Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


I had an amazing Team Thursdays post planned to be full of lots of pictures of different teams and really I was looking forward to getting everyone's reactions to the teams I was gonna offer this week.

Then the pictures hit and

I'm not kidding. I was driving along thinking about the pictures. Stopped for the red light and forgot to go when the light turned green. (Sorry to the guy in the white van behind me! I actually deserved your honking.)

Getting it on in the water! <----Nice!

The sex on the floor in the cottage with a fire burning! <------LOVING THAT!

Oh that headboard is a goner!!! But doesn't it look like there is a handle on it that Rob's fantastically chiseled arm is outreached to? A handle on a headboard. Hmmmm....A handle on a headboard. Do they make those? Don't you want to meet Rob someday and say to him, "Brace yourself"

Birthing picture

Bella on the table after giving birth picture

Bella's neck with Rob's hand around it picture.

I'm just giving up on this post.


If you have any coherent thoughts feel free to share them in the comments.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

When I Discovered Twilight...

It's been a year since I started this here blog and I just don't know what to say about it. Some days I want to quit it and other days I have 5 thoughts for a post. Sometimes the posts just require more time and work than I have to give. I think I need like a staff of interns to compile the necessary pictures and stuff. I mean I still haven't shared so many things with you guys about my life that are Twilight related and that was the main purpose of the this blog to begin with...ohhh, and to talk about Twilight, of course, freely without need to keep my tongue twied all the time. 

Maybe I'll do more of an anniversary post, but I've always wanted to share the conversation I had with my mom when I discovered Twilight with you guys so I figured now was a good time.
I've told this part before, but I'll do it again. When I had originally seen the commercials for the movie I was curious but it mostly made me miss 'Buffy.' And I had a busy summer but I remember friends of ours -- also Buffy fans -- coming to a summer party at our house and me asking them if they saw Twilight. They had and their reaction was not more much than a shoulder shrug over it. I still love them, but mostly because they have gone to see the movies with me since then.

About a two weeks later I had a really bad PMSing day and did a lot of crying while Oprah was on and not long after that I just looked at my hubby and said, "I think it is time to rent Twilight." It took me awhile to get into the movie the first night. Rob didn't quite own me until the restaurant scene, mostly because of the lipstick and white makeup. The next morning I watched it again. And then later that night. I just kept watching it, with hubby who was pointing things out to me like how something was going to be going on with a sequel of Jacob upcoming based on that 'fierce' look Jacob gave Edward at the prom. Hubby also noticed Carlisle feeding info to Edward outside the police station knowing Edward could read his mnd.

I planned to return the movie, but I didn't And the next day...another no show at the red box. Thngs were starting to get weird. I just kept rewatching it. Finally hubby asked, "Are we ever gonna take that movie back?" But I wouldn't have felt right not offering it to my best fellow Buffy/Angel fan, my mom, who is also a fan of SyFy stuff, especially vampires.

So I called her up and had this little convo with her.

kitt:  Mom, I have this movie I want you to watch. {I'm all excited}
Mom: What is it? {deadpans}
kiTT: Trust me you are going to love it! {bouncing off the walls}
Mom: What's it called?
kiTT: Twilight.
Mom: Oh no, I'm reading the book first.
kiTT: THERE IS A BOOK???????????????????????????????
Mom: Yeah....there's a whole series.
kiTT: Wha...wha... How do you know?   kiTT's mom does not exactly keep up on popular culture, stuck in the 60s}
Mom: In the span of one week I encountered three different women reading that book and all of them said to me, "Oh, it's so good." So I was at Barnes & Noble one day and I bought the book.
kiTT: Can I borrow the book?
Mom: You want to borrow my book that I haven't even read yet?
kiTT: Uhhhh, yeah?
Mom: My brand new book you want?
kiTT: I'll give it back. Oh come on Mom, how soon were you going to get around to reading it anyway? {Mom doesn't have a good track record for 'getting around to reading a book'}
Mom: As soon as I'm done the book I'm reading.
kiTT: Well when is that gonna be? That could be months from now!
Mom: Okay fine, you can borrow the book.

Mom: Are you ever going to give me my book back?

I tried to give the book back to her a few times. Really, I did. Once I took it to her house but couldn't bare to leave without it. Yes I finally gave it back to her and each time I was at her house someone eventually found me off in a corner reading the book. My mom still hadn't gotten around to reading it when I realized I needed the book to do a little 'research' so I reborrowed it. In the meantime, my mom ended up buying herself a new copy of Twilight and I kept her first one, which was just as well because it wasn't in good shape at all---coffee rings, drool spots, creases, etc. I mean the poor book is just a mess but since it has this picture on it:

I'm so glad I get to keep it always!!!!!

Then the rest of my story is similar to you guys. Upon returning the movie I went out and bought the movie. When I bought New Moon I strategically set myself up in the spare room on a Friday night to read it straight through. Much to my horror Edward left and I skipped over 300+ pages til I saw his name used again. Then I went on to buy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and, of course, Midnight Sun in the early fall but still could not get enough of the movie, the promo trailer for New Moon was out by then, and of course Rob-fascination was in full blast.

One of the things I look back and laugh at now are all the 'labels' I've acquired with my Twilight fascination.

Twilight Mom * Robsessed * blogger * Team Edward * fangirl * twitard * twihard * fanfiction lurver * 

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but these Twilight-affiliated words will never hurt me. But here's a video that labels what everyone is in our favorite movies. I love all the video's made by verotruth! She's smart and puts a lot of thought into her videos! 

In case you were wondering, my mom has the complete Twilight set now. She hasn't finished Breaking Dawn yet and I wish she would so I can stop tiptoeing around the Renesmee subject.

When she finally borrowed my Twilight movie, she didn't give it back for weeks. I had to call her up and ask,

"Uhh, Mom, are you ever going to give me back my movie?"

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

I Don't Have a Speech Prepared...

To accept this award one must follow the rules......

1. Thank the person that gave it to you and link it back to their blog.

2. Post 7 random facts about yourself.

3. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs.

Wow I have received this award at least 4 times now!

Thanks to you guys for thinking of the TongueTwied blog...let me just come up with a few ambiguous things to say...

7.  I don't think even an invite for a private ride with Robert Pattinson could get me in a hot air balloon--heights and fire together? Ummmm, not for me!!!

6.  I don't relish the thought of relish.

5.  I'm fascinated by those mediums who can communicate with the dead!

4.  I can make my own jam--a process that starts with going berry picking.

3.  I never had Shrinky Dinks as a kid. #deprivedchild

2.  I'm not a very competitive person. I already think you are prettier than me, you are smarter than me, you are more talented than me, you are more popular than me, you are funnier than me, and you are _____ than me.

Based on that, I don't think anyone needs to put themselves in competition with me.  :)

1.  I think 'Grease' really IS the word! Come on, don't you? It's got groove, it's got meaning!

Will the following lovely blogs please Collect their award:

http://www.iamnikkireed.com/   (Think Nikki will show?)

Wanted to take a moment to welcome my recent slew of new followers! I'm sure you all caught Bossward on Leno, but if not, here he is. And by the way,
Purple's Still Cool!

This was an absolute crazy week wasn't it? Here are some highlights you can check out!

Okay this is technically from last week but ongoing. If you want to get in on Robmusement sending Rob birthday wishes then click here.

Jules worked some desktop magic out of the recent EW outtakes. How are Rob's eyes looking naturally amber in those pics? This desktop had me drooling. You can see it here.

Just when a livestream video of Duran Duran had me all 80s-upped Honolulu Girl went and made a cute Rob video using the music of Hall & Oates that had me be-bopping. You can see it here.

The Cold Shower's Robp33n Wednesday p33npoint had me in stitches this week. You can see it here.

And this Pop Culture Junkie post introduced me to the concept of of 'throwing cyber cabbage and rotten tomatoes.' You can see it here.

Happy Weekend!

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Is it Too Early to Talk About Rob's Upcoming Oscar Win?

I think not.

I'm going to be in and out of addressing Mr. Pattinson in this post. Yes, I will be saying Mr. Pattinson, because I'm trying to encourage some formality. Also, take a moment to grab a cup of coffee before continuing.

Back? Here goes...

Ever since the People's Choice Awards I've wanted to chat with you, Mr. Pattinson, about something, but I essentially kept my tongue twied about the subject and instead decided I wanted to give you the chance to redeem yourself at the Oscars. Well that awards show came and went....without you, I might add. Missed Opportunity is all I can say with heavy disappointment.

But I digress...what I want to talk about this:

Sneakers? Jeans? Untucked button down shirt? Some kind of couture - 80s inspired jacket?

Mr. Pattinson, feel free to wear whatever you want to the MTV or the Kids Choice Awards but it's a good rule of thumb to bring class when amongst class. (You didn't see me wearing some hot pink vinyl mini skirt to meet PFach did you? No! I looked respectable yet comfortable, just like Peter did.) Let's just say this outfit would have been suitable if you were only hanging with the cast of Jersey Shore....in the winter.  

We all know Rob can do better, and I had hoped he would because he said he wants to win an Oscar by the time he is 30 years old. That is a serious honor, ummmm...just ask Anna Paquin!

But Mr. Pattinson, listen up please, if you are going to be serious about winning the Oscar, then you are going to have to be serious about showing up dressed like you deserve such an honor and be willing to accept it in a classy fashion. 

Anyway, I said nothing ( on my blog anyways ) after the PCAs, and then you, Mr. Pattinson, showed up at the Golden Globes like this:

*claps from sidelines* Oh well played, Mr. Pattinson.

See the difference?
It wasn't:  Oh, that Twilight guy is here looking like he can't wait to throw back some shots with the Situation.

It was 'Robert Pattinson is here tonight to present an award.'

Still, Mr. Pattinson, the Golden Globes is almost like a frat party (that you don't bring a date to) in comparison to the Oscars, so I'm going to need you to step it up a notch next year. On the night when you get up on stage and thank the Academy and then turn to the audience and tell them how you'd like to thank your fictional girlfriend and the future fictional Missus Pattinson, kiTT, for all of her love and support while you filmed 'Water for Elephants' I want my man please to be looking classy, sophisticated, and super sexy! 

It's not that you weren't super sexy at the Golden Globes but I felt something was missing (besides me on your arm) or maybe missing isn't the right word...maybe just hidden. 

yep, that's what was hidden.

So I stalked approached Jules from CreationsbyJules because everything she makes and posts on her blog I fall in love with, and I told her how taken I was with one of her WFE wallpapers recently that she made out of the picture of Robowsky in a tux leaning against Rosie and how I hoped so much that Rob would be showing up at the Oscars well dressed with pretty cuffs like in the picture and asked her if she could collaborate with me on some visuals for you guys! 

 She was SO EXCITED at the idea of this that she agreed to help me put together some pictures. 

paraphrasing Jules here: "Ooh! Me, me, me, me me!!! I definitely want to help provide some Rob cuff visuals!!!"

Awesome for all of us, right? I was really looking forward to her work! And it wasn't long before she sent me this....

Oh my!!! Does he bring those with him to all his movie premieres or just the ones in NYC? 

Too late Mr. Pattinson. We are all thinking, imagining, drooling, Fifty-lovin' doing EXACTLY that!

Unfortunately, though, that kind of cuffs is not really gonna do it with bringin' the class to the Oscars. So I had to go back to Jules and explain that when I said cuffs, as much as I really didn't mind the thought of Rob bringing those pink fuzzy ones to a private party, I was actually refferring to those attached to his sleeves that stick out from the jacket sleeve.

There's the boys all hanging out! That's some shmexy Cuffage!

While these are the relaxed cuff look, for the Oscars I'm particularly looking to see some French cuffs, tuxedo cuffs, and/or cuff links.

Jules responded, "Sorry, normally I'm lounging around in the gutter when it comes to Rob."

***No worries Jules, I find the lounge chairs there are quite comfy, actually.***

So I asked if she wished to try again, and she said she would. She now sent me this with some mention of wanting to try this new magnifying technique.

"Oops, that was an accident. I'm still learning my way around Rob with this thing." -twjs 

Innocent mistake Jules.
Calm down, Mr. Pattinson, it's not like it's the green pants.

There was no point in encouraging her to focus...we all get distracted by the nipplep0rn and Robp33n. And just when I thought I would have to abandon this whole post idea, Jules showed up with the most fantastic pictures starting with this one. 

Yes that's it Jules! Check out those cuffs!!!

I don't know what it is about cuffage, and especially fancy cuffs, but they completely amp up the sex appeal of a guy in a button down shirt, suit, or tuxedo.  Don't you think?  Oh wait a minute, okay maybe I do know. I think it has something to do with the lasting impression of a guy yanking off his tie and cufflinks and discarding them by throwing them across the room before a really hot sex romp. (cough like Dex on Dynasty cough) Let me just insert Rob into that little scene all full of determination and fury....Mmmmm... Whew!!! *fans self vigorously*  

Is that written into a fanfic story somewhere? I'm not sure, but cuffs definitely have been part of the ficward schmexy times. If you read 'The Plan' by QuantumFizzx you might remember this:

I finish pulling his sleeves down his arms and discover they won't come off as they're bunched up at his wrists where I've failed to unbutton the damned cuffs. Ah, screw it. Or, him.

I give a shove and he falls back onto the mattress, shirt under his ass, hands trapped at his sides. [...]

He pulls me up the bed and I'm spent and it seems perfectly okay when he's wrapped around me. I'm tucked into him, and his arm is my pillow and the shirt still hanging from his wrist is our blanket. 
                                         -excerpt from 'The Plan" by QuantumFizzx Chapter 60 Day 378 10:35 pm

So QuantumFizzx doesn't exactly go into detail about what kind of cuffs or if undone cuff links were part of the problem here, but you get the jist...and it's hawt! Whether they are button cuffs (aka barrel cuffs), convertible cuffs, or link cuffs they look good on the men. And one of my favorite link cuffs are 'French cuffs.' <------French...like kissing? Yep like kissing the material comes together with pinched ends.

Did I just 'link' Rob and 'kissing?' Huh... I guess I did!!!

Now that we've got Mr. Pattinson and Jules serious about what we're giving some attention to here,
let's take 
a closer look shall we...



Big hands...

You Have Mr. Pattinson 
framed by those cuffs!!!
Something extra hawt about Cedric here you could never put your finger on?
It was probably the cuffs.
Makes him seem older than barely legal status.

So I think now I have successfully gotten Jules totally onboard with how the cuffs completely enhance you and accent those desired fingers of yours Mr. Pattinson because she sent me this...

Ya know, under more normal circumstances I would have suggested to you, Mr. Pattinson, that you look into that thing you do...(*whispers * you know how you like to 'borrow' clothes from the set) ... and actually wear that exact tuxedo from WFE to the Oscars but since you were cozied up to an elephant that likes your underwear, I think that might be a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea this time. It just isn't going to pass the sniff test no matter how hawt you looked into it. But I have no doubt Gucci or Pierre Cardin or one of the other fabulous designers can get you to wear you need to be tux and cuffwise.

Still doubting my theory of how cuffs seem to enrich the whole package are you?

Think: Andrew Garfield in your head.
You know what he looks like. He's cute-ish, but boyishly so, right? Looks a little ummm...naive?

But look at what Jules accented for us:
(thanks Mrs. P for the picture)

Whoa!!!! I saw him wearing this and suddenly I have no reservation about Andrew Garfield playing superhero Spidey! It's hard to tell, but he was wearing cufflinks, too, and he just looks very mature. There's just something I'm more in awe of about him in this picture. I'm sure there would be something extra special to the way I would look too if Rob had his arms wrapped around me, I think as I'm sitting in my gutter lounge chair.

Okay back to the nonpervin' section of this post...

How cool would it be if in Breaking Dawn Edward wore Cullen Crest cuff links with his wedding tuxedo instead of the wrist cuff? How about if all the Cullen Men wore them? (let's take a moment here: Jackson in a tuxedo :DED:)  FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOW TO MAKE A HONEYMOON VAMPIRE HYBRID BABY, PLEASE tell me someone on the BD set has already had this idea!!!! I'ts just one little detail but bonus after the movies, they could sell them for charity!!!

If someone can make earrings featuring the Cullen crest, then someone can make cufflinks!

Mr. ATP knows how to work the cuffs! He's got some cool cufflinks too, but I wonder if I could get him to wear Cullen crest cufflinks, or  these...

Yep, these are cufflinks for sale at Sears. Softer side to Sears? Don't they know vampires are stone hard? 

Okay, so back to Mr. Pattinson. I've said my peace here finally.. I have really, really high expectations for how I want you to be dresssed when accepting your first Oscar. I just imagine you looking so sharp in your tux and I start thinking black tie affair.  *grips hold firmly to her gutter lounge chair*

Let's recap for you with the help of my lil Edward.

Showing up looking like this is not gonna fly...


Making an appearance dressed more like this....
 And that's how you accept an Academy Award, Mr. Pattinson!!!!

Next time, we'll talk about what you will actually SAY when accepting that Oscar because, no offense, but I know you need some prep work in that department too, Mr. Pattinson. But in the meantime, pay attention to the cuffs because by now it's obvious, we surely will be paying attention to them (amongst other things) too!!

~*Huge super thanks to Jules for all her convo, laughs, pervin', photo skills and general enthusiasm she contributed to this collab post!! She made this one last special gift for all of us to feast on. Love it!*~

That is the EXACT shade of lipstick I use when my nails are painted hooka red (Re: think Details magazine)!!! Maybe we can get Jules to post this on her blog as a desktop option for us?

Okay I gotta do it...just one last plea for some sexified cuffage from you come Oscar night in 2012,
 Mr. Pattinson?

Check out this picture on my tumblr, but it's probably NSFW!!!

Remember when Bella asked Jasper about what goes on at vampire bachelor parties? I think this is Bella fantasizing about what she would like to go on being centerstage with Edward, Emmett, AND Jasper at the bachelor party. Good thing Edward can't read her thoughts....or... should I say too bad he can't read her thoughts. You know how he'd do anything for her. *wink, wink*

Tell me what you think about Mr. Pattinson, the Oscars, and cuffs!~kiTT 

Admit it, when I say cuffs and Rob you're still thinking this, aren't you?

(Thanks Kassie!)

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

TwiPeople's Sexiest Ward Alive, March Issue

Plan: 12 TwiPeople Covers til Rob is named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive.
Days: 107 
TwiPeople Covers: 5 Complete. 7 to go.
Graphics Dept: Overworked. Underpaid.
Wards: Too many to chose from.
Thus far: Covers are a success.

Like so many of our favorite FanFiction Wards, there are two sides to this month's cover Ward. There is the part that is a professional who is abrupt, impatient, and quick to fire his employees. Then there is the side to him that let's down his guard and shows Bella he can be romantic, caring, and passionate.

You can probably guess who it is already.

Either way, this month's featured story gives us a hot, sexy, and swaggering Mr. Cullen who works at the same company as Bella, but she has never had any interaction with him. Other than his extreme business interactions, he is a bit of a mystery.

At her one-year anniversary with the company, Bella decides she is ready to do something that will finally get Mr. Cullen to notice her. She and her coworkers have watched several women and men come and go as his personal assistant because he is such a hardass. Despite this, he's still irresistibly sexy to her--after all it's Edward Cullen. She decides she just wants him to acknowledge her--just wants to be a blip on his radar. [sure Bella, that's all any of us would want from him]

Bella gets more than she bargained for when her department head, Rosalie, approaches her to fill in temporarily as Mr. Cullen's assistant -- you know because they need a real pro to represent the company -- on an extended business trip in "The Plan" written by QuantumFizzx, who while writing the story back in December made all of her updates in real time. It was an exciting story to watch unfold during that month.

Presenting ....

It's not a CYA file...It's a COYA file: Cullen Owns Your Ass.

And because QuantumFizzx did something very different with the 'real time' updates, we decided her story deserved something different this month -- an alternate magazine cover highlighting Planward -- [SPOILER ALERT] the very same Mr. Cullen who is capable of planning a romantic evening out that irrevocably changes his relationship with Bella.

And Presenting ...

Romantic Night Out with Planward in a tux, yes please!!!

 Haven't read the story yet? Click here

I really enjoyed QuantumFizzx's sense of humor and pop cultural references in this story. Lemons were goooood too!!! It's a great quick read with a lot of little cliffies. And the author must have been flooded with messages back in December when the story was being posted, so I was really ecstatic when she responded to my PM and gave me some extra insight as to what was going on from Edward's POV during the night he and Bella went to a business dinner. (I'm willing to share what she told me if anyone is interested.)

I'm going to let this serve as my Team Thursdays post for the week.

So are you:
Team Bossward or Team Planward?
One of the things that I liked most about this Edward is that he seems to be a one-woman guy and he can spot the fakeness of the female predators in his life. We don't get much of a history of him, but he doesn't seem to be the perpetual bad boy and male h00r that so many other Wards tend to be prior to meeting Bella. Note: Again, we don't know his full past.

As always, in the comments feel free to gush over this story or be brave enough to say if you still need to read it and be sure to give props to 17ForeverLisa for making two kickass covers so we could savor the best of both worlds with this story. Having two covers was the result of a compromise (Edward would be proud!). We had both read the story and I 'saw' Bossward in Mr. Cullen while Lisa 'saw' Planward in Edward!!

***Thank you to Robmusement, TwiredJenSmitten, and ItsRoblated for my One Lovely Blog Awards. I will get to that at some point but in the meantime, Sunday or Monday look for what I hope to be EPIC [presumptuous, much? I have good reason to be I had help from Jules of CreationsbyJules] that will include a reference to "The Plan." So if you haven't read the story yet, make it part of Your Plan to do so soon!

Until then....Wishing you all a Happy St. Patrick's Day and may your man drink pineapple juice over green beer!!!
                                  Team             Team
                               Bossward,       Planward,

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Guess Who PFach Mentions to Me...starts with "R"

I guess I'm going with the long version...

I was up at an unGODly hour Saturday morning to drive to a mall knowing Peter was signing autographs there from 12 to 5. As I pulled in a saw a small collection of cars but assumed that was where employees park and instead drove around to what I thought was the mall's official entrance.

There was a sign on the door advertising the PFach event and a white piece of paper saying, "Please Form a Single Line" I look around and I'm the only car parked there with not a soul standing outside in line so I think to myself "Holy Shit! I'll be the first in line--that's no way to blend!"

Then I get a call from Angela who was meeting me there and she's like "Where are you?" I tell her how we will be first in line and she's like, "Well I've been sitting here in my car waiting for you and witnessing girls going in in pajama pants and carrying camping chairs."

F*ck! I was at the wrong entrance.

Needless to say I was not first in line but hanging out in a quiet mall standing in line was fine with me until the mall opened and regular people were walking through. Then I was like, "Okay now I feel stupid."

But for as long as I waited, those last 20 minutes before Peter's arrival were the longest. There was a local college radio station hosting the event and the main frat boy got up on stage at one point to announce he had just seen Peter.

Someone in the audience yelled out, "Was he naked?"

OMG we all laughed. And ...uhhh no that wasn't me that yelled that out. I was too busy panicking. Ya see I was suddenly in a panic about what I wanted to say to him, what I wanted him to sign.

Do I suggest he and Jennie throw a big party with both the cast of BH, 90210 AND Twilight and invite me and DangrDafne there?

Do I tell him about my recent post on him where we wished we all had a Dr. Cullen to go to *ahem* to examine us and write out a prescription for Fukitol?

Do I ask him something about the movies? Tell him what my favorite scene is? Ask him what the deal is with him and scarves?

I also have a variety of things for him to sign and have NO IDEA what I'm going to go with -- a brand new Twilight book, my old beat up book, my card with film clip from my Target New Moon DVD, my Carlisle card from my package of Eclipse trading cards, etc. Yeah I brought all this crap with me too!

In the middle of all this, a young guy comes up to me and says he is from the local paper and asks if he can interview me. Angela looks at with a big smirk on her face. I think I looked panicked. Someone wanted me to open my mouth up and start TALKING about something Twilight related in public? Blessing or a curse???

"did you talk to him or keep your tonguetwied?"

So Angela and I joke back and forth about what there is to say to Peter and decide that really what we need to do is find out where he is having dinner after the signings. We have two options--the two restaurants that are promoing themselves there with tables and representatives handing out coupons. We try to chat to one of the restaurant's representatives about if Peter will be there and he won't budge saying his restaurant has the best food but really he doesn't know where Peter will be dining. We called bullshit and he just laughed. Kinda braTTy of him. I think I liked him.

ASIDE:  I see a guy there I think I worked with at awesome summer job when I was younger. Why couldn't it have been Forever Crush? How awesome would that have been?

His Arrival

Peter is escorted in through the mall by a security... I second everything you've already read about him and seen pictures of. He is gorgeous in person. So simply dressed -- Jeans, white t-shirt, black leather jacket, and a gray and black plaid scarf. He reaches the stage and I just think, Wow, he's sporting really cool looking hair today! Sometimes he leaves it kind of flat and mellow--no, not today. Today he's got the gel and spikey f*ckhawt hair going. ::DED::

Peter looks exhausted.
And I feel bad knowing he has to jetset to LA for a convention the next day, even though I knew he would be getting to see Jayla and TwiloveSue!

He askes how many Twilight fans are out there. I looked down knowing I'm wearing my 'I'm in love with a vampire' t-shirt...Duh. Then he asked if there were any Nurse Jackie fans. He states how he just came from Vancouver and the BD set and how he's still got glue in his hair from the wig.

Make note kids: Dr. C again will be wearing a wig in BD. {{{cringe}}} He did a nice introduction talking about the history of Alex's Lemonade Stand, the charity he was promoting and he thanked everyone for coming out.

The line moved along really well. And when I got up there his agent/manager guy was really nice and friendly. Had to hand in my ticket that has my name on it. I used my real name...shocking, I know.

I meet Peter!

He listens intently as I tell him my name and tell him it is nice to meet him. I slipped him my book to him to sign and asked him what he thought of the 'Shirtless Arm Wrestle" with Kellan idea. He said this was the first time he heard about it, so I explained how a picture was tweeted promoting the Emmett shirtless arm wrestle for BD and how Kellan had seen it and responded.

{I don't want to misquote Peter here...I was in a Fangirl Fog but this is either what he said or very close to it. Be prepared.}

Peter laughs and says something like,

Who is he supposed to wrestle shirtless/like that....Me and Rob?

 (or he might have said)

Who is supposed to wrestle him shirtless/like that...Me and Rob?

Anyone else just have an EXTREME VISUAL on that--Peter, Rob, and Kellan all shirtless wrestling?
 I did when he said it and it wasn't the 'arm wrestle' more like shirtless Eclipse fight training scene.

This! Shirtless! All three!


How do you recover from that? 

I gathered my wits by laughing and was able to assure Peter,

"That would work for all of us!" 
{It would, right? Can I get a Way to represent TT!}

Can you believe I shared a good chuckle with Peter Facinelli AND he mentions Rob without me having to be the h00r who brought him up??????

So then because  I am going to try to push my luck and time limit, I decided to say something that I feel with utmost sincerity. I read an article on Twilight Examiner recently where Jennie Garth said that she will be happy to have Peter back home after the filming is done, and it really struck me. Peter is really sacrificing a lot of his 'free time' which he doesn't seem to have much of anyway to do this type of event and I can only imagine how tough it must be on his children to understand all of this. As it is, my daughter freaks out in the morning if her daddy has left early for work and she didn't get a chance to say goodbye, so being a Mom and a fan of Jennie Garth I realized I wanted to acknowledge that part of all of this.

As I am leaving I tell Peter something kinda classy to the effect of:

Please tell Jennie Thank You, I know this takes you away from her and your family a lot.

to which Peter **winks** at me.


I think that wink may have been accompanied by a nod of appreciation and an I will or a thank you.

Who can remember with all that dizzyness I felt!!! Maybe I'll undergo hypnosis someday to relive it all.

Thanks Jennie!!!
I think it would be great to reach out and THANK someone who may have done something special for you or paid tribute to your work, just as I made it a point to thank Peter and Jennie.

Thank you to all of my followers who expressed their love of my blog recently, I *wink* at you and say thanks always for showing up, following, and sharing in the craziness together here and other places!

Special thanks to Angela for years and years of fun and laughs that have only been magnified since I introduced her to Twilight!

PFach *winked* at me,

PS: If you haven't read about Stephanie #VPP from The Cold Shower giving PFach a bracelet to wear in memory of Uber_Vamp click on the Avi pic on my left margin that 17ForeverLisa made to read!