Edward, we've discussed this before. I have a history -- everybody does -- guys I loved long before you. Now you know when it comes to Twilight I don't buy into this Team Edward vs. Team Jacob thing because Jacob never had a chance, smug little yelpy dog, there was no love triangle. I watched Eclipse just yesterday and was horrified at how SMUG Jacob was at the graduation party in front of the Cullens telling Bella how happy she should be because they were working together and getting along. I believe that kind of open sarcasm and mocking is what the Brits call taking a piss. Ewwwww, wolf urine!!!

Really so what if Bella had lost a few toes to hypothermia that night in the tent??? All the more reason for Edward to feel guilty enough to change her and make those gangrene toes a completely moot point!!!
You wanna talk about a love triangle then let's talk ones that actually did exist. I'm talking long term love affairs -- Out of sight, out of mind -- Absence makes the heart grow fonder -- On again, off again -- You belong with me. -- We were meant for each other. -- Soulmates -- I love you. I hate you. I hate you for making me love you so much relationships. Yeah those!
I was planning on doing a whole post filled with famous triangles but that became too much work so welcome to Team Thursdays where I'll throw out one or two famous love triangles from the past at you guys in hopes that you will play along and tell me the who and why of your team preference!!!
Okay I don't want to wait for my life to be over so let's begin with
[Ha ha]
Dawson...Literally, the boy next door.
{Picture Source} Doesn't the poster at the end look similar to the New Moon one?
That damn WB promo VOICE gets me every single time! Just when I think I'm out of the WB teen romance, that VOICE and his promos can suck me back in. Between the music and the clips the promos for this show made it seem life or death to watch, didn't it?
Joey: "Do you think there's a Dawson for every Joey and a Joey for every Dawson?"
Dawson: "I hope so."
For me, Dawson was the one.
Though I just looked through like 6 seasons of promos for this show and I think I'm glad it only took Bella a graduation, a cold night in the tent, and watching Edward kill Victoria to make her decision that she wanted her forever with Edward.
UGH!! Could you imagine if the Twilight Saga included 3 more books that chronicled Bella in breaking up with Edward and dating the new kid Jack in town until he realized he was gay and then she started dating Jacob but then went off to college broke things off with Jacob and one day Edward shows up at her dorm room and they sleep together but then she writes him an email that gets published to the whole school and she's embarassed and in the meantime Jacob is dating her college roommate so he's kinda always around meanwhile Edward he has to leave anyway and on and on and on....gesh, Bella Swan makes the whole Jacob thing look like a Dawson's Creek Season 2 misunderstanding compared to the back and forth of Joey Potter.
Now I liked Pacey, but he was a slacker-who-stepped-in-shit-all-the-time-when-he-wasn't-screwing-up-type. He just screwed up too much and still got the girl in the end. In the meantime, you just knew that Dawson was always hurt because he loved Joey forever.
***Team Dawson***
But tell me who you liked and why!
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