Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Robsten is that you? (Paramore's Backstage Friends)

Did I ever tell you about the time I saw Amy Acker (aka the actress that played Fred on "Angel") in NYC? I was heading to see "Rock of Ages" (a broadway show) and about two doors down from the theater I caught a side profile glimpse of a girl with two children going into a store. You know it was such a quick glimpse that I doubted myself that it was really her. Come to find out her husband is one of the stars of "Rock of Ages" and they have two kids. (IMDB it, later) So I tend to believe it really was her!

It's something I have mentioned before on my blog. I have a knack for "spotting" things or people I guess. Not exactly like Sean on "Psych" but ever since I was young my family called me "eagle eyed" for my knack of finding things or pointing out a face in the crowd.  

Now that I've shared that little story, I should say thanks for coming back today to hear what else I had to say about the night I saw Paramore a few weeks ago. It was a very Eclipse-Victoria-like last-minute decision to even go. Mr. ATP and I scored pretty amazing tickets in the second row of the first section behind the regular chairs. I told you how I was bouncing off the wall all day and cracking jokes about how easily Rob could be there because it was the day after he left the WFE set in Tennessee.
Remember this picture?
This was August 5ish, and Rob's arms were looking F-I-N-E, fine!

I asked around the bloggysphere where Rob was heading that day. There was some uncertainty but a general agreement that he was heading to LA for the Sunday taping of the Teen Choice Awards on August 8, 2010. So I took their word for it but still pocketed a tiny amount of hope that the stars were aligning above my head of the open air concert venue called Jones Beach, appropriately so, because I'm always jonesing for some Rob pictures, smiles, movies, singing, et cetera.

And where was Kristen that weekend? Apparently she was away shooting "On the Road" in Canada.  

Hmmmm...Do they halt shooting movies on weekends? I wonder what might be a good meet up spot between Tennessee and Montreal?

Quick aside note to Rob and Kristen:

Okay here's the thing Mr. Pattinson and Ms. Stewart...

Deny a relationship. Fine.

But don't ask us to keep believing that old line of "we just hang out in a hotel all the time." That may have been the case early on, but you guys are young and vivacious and both deserve to go out and have fun at various events. Despite twitter and papparazzi and rabid fans, I can't believe that your team of people isn't creative or resourceful enough to manage to get you guys out of "a hotel" so you can get out there and have some fun!

Are you denying yourselves from having any fun? Okay I don't want an answer to that. Aside complete.

No they probably can't sit in the general admit section of a Kings of Leon concert hooting and drunk hollering anymore, but does that mean they don't go to any concerts at all? Sure the small ones their friends play in LA...but what about a big venue?

I think they can.

I think they've just had to learn to be smart about it.

Call in a favor.

Maybe get some extra help from friends.

Wait...Rob and Hayley from Paramore are friends aren't they?
So where was I? Oh yeah I was at the Paramore concert Friday night, August 6th in New York and I just feel a buzz in the air. A ROBuzz (No alcohol or drugs involved). In yesterday's post I told you how they rolled that couch out and I totally thought "Songs from a Room" and I felt disappointed it wasn't announced that Rob was being invited out to play with the band. Yes, these are the things I think about, but robably only because this video had just been released that week and we were all talking about it.

I admit it, I've got Rob on my brain. *shrugs* Often. *shrugs again* Whatever! It's not in a desperate stalker way to see him...just in a hopeful, and whiney, when's it gonna be my turn, kind of way.

The concert continues into the night. The lights keep changing. The music is blaring. Paramore is just kicking ass up on stage. And it's quite a stage they have going on with lots of special effects! In fact, I was having such a good time and just got caught up enjoying the show, the music, the energy, and Josh *swoon* that I almost missed it!!!!!

Have a look at some more great pictures from the night. 

Blue smoke (very Twilighty!)

See just HOW DARK it was?

Pitch black!

So many blaring lights I could have almost missed it!
Yet something off stage catches my eye! I had to squint.

                   Here's a sophisticated diagram to show you my POV.

                                         (  STAGE )               {??}                  


                 Our seats Row 2 of first raised section
Hey Look!

See it?

"Where? In the back there?"

Some people just have
such undeniable body
language and poses!

Still don't see it?  How about here?

Hard to tell in the picture, huh?

But what a killer stance on that girl backstage, right?

Arm draped across the waist.

And arm resting on hip.

Wearing a cute little dress with the round neckline.

How about this one?

The guy: Hand wrapped around a bottle and wearing a hat.
The girl: Arms folded and a head shorter than the guy.
The guy's hand is curved around her neck.

Stagehands? Not likely.

If I was a betting person, I'd say I'd recognize that flexed arm anywhere!
(In fact, in the airport pictures Rob's arms were one of the first things I noticed about him, before no socks, even!)

Grainy, right?
It's kind of like the fog in Forks, hard to see through,
but on the brightside, you know it means Edward will be in school that day!

 I could only see this couple for 1-1/2 songs. The guy walked away at one point, still in view and then walked back over to the girl. There were two other guys hanging around with them. It all went by so quickly but at least I thought to take a couple of pictures and hoped once we blew it up it would be identity definitive.

Well I wouldn't use the word "definitive" to describe these pictures now, but I know what you are asking,

"Why would it be them at a Paramore concert?"

Well Twilight connection aside, it is possible Rob became friends with Hayley after the  "gar-dun burger" interview that you can see here which happens to be one of my favorites! 


To see Paramore is to love them and become a fan.

Stars have been known to rock out to Paramore. Check it out it's Taylor Swift!


Maybe it was just a stop on the way to the Hamptons--lots of celebrities have houses and throw parties out there, especially during the summer. Or hang out on private beaches. In fact, Ashley Greene had been out there the weekend prior, though at the awards show Sunday night she looked like she had time to rest up whereas the guy sitting next to her that night looked like he wasn't all rested beyond just lag. I remember those days of partying on Friday, beaching it all Saturday and just being spent on Sunday night.   

Beaching it?
 Rob, Kristen, and Ashley all seemed to be sporting some extra sun on that night of August 8, 2010?


One of Paramore's opening acts is Tegan & Sara.  And it just happens to be that Kristen has showed up at big events they have played, so maybe she's a fan of theirs? They were at Coachella and SXSW, when Kristen went too this past year. And Tegan and Sara are fans of Twilight per this MTV article found by Mrs. P! Click here. (thnx Mrs. P, PI)  

Wow, it's like pieces of a puzzle that just fit together!!

I never did see any pictures of wherever Rob landed after he left the Tennessee airport, did you?

Oh but wait, there are two tweets reporting that Rob was spotted in LA having dinner with John Stamos, Bob Saget, and Justin Bieber.  Well BREAKING TWEETS!!! Hold the whipped cream in my Mocha latte!

Let me tell you what my mother would say about "tweets" if she ever knew what the hell one was...

"Do you believe everything your tweets tell you?"


 "If all your friends tweeted to say they were jumping off a bridge, would you do it too?"

Remember the good ole days when someone just shouted,
while pointing to the West coast to distract you from the fact that someone is really over on the East coast?

Do you get what I'm sayin' here?

I mean, in general, did you ever consider that there are people who don't know what they are talking about, make up shit to say on twitter for fun, or are being paid to send out a tweet claiming they see a celebrity? Let's call that last possibility a "tweet plant" in the grand tradition of trying to put a bug in someone's ear and cause a redirect. I digress.

I decided to consult my Robsten cheerleaders, separately, the ones we all know and love (17ForeverLisa and TwiredJen), and let's just say they were doing cartwheels and shouting out profanities over these pictures. These girls would know a certain young actress in a grainy picture the way a mother knows her baby's cry, as far as I'm concerned.

Let's take another look.

I'm really upset to have had such a lousy view of this couple, but had I been seated anywhere else I might not have seen them at all (refer back to my stage map). I was most upset that I was yelling "turn the damn lights on, turn the lights on!" and no one could hear me. It was kind of like that part during one of the Scream movies when the girl was being killed but no one could hear her screaming because they were all screaming watching the movie within the movie.  

So is it or isn't it?

Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't.

Maybe I'll never be 100% sure.

Maybe ignorance is my new best friend.
(that's a Paramore song lyric for those of you that suck at that game)

I've been trying to reconcile this in my mind with research, but today
I decided to try a more spiritual approach for confirmation.
 (I know you do this too, right?)

I asked for a sign from the great beyond.

Yep, I asked a dead relative to give me a sign if this was indeed who I think it was.

(I didn't ask God because I save the important stuff for him, like:
 Dear God, please let RPattz come knocking on my door one day.

So I ask, please show me a sign that it truly was who I think it was I saw.
Just then a Runaways song came on the radio.


I think not but just in case, I decide to do best two out of three.

So later I ask again for some sign while again on the road.
Just then Kings of Leon comes on the radio.

Come on!

I haven't asked for a third time yet, but I'll let you know when I do.

You guys know how I say
"I like my Robsten hidden"
Well, K-A-R-M-A is sitting back laughing her ass off at me today, isn't she?
Well she can keep laughing ! @17ForeverLisa sent a tweet out to @yelyahwilliams asking her if she had specific "friends" backstage. Come on Hayley, tweet Lisa back to let us know, and we'll bury the castle!!!

In the meantime, Rob is welcome to contact me to confirm or deny his whereabouts on the night of August 6, 2010.

Btw, Rob and/or Kristen, here's more proof that I was there...
I showed you mine, now you show me yours...

Just like my blog color and the fog in Forks, I'm in a state of grey over this. 
Nothing is ever black and white, right chickadees? Well I think I'll leave you all today
with two quotes from Twilight.

{Edward tries to dazzle Bella}

E:  Bella you hit you're head, I think you're confused.

B: I know what I saw.

 (who is always dazzled by Rob but never, ever hit her head)

*Disclaimer: Obviously I wish I had better pictures to offer that were 100% definitive but it was dark backstage. Please be respectful of my interpretation / opinion and do not repost my pictures claiming it is 100% definitely them! If you know who this is and it's not "them" feel free to let me know.
**If you find your way to this post and are not one of my followers please be respectful of the opinions of my followers regarding the status of a personal relationship between Rob and Kristen.

Thanks to a few bloggy buddies who helped with enhancing these photos! I know they did them for me and not the underlying cause, and that's special! :)

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