I guess I'm going with the long version...
I was up at an unGODly hour Saturday morning to drive to a mall knowing Peter was signing autographs there from 12 to 5. As I pulled in a saw a small collection of cars but assumed that was where employees park and instead drove around to what I thought was the mall's official entrance.
There was a sign on the door advertising the PFach event and a white piece of paper saying, "Please Form a Single Line" I look around and I'm the only car parked there with not a soul standing outside in line so I think to myself "Holy Shit! I'll be the first in line--that's no way to blend!"
Then I get a call from Angela who was meeting me there and she's like "Where are you?" I tell her how we will be first in line and she's like, "Well I've been sitting here in my car waiting for you and witnessing girls going in in pajama pants and carrying camping chairs."
F*ck! I was at the wrong entrance.
Needless to say I was not first in line but hanging out in a quiet mall standing in line was fine with me until the mall opened and regular people were walking through. Then I was like, "Okay now I feel stupid."
But for as long as I waited, those last 20 minutes before Peter's arrival were the longest. There was a local college radio station hosting the event and the main frat boy got up on stage at one point to announce he had just seen Peter.
Someone in the audience yelled out, "Was he naked?"
OMG we all laughed. And ...uhhh no that wasn't me that yelled that out. I was too busy panicking. Ya see I was suddenly in a panic about what I wanted to say to him, what I wanted him to sign.
Do I suggest he and Jennie throw a big party with both the cast of BH, 90210 AND Twilight and invite me and DangrDafne there?
Do I tell him about my recent post on him where we wished we all had a Dr. Cullen to go to *ahem* to examine us and write out a prescription for Fukitol?
Do I ask him something about the movies? Tell him what my favorite scene is? Ask him what the deal is with him and scarves?
I also have a variety of things for him to sign and have NO IDEA what I'm going to go with -- a brand new Twilight book, my old beat up book, my card with film clip from my Target New Moon DVD, my Carlisle card from my package of Eclipse trading cards, etc. Yeah I brought all this crap with me too!
"did you talk to him or keep your tonguetwied?"
So Angela and I joke back and forth about what there is to say to Peter and decide that really what we need to do is find out where he is having dinner after the signings. We have two options--the two restaurants that are promoing themselves there with tables and representatives handing out coupons. We try to chat to one of the restaurant's representatives about if Peter will be there and he won't budge saying his restaurant has the best food but really he doesn't know where Peter will be dining. We called bullshit and he just laughed. Kinda braTTy of him. I think I liked him.
ASIDE: I see a guy there I think I worked with at awesome summer job when I was younger. Why couldn't it have been Forever Crush? How awesome would that have been?
His Arrival
Peter is escorted in through the mall by a security... I second everything you've already read about him and seen pictures of. He is gorgeous in person. So simply dressed -- Jeans, white t-shirt, black leather jacket, and a gray and black plaid scarf. He reaches the stage and I just think, Wow, he's sporting really cool looking hair today! Sometimes he leaves it kind of flat and mellow--no, not today. Today he's got the gel and spikey f*ckhawt hair going. ::DED::
Peter looks exhausted.
And I feel bad knowing he has to jetset to LA for a convention the next day, even though I knew he would be getting to see Jayla and TwiloveSue!
Make note kids: Dr. C again will be wearing a wig in BD. {{{cringe}}} He did a nice introduction talking about the history of Alex's Lemonade Stand, the charity he was promoting and he thanked everyone for coming out.
The line moved along really well. And when I got up there his agent/manager guy was really nice and friendly. Had to hand in my ticket that has my name on it. I used my real name...shocking, I know.
I meet Peter!
He listens intently as I tell him my name and tell him it is nice to meet him. I slipped him my book to him to sign and asked him what he thought of the 'Shirtless Arm Wrestle" with Kellan idea. He said this was the first time he heard about it, so I explained how a picture was tweeted promoting the Emmett shirtless arm wrestle for BD and how Kellan had seen it and responded.
{I don't want to misquote Peter here...I was in a Fangirl Fog but this is either what he said or very close to it. Be prepared.}
Peter laughs and says something like,
Who is he supposed to wrestle shirtless/like that....Me and Rob?
(or he might have said)
Who is supposed to wrestle him shirtless/like that...Me and Rob?
Anyone else just have an EXTREME VISUAL on that--Peter, Rob, and Kellan all shirtless wrestling?
I did when he said it and it wasn't the 'arm wrestle' more like shirtless Eclipse fight training scene.
This! Shirtless! All three!
How do you recover from that?
I gathered my wits by laughing and was able to assure Peter,
"That would work for all of us!"
{It would, right? Can I get a Way to represent TT!}
Can you believe I shared a good chuckle with Peter Facinelli AND he mentions Rob without me having to be the h00r who brought him up??????
So then because I am going to try to push my luck and time limit, I decided to say something that I feel with utmost sincerity. I read an article on Twilight Examiner recently where Jennie Garth said that she will be happy to have Peter back home after the filming is done, and it really struck me. Peter is really sacrificing a lot of his 'free time' which he doesn't seem to have much of anyway to do this type of event and I can only imagine how tough it must be on his children to understand all of this. As it is, my daughter freaks out in the morning if her daddy has left early for work and she didn't get a chance to say goodbye, so being a Mom and a fan of Jennie Garth I realized I wanted to acknowledge that part of all of this.
As I am leaving I tell Peter something kinda classy to the effect of:
Please tell Jennie Thank You, I know this takes you away from her and your family a lot.
to which Peter **winks** at me.
I think that wink may have been accompanied by a nod of appreciation and an I will or a thank you.
Who can remember with all that dizzyness I felt!!! Maybe I'll undergo hypnosis someday to relive it all.
Thanks Jennie!!!
In the spirit of Random Fandom Kindness Day
I think it would be great to reach out and THANK someone who may have done something special for you or paid tribute to your work, just as I made it a point to thank Peter and Jennie.
Thank you to all of my followers who expressed their love of my blog recently, I *wink* at you and say thanks always for showing up, following, and sharing in the craziness together here and other places!
Special thanks to Angela for years and years of fun and laughs that have only been magnified since I introduced her to Twilight!
PFach *winked* at me,
PS: If you haven't read about Stephanie #VPP from The Cold Shower giving PFach a bracelet to wear in memory of Uber_Vamp click on the Avi pic on my left margin that 17ForeverLisa made to read!
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