It's been a year since I started this here blog and I just don't know what to say about it. Some days I want to quit it and other days I have 5 thoughts for a post. Sometimes the posts just require more time and work than I have to give. I think I need like a staff of interns to compile the necessary pictures and stuff. I mean I still haven't shared so many things with you guys about my life that are Twilight related and that was the main purpose of the this blog to begin with...ohhh, and to talk about Twilight, of course, freely without need to keep my tongue twied all the time.
Maybe I'll do more of an anniversary post, but I've always wanted to share the conversation I had with my mom when I discovered Twilight with you guys so I figured now was a good time.
I've told this part before, but I'll do it again. When I had originally seen the commercials for the movie I was curious but it mostly made me miss 'Buffy.' And I had a busy summer but I remember friends of ours -- also Buffy fans -- coming to a summer party at our house and me asking them if they saw Twilight. They had and their reaction was not more much than a shoulder shrug over it. I still love them, but mostly because they have gone to see the movies with me since then.
About a two weeks later I had a really bad PMSing day and did a lot of crying while Oprah was on and not long after that I just looked at my hubby and said, "I think it is time to rent Twilight." It took me awhile to get into the movie the first night. Rob didn't quite own me until the restaurant scene, mostly because of the lipstick and white makeup. The next morning I watched it again. And then later that night. I just kept watching it, with hubby who was pointing things out to me like how something was going to be going on with a sequel of Jacob upcoming based on that 'fierce' look Jacob gave Edward at the prom. Hubby also noticed Carlisle feeding info to Edward outside the police station knowing Edward could read his mnd.
I planned to return the movie, but I didn't And the next day...another no show at the red box. Thngs were starting to get weird. I just kept rewatching it. Finally hubby asked, "Are we ever gonna take that movie back?" But I wouldn't have felt right not offering it to my best fellow Buffy/Angel fan, my mom, who is also a fan of SyFy stuff, especially vampires.
So I called her up and had this little convo with her.
kitt: Mom, I have this movie I want you to watch. {I'm all excited}
Mom: What is it? {deadpans}
kiTT: Trust me you are going to love it! {bouncing off the walls}
Mom: What's it called?
kiTT: Twilight.
Mom: Oh no, I'm reading the book first.
kiTT: THERE IS A BOOK???????????????????????????????
Mom: Yeah....there's a whole series.
kiTT: Wha...wha... How do you know? kiTT's mom does not exactly keep up on popular culture, stuck in the 60s}
About a two weeks later I had a really bad PMSing day and did a lot of crying while Oprah was on and not long after that I just looked at my hubby and said, "I think it is time to rent Twilight." It took me awhile to get into the movie the first night. Rob didn't quite own me until the restaurant scene, mostly because of the lipstick and white makeup. The next morning I watched it again. And then later that night. I just kept watching it, with hubby who was pointing things out to me like how something was going to be going on with a sequel of Jacob upcoming based on that 'fierce' look Jacob gave Edward at the prom. Hubby also noticed Carlisle feeding info to Edward outside the police station knowing Edward could read his mnd.
I planned to return the movie, but I didn't And the next day...another no show at the red box. Thngs were starting to get weird. I just kept rewatching it. Finally hubby asked, "Are we ever gonna take that movie back?" But I wouldn't have felt right not offering it to my best fellow Buffy/Angel fan, my mom, who is also a fan of SyFy stuff, especially vampires.
So I called her up and had this little convo with her.
kitt: Mom, I have this movie I want you to watch. {I'm all excited}
Mom: What is it? {deadpans}
kiTT: Trust me you are going to love it! {bouncing off the walls}
Mom: What's it called?
kiTT: Twilight.
Mom: Oh no, I'm reading the book first.
kiTT: THERE IS A BOOK???????????????????????????????
Mom: Yeah....there's a whole series.
kiTT: Wha...wha... How do you know? kiTT's mom does not exactly keep up on popular culture, stuck in the 60s}
Mom: In the span of one week I encountered three different women reading that book and all of them said to me, "Oh, it's so good." So I was at Barnes & Noble one day and I bought the book.
kiTT: Can I borrow the book?
Mom: You want to borrow my book that I haven't even read yet?
kiTT: Uhhhh, yeah?
Mom: My brand new book you want?
kiTT: I'll give it back. Oh come on Mom, how soon were you going to get around to reading it anyway? {Mom doesn't have a good track record for 'getting around to reading a book'}
Mom: As soon as I'm done the book I'm reading.
kiTT: Well when is that gonna be? That could be months from now!
Mom: Okay fine, you can borrow the book.
Mom: Are you ever going to give me my book back?
I tried to give the book back to her a few times. Really, I did. Once I took it to her house but couldn't bare to leave without it. Yes I finally gave it back to her and each time I was at her house someone eventually found me off in a corner reading the book. My mom still hadn't gotten around to reading it when I realized I needed the book to do a little 'research' so I reborrowed it. In the meantime, my mom ended up buying herself a new copy of Twilight and I kept her first one, which was just as well because it wasn't in good shape at all---coffee rings, drool spots, creases, etc. I mean the poor book is just a mess but since it has this picture on it:
I'm so glad I get to keep it always!!!!!
Then the rest of my story is similar to you guys. Upon returning the movie I went out and bought the movie. When I bought New Moon I strategically set myself up in the spare room on a Friday night to read it straight through. Much to my horror Edward left and I skipped over 300+ pages til I saw his name used again. Then I went on to buy Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and, of course, Midnight Sun in the early fall but still could not get enough of the movie, the promo trailer for New Moon was out by then, and of course Rob-fascination was in full blast.
One of the things I look back and laugh at now are all the 'labels' I've acquired with my Twilight fascination.
Twilight Mom * Robsessed * blogger * Team Edward * fangirl * twitard * twihard * fanfiction lurver *
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but these Twilight-affiliated words will never hurt me. But here's a video that labels what everyone is in our favorite movies. I love all the video's made by verotruth! She's smart and puts a lot of thought into her videos!
In case you were wondering, my mom has the complete Twilight set now. She hasn't finished Breaking Dawn yet and I wish she would so I can stop tiptoeing around the Renesmee subject.
When she finally borrowed my Twilight movie, she didn't give it back for weeks. I had to call her up and ask,
"Uhh, Mom, are you ever going to give me back my movie?"
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