted the panties right off of me!
Girls, let me tell you, we should all have had a FIRST TIME like this one. Edward was sweet, gentle, and it was ALL about Bella. At the moment of consummation and as “he was hers for the taking....” in Italian, he quotes a poem from Danteʼs La Vita Nuova. He made sweet, warm, gentle love to Bella. Their emotions spiraled and overwhelmed them, Edward and Bellaʼs eyes misted over, they agreed it was “perfect,” something they both deserved after all the hurt theyʼve lived through.
Finally, because Edward is naughty and ridiculously funny, he says to his shy Bella, “...look at you now, with your cherry popped...” Youʼve got to love EP Edward, heʼs shameless, adorable, and as broken as they come. But dam, with his big heart and (other big body parts...) he could have had ME for Valentineʼs Day after giving me a piece of his Toblerone!
Sempre, Fran
And I'll just add that while so much went on in this chapter, one of the most endearing parts is Edward's reaction to seeing Bella for the first time that day. Leading up to seeing her, he's so worried that anything could go wrong that he imagines ants taking off with their picnic food like in a cartoon. Then he counts 11 different scenarios that could occur from a car accident to all types of natural disasters that could ruin all of his plans. Finally, all of his worries dissipate when he sees Bella all dressed up and ready for their date.
"It was her.
She was the missing piece to the puzzle,
and now that she was standing here
in front of me it all seemed to fit together so seemlessly."
Chapter 47, Page 19
Bookmark the EP Blog and get reading if you haven't already!
As always 17ForeverLisa did a great job with this month's cover. There are a lot of Mafiaward manips and banners out there, as the story has inspired so much, but we wanted to create our own version and have something different to present to the readers of TwiPeople!
Keep your subscription current, you never know who will be on next month's cover!!!
~Sempre, kiTT~
***Thank you Fran for being a contributing editor to this month's edition of TwiPeople!
****Yeah I know this may have coincided better with V-Day last week but you all should know that I don't hold myself to deadlines in my make-believe life as I have too many to adhere to in my RL and several things came up last week for both TongueTwied and her graphics dept that prevented a crossover of this cover with the actual holiday. But as far as I'm concerned, any day is a good day to celebrate Mafiaward. =)
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