Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

New Moon, I had to see you 50 times. I can let you go now...

Just some of my notes on New Moon the movie.
So 2 copies of New Moon and as of Sunday, both of them are already out on loan! I didn't even ask for collateral. You know why? Because the only scenes I really want to watch in that movie I can catch on youtube.

The first time I left the theater feeling so disappointed! I wanted needed Edward and Bella to be at Charlie's house watching R and J and being all cute and normal. I wanted needed that reunion scene in the bedroom to be more drawn out. That is the absolute best part of that whole book! Edward's demeanor in the bedroom did not even match how the book was written. He scoffs and laughs trying to convince Bella she is awake. He doesn't pout.
So here is what I loooooooooooooooooooooooved!

A. The flashback scenes! As you already know, I am a sucker for consistency. (even if I change my own mind) And maybe with MR doing the screenplay we got that at least! I have always, ALWAYS loved flashback scenes and memory montages. Don't know why. I just do! I think it adds a WHOLE LOT of credibility to a show/movie.

Sooooo how many were there in New Moon? Anyone, anyone, Bueller?

Ding ding ding Correct answer is Three, 1 half, and 1 quarter

1.     Edward & Bella flashback to Bella being bitten by James .
2.     Bella's flashback of Edward showing up to scare off the punks in the alley.
3.     Bella's flashback to the meadow.
3. 5  Bella hearing Jacob's voice remembering the conversation while walking on the beach.
3.75 Edward remembering Victoria. (Hey why was she putting wolfboy's poo on her face in that scene?)

Run Bella Run!! Why aren't you screaming "Edward" like in the book!

B. Bella running to get to Edward. This is the only scene in the movie that my emotions completely matched what I felt when I read it in the book. Did I know she would make it to Edward in time? Sure. But just as when I read it, there was this immense anticipation and desperation that I felt to just get there in time. So compliments to Kristen and the music and even MR for getting that right for me! And they took it one step better, with throwing in....

C. The kiss under the clocktower. A much needed release to previously described anticipation and desperation! Not to mention it felt like someone handing me a freakkin trophy for sitting through all the wolf stuff! I'm not a fan of how the kiss was filmed, though. They did this slicing of it into 3 parts with the camera. I mean that is the kind of thing directors do to insinuate all the schmexy stuff is going on and then show them waking up in bed the next morning. For God's sakes, it is one 5-second kiss couldn't they have just let the jawporn roll and save the slicing and dicing for when they are trying to skip over the sex scenes in Breaking Dawn?  It should have just been long, hot, Rob-potent, eyebrow-twitching, noninterrupted liplocking with me...errr, I mean Bella! Note to BD director--when it comes to Rob kissing--just sit back and let the camera roll, keep Kristen's hair, hands, arms, etc from blocking his glorious face, make sure there are no shadows cast upon the face of the Precious, and let Rob and his face do the rest! Got it? And that goes for kissing, talking, singing, whistling...

You do know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow! See no need to hide any face contorting or try to amp it up. His face is set to autopilotno matter what he is doing!

D. The Rob visions (except the one in the water) So between the Edward visions and the flashbacks, the Edward and Bella love story was never too far away. THANKFULLY!!! If only Jacob really knew that like a baaaaad Willy Nelson song, Edward was always on Bella's mind, even when Laurent was going to kill her. The vision of Edward in the water was tooo creepy for me though. He looked like a rubber action figure that was attacked by a squid. Waxward is less scary than that image was to me!

How watching the DVD helped me have a Rob-Aha moment...

Wow Edward you really are considerate to dress like a grandpa for your beloved 70-year-old girlfriend even though you still look like a teenager!

After careful rewinds of the dream scene, I now understand why Edward would be wearing that coat. It is to try to look older next to his elderly love Bella! I love when things click like that for me! By the way, the woman that plays Gran, ultimate cougar! I don't care if it was just a kiss on her hand, lucky b*tch! Did you see how delicately he held her hand?

A couple of things that irked me. What? I never said I was leaving the can of whoop-ass on the shelf today!

***Where in the book did it say that Demetri was gay?

***In the elevator Edward and Alice should have been having the book conversation, "It was my mistake, I needed to make it right." I think there was plenty of dead space that could have been filled. What a waste!

***Edward: Bella do you not understand my feelings for you?
Well how's a girl supposed to understand when you say that one day and the next day you take off on her.?Thankfully Edward, this group is allowing of you to change your mind. They all told me so yesterday!

***I really thought how he told Bella "I love you" sucked! He didn't say that at all in  Twilight but really should have like maybe when he had her pinned against the rock in the meadow?  So first time we hear it he is saying it knowing he is going to leave? Can someone please remind MR this is a LOVE story? Can the next screenwriter be an actual fan of the LOVE story?

***Bella says, "Jake I love you, but don't make me choose because it'll be him. It's always been him."
OH really MR? Let's just skip Eclipse then and head straight to the wedding!

I even told Mr. AnTwi-Pattz yesterday, I wish Eclipse was going straight to DVD.
His response, "Me too! And here's hoping it's in the $5 bin."

Don't worry chickadees, tomorrow is April Fool's Day! I'll get him back for that!

You deserve a freakkin trophy for reading as much of this as you did!
Pictures today as seen on newmoonmovie.org

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

I reserve the right to change my mind. You can be my Hero Enrique. No wait! Edward!

I really felt like I should say that I reserve the right to change my mind.  Life happens. Things change. So I guess if one day I'm blabbering about one thing and the next day I say something contradictory I'm just going to refer you back to this post and say, "See I told ya that about me don't seem so surprised!"

For example, Mr. AnTwi-Pattz might ask if I want a cup of coffee and I say no. He then makes himself a cup comes by me and I say, "Where's mine?" He then tries to defend his actions by saying I told him I didn't want a cup. Well guess what, I changed my mind!

 I reserve the right to change my mind. And you can too!

So here are some things I could possibly change my mind about...

1.  I'm all about Rob. I'm Team Edward. I'm Team Bedward. I'm Team Tyler.
2.  Kellan--AnnaLynn McCord or Jelena can have him.
3.  Jackson --Thank Goodness he was not Edward! Elusive S can drag him to her elusive padded room all to herself.
4.  Peter--I've always thought he was cute. I even used to watch him in that show he did with Tiffany Amber Thiessen and Bill Bellamy. But the blonde hair is a no-go for this gal!
5.  Taylor--He's too young! He's cute as anything but his soft demeanor needs to grow into those new abs of his.
6.  Robsten.

But I'm fickle as a pickle, so having said all that...

Let's say one day I'm fed up with Edward and decide I'm Team Jacob. Okay bad example, that shit's never gonna happen! LOL!

Let's try this instead...

I love funny Emmett. The Emmett sense of humor is something I am really looking forward to in Breaking Dawn. So if MR leaves in all those funny lines and Kellan delivers them perfectly like the New Moon line "Dating an older woman...Hot! What?" I just might come out of that theater declaring I freakin' love Kellan Lutz. Or I might find him sexy as hell in Captain America.  I reserve the right to change my mind.

And let's just say tomorrow I finally see Jackson Rathbone in a new light and I get a case of what Elusive S calls Jacksonitis. Yeah I've been going through their old posts studying up. Holy shit!!! Is that what MOS means? So if it happens, yeah, I reserve the right to change my mind.

Peter--I adore pictures I see of you and Jennie. I'm glad you are Carlisle. Apparently Freddie Prinze Jr was in line before you but then someone remembered how bad he looked as a blonde in Scooby Doo. Guess what? I don't like you as a blonde either. But if I'm all smitten with you doing fight scenes in Eclipse and I leave the theater with all new appreciation for you and your blonde protectivey daddy moves, then yeah I reserve the right to change my mind.

Taylor--Give me 5 years. Too long? Then 3? I'm so stubborn over this. Okay I have one condition. Play someone OTHER than Jacob Black or a high school boy and maybe I will think differently about you. I don't think you as Stretch Armstrong is gonna do it for me either, but if that is the case, then yeah I reserve the right to change my mind.

Robsten---Here's how I like my Robsten best...Hidden! First off let me say that I have known about the possibility of Robsten before I knew about any Twilight blog or before "RPattz" was spoken from my lips on a daily basis. Ya know how? There are 2 spots in Twilight that are pure Rob and Kristen on screen out of character but together. Read this and if you feel inspired to go watch the movie to check it out so be it.

#1 That is not Edward playing piano, that is Rob. CH clearly says in the audio that Rob sat at the piano and played for them. He breaks character and you can see the shift in his concentration to play piano. Then there is Bella sitting there in awe, but Kristen breaks character and looks up at Rob and smiles. 

#2 Up in the trees at one point, in the commentary Kristen says, "We were told we were MOS there." I don't know what this means exactly ***Update I looked it up! Read up on it here! I literally reads Mit Out Sound said by someone who meant Without Sound (errr...sounds like something I would say with my tonguetwiedness!)**** But there chickadees in that "we thought we weren't being recorded" moment is pure Robness going on, yep the boy we know--both giggly and dazzling being all cute with Kristen who is just as smitten in return. 

Thus the picture I requested for my banner,
                                Rob and Kristen sitting in a tree.....

Do I like their relationship hidden? Yes. But if given the chance would I want some details to become public like hearing about every cute thing Rob has ever done for Kristen--flowers, notes, presents, etc? Abso-freakin'-lutely! I reserve the right to change my mind. Am I okay with Rob showing up all unattached to premieres. Yes! Will I be whining some day that I wish they had walked down the red carpet hand in hand? Maybe. If so, please remember, I reserve the right to change my mind.

So basically don't hold me to anything because who knows when I'll change my mind over it. Give me good enough reason, and I just might change my mind about Rob, too. But he'd have to pull like a Brad Pitt, Ethan Hawke, or Jude Law...and hopefully Rob and I will have a lot of good years before he ever does something like that. Of course, if he decides like Ricky Martin to start living la vida loca, well then Rob all I can say is that I hope you have some fun times with John Mayer, because that way I'll at least hear about it!

Speaking of latino crooners...long before RPattz came along I was big into hottie Enrique. He's a little more age appropriate for me **cough** but for some reason I think of him like he is 23, too.

                                                                                                photo from Popsugar.com
             Where have I seen the hat/hoodie look before or the shirt left out hands in pocket stance?
I still love him! He's committed. Been with Anna K now how long? Reports they might be married loom. His voice and songs are to die for! I would love to see him in Breaking Dawn...maybe as Eleazar????

So why did it take me so long to put two and two together and look for an Enrique Twilight video? Shit if I know but I found a PERFECT ONE!!!

Enrique and RPattz if I need a hero I can't choose between you two so I'm just going to leave it up to fate whoever gets to me and starts singing first!!!

I might even change my mind on the name of this blog...TongueTwied is getting to be way too long to type into my phone to log in...

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Mr ATP's EGG REACTION: How To Be, Choking on Lust, & the Cougar's Choice Awards

pic from Newmoonmovie.org
Well we did the egg hunt Saturday and on the way home I asked Mr. AnTwi-Pattz to stop so I could get my rental of "How To Be" because I knew it had recently become available. Mr. ATP groaned, "Can't we have a Pattinson-free weekend?" (Like I hadn't already watched some of Twilight around 3am the night before) I responded, "I don't know, can we have a March Madness Basketball free weekend?"

With that he was turning into the parking lot.

I certainly did not expect him to watch it with me, but I still tried to be encouraging about it. You see, Mr. AnTwi-Pattz and I have always been ones to try offbeat movies. And Mr. ATP is known to get British humor.

So I told him, "C'mon, you dig that freaky British humor, seriously." 
His response, "Seriously, you're delusional."

We get home. Naptime for the little human. I'm folding laundry and start the movie. I'm laughing early on at the scene where Arthur, Rob's character, is playing guitar and singing his song Left Behind, Choking on Dust  to an audience at a bar but stops abruptly and says, "That's all I've got for now. It's a work in progress." I know Mr. ATP will think that is funny, so I call him in and back it up.

He laughs and then tells me, "If I end up liking this movie, I'm going to shoot myself."

Well we didn't get to sit and watch it all the way through. But later when we were watching it I realized that as much as I love adorkable Rob, I much prefer schmexy Rob who was nowhere to be seen in this movie, so I stole a line from it and said, "this is a very nonthreatening RPattz, isn't it?" He agreed. We laughed here and there and discussed how Rob constantly had to put his fingers in his hair, which reminded us of a friend of ours--one who incidently wears 2 coats, a lot, like Arthur.

 At the end, Mr. AnTwi-Pattz declared this. And I kid you not chickadees:

  "Stupidly enough, that was the best Pattinson movie you've subjected me to yet."

                                             Load up that bullet!

He even suggested, "the kid should try singing like that all the time rather than how he sings the songs from Twilight." Funny because if you listen to Rob's commentary he says he tried to sing badly and play guitar badly, which was hard for him. And thanks to 17Lisa for pointing out the extras. I nearly forgot to watch them. They were better than the movie! Rob just laughs and laughs and laughs. It is so contagious! You just can't help but laugh with him in this movie, but don't expect to be full out lusting after him while watching this. It is nice to see him sing and play the guitar all relaxed.

Mirror, mirror on the wall....thank goodness Rob grew out of this weird stage...


                                                 to become the fairest of them all!

My 2nd favorite holiday is this week, April Fool's Day mix that in with some Robness and egg hunts and I've got this little shenanigan already set in motion. 

Yep, when Mr. AnTwi-Pattz is making us coffee tomorrow am this is what he will find!

The best part of waking up....

... is a chance to annoy Mr. AnTwi-Pattz with RPattz.
Looks like it won't be a Pattinson-free week, either!

I love shenanigans...Let me know if this inspires you guys to pull any and tell me what you do!

Update***Yes Mr. ATP found the egg this morning. Not the most brilliant plan on my part seeing as I forgot I wake up earliest on Tuesdays, so I had to wait for coffee because you know I wasn't going to make it.

Mr. ATP presented me the egg (lightly tossed it in front of me) and said,

     "Damnit, I knew I should have switched to decaf this week!"

And finally....let's leave Taylor and the slime at the Kid's Choice Awards. Yes we know the kids love him.

Rob will be attending the newly conceived Cougar's Choice Awards. (Rawrrrrr!)  I'll be hosting. I do need some guest judges and presenters. Any takers?? So far Rob has been nominated in every category, he's the only nominee, and therefore it looks like he will sweep. Jackson, Peter, and Kellan will be receiving a "Love the way you work with Rob" special tribute award. So really just the 4 guys are invited to this show. You chickadees all have tickets, courtesy of me! You're welcome!!

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Someone's Been Trying to Tell Me Something...

You know how sometimes you ask for a sign from your guardian angel? Well I hadn't done that lately but I started feeling like I was getting signs anyway....

When I thought about starting a blog I just wasnt sure if I could do it but I just kept having all these Twilightish ideas that I wanted to share. So I kept repeating them to first follower Mama Twied (not my mama!) and she kept yelling at me, "Start a blog, damn it!". My Twilight supportin' friend Bookwurm encourages me on every endeavor, and this was no exception.

But who am I to have a blog? I can barely keep up with work and family and a house and an Edward-lovin' cat. But as of recently, I've been sending a lot of emails out to friends and family on various Twilight-related subjects and they would even say, "We love you, but you need to get yourself a blog." (Not all of them speak Twilight.)

I considered it. I even started a notebook of ideas. I may have inundated the Twitards with some of them but I still questioned if I could really pull it off.

Then I had this Rob dream:
I was sitting at a desk in a college class but class was over.  Rob was sitting next to me. We turned to each other and were just intensely staring. I realized it was him. Then I realized my thumb was circling his palm and his hand was stroking my arm. We said nothing, but OH MY ROB the heat between us--it was definitely an unspoken invitation we were sharing. Then I looked at him and said, "Wait, I'm married." He looked down at my ring and responded, "I know. Hey do you want to just get out of here? Take a walk or something?" So I did and I'm thinking to myself oh my gosh what am I going to do? I can't believe this is happening! So we walked out of the classroom holding hands and down this long hall.  Just outside the doors we started to be followed by  a 14ish-year-old girl with a pen and book in hand. He never saw her. Next thing I know we are outside and across this huge parking lot there is this high scaffolding and Rob says to me, "Wow I wonder what it would be like to see everything from up there. Wanna go?" I am scared by the sight of it and tell him no. He says, "Well I'm going to." With that he took off while I sat on bleachers. Next thing I knew he climbed up and then was at the top waving down and smiling at me.

Of course then I awoke. So yeah, I cockblocked myself in my dream where infidelity is okay, let's not dwell on that part because the bigger meaning, I think, (I mean maybe Mrs. P. would be willing to provide an opinion here) is that I was afraid to take the risk with Rob--I was afraid to start this blog.

(footnote: I told Mr. AnTwi-Pattz about the dream. I said, "See how loyal I was to you, even in a dream?" His response, "So you had your one chance with Rob and you didn't take it..." He's SMUG....but OH Mr. AnTwi-Pattz, so naive to think that had been my only Rob dream. (wink, wink chickadees!) 

Then my delighting in Twilight and Edward seems to start showing up in the strangest places....I take my daughter for haircuts at a children's salon that recently renovated part of it to include a "teen styling" area.

The owner did not even look at me funny when I asked if I could take a picture.

Darn why can't I have that to look at when I get my hair cut? And that really is my fav pic of TL.

So still debating on if I could even figure out how to work a blog because I'm not quite computer literate, I get this in the mail:

Are you freakkin kidding me????  
Sure this was meant for the guy who lived in our house before we bought it,
but wouldn't you take it as a sign?

So I finally decide to start the blog and the Robert Zone just seems to continue....because I feel like I have gotten amazing support from so many people who are clearly in the Robert Zone--MissAmyJoon who made my awesome banner, TwiredJen and DangrDafne who have not only welcomed me with open bloggy arms but have both helped me on more than one occasion figure out how to use blogger, and so many others whom I have corresponded with and keep inviting me onto Twitter.

And then last week, well I guess I hit the jackpot of sorts! Pretend the red light is lit up in pic!!!

Best crackerjack surprise, ever! Completely validated why I bought 2 copies of a movie that I only watch the first and last 15 minutes of....

I know it is hard to tell but it is Edward, no shirt after the kiss under the clocktower just before he puts on the robe Felix gives him.

Somehow this past week I've managed to crack up my bloggy guests and found others who share my sentiments regarding fantastic Twilight videos--And I realize how much I love sharing in spreading all this Robward goodness!

Does the insanity continue? Yes! Out of nowhere the other day, my three-year-old daughter tells me, "Rob Pattinson is very smart!" (I swear nooooo coaching! I didn't even teach her his name exactly.)

Finally the Robert Zone got taken to a whole new level today because Honolulu Girl made me this fantastic video! She made it for me? Like who am I? Just newbie TongueTwied. But she was willing!

If you guys read this whole post today and respond to nothing else, please give it up for this video to the HG in the comments! Show HER the love today!

 OH Yeah, Tyler throwing those punches and OH Yeah, Edward strutting his ass across the parking lot and taking his shirt off!

             Mahalo nui loa HG!!! I'll watch it every day!
                                (Never doubt your mad skillz, okay?)

"Someone's been trying to tell me something, make Rob mine forever, and I'm working on the forever part." 
I'll be sharing it with all of you guys!

This is my 20th 17th post (sorry tonguetwied and can't count!). I've got 20 followers.
The Rob/Twilight March Madness I talked about in my first post has gotten even better!!

Thank you to everyone who as become a part of my Robert Zone! May this continue to be a place where the fun calls the shots!

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Opening Up a Can of Whoop-Ass on New Moon!

I admit I am jaded when it comes to New Moon the book. After devouring Twilight the movie and book I went online and studied up on Stephenie Meyer. I read how there were originally 2 books Twilight and Forever Dawn, which presumably to me meant...They meet in Twilight and fall in love and in Forever Dawn Bella became a vamp and they lived happily ever after. Stephenie's book deal "allowed" her to expand the series. Enter a bigger presence of Jacob Black and a longer absence of Edward. I watched how Stephenie spoke in her interview all smitten saying, "Awwww I love Jacob." After falling in love with Edward, this Stephenie backstory just fueled my annoyance with Jacob Black.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - -- - -
Here are 6 beefs I have with New Moon (book) other than the fact that Edward leaves and Jacob moves in on Bella. And no offense to Stephenie Meyer because she brought us Edward to begin with, but I figure it's my blog and I can bitch be critical and open a can of whoop-ass give my opinion if I want to in honor of my English professors in college who encouraged me to look at a piece of work critically and question the answers.

So please tell me how do you expect me to believe these...

1. Alice...Miss Queen of visions. Miss you can't play chess with her because she has visions of the moves as told by Edward in Midnight Sun. Miss reports every detail of Edward's movements in Italy to a "T." Miss I can see the future of those I am most attuned to...um like maybe your soulmate Jasper? And yet she HAD NO FREAKIN' VISION ABOUT JASPER TRYING TO ATTACK BELLA?

2. Bella gets a papercut and just lets the blood drip. Everyone knows when you get a papercut the first thing you do is yell "SON OF A BITCH" and stick it in your mouth and suck the blood. Then you run to the sink and run cold water over it. It's as basic a human instinct as scratching an itch or running your fingers through your hair. Didn't she go through the whole blood thing already after James bit her? She, of all people, with all her clumsiness should have made rules for herself about what IMMEDIATE measures to take if there was any blood shed around the vampires.

3.  Who was that alternate Edward who breaks up with Bella in the forest? Because that surely was NOT the Edward we had already come to know and love. He leaves her there alone after he specifically told her not to go into the forest because he's not the most dangerous thing out there? WHAT?  A friend of mine told me this was to introduce the wolves so Sam could find her. So for the purpose of extending 2 books into 4 to introduce wolves I guess that is a reason but it's no excuse. Twilight book/movie Edward would have never have done that.

4.  As a doctor, didn't Carlisle have an obligation to follow up his patient, Bella, to make sure her wounds were healing and didn't get infected? Maybe Twilight Cupcake can explain this one to me.

5.  Why did Bella allow Jacob to almost kiss her in her kitchen after Alice had arrived? Doesn't Alice's presence CONFIRM THEY DID EXIST??  Shouldn't her head have been really clear at that point and her love she still held in her heart for Edward reinforced? So after months of her saying "no" to Jacob and being motivated to be reckless in hopes of hearing Edward's voice she chooses that moment to suddenly be all confused and starts to give in? MAKES NO FREAKKIN' SENSE TO ME! 

6.  Why didn't they talk on the plane? 

I realize being a writer can be difficult and inconsistency may be inevitable, but to me these were just blaring "but what about..." questions. Maybe Stephenie got too sidetracked with "her Jacob" and extending her books to really $ee any of this from my point of view. 

Here's the best little video worth seeing if you only have 1 minute and as long as I can watch it I don't need a caffeine jolt because @33 seconds gets me every single time!!!

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

New Moon Vid-Edward Askes for Forgiveness, Heartbreakingly Beautiful

I found this gem of a video a few weeks ago and had tucked it away until New Moon came out, then I almost forgot about it!

It is...sigh... perfection. The words, images, and music all hit at exactly the right locations.

It's pure freakkkin' genius!

Maybe it is just the Bryan Adams song in this, but I think I fall in love a little more with Robward every time I watch this! The beginning sequence is absolutely beautiful. And even though I've seen the prom scene a hundred times...seeing it this way was like seeing it for the first time all over again....sigh....

The black and white scenes are supposed to be Bella remembering the past as Edward is asking her for forgiveness! sigh, sigh, and sigh

Please forgive ME Edward, I can't stop loving you!

PS: There is actually a fanfic I read with Edward singing this song to Bella...check out "Sacrifices" by enthralled. It is a very heavy duty story in which Edward never came back in New Moon but ends up being Bella's student at a college years later and Bella has a very extensive history at that point.

Double post night...so be sure to scroll down.

Presidential Letters of Commendation!

                                 Picture as seen on MSN.com

Well would you look at that!

It appears since my previous post on the president thanking the Twihards for their help in bringing the country out of our economic recession, he has made some reviews and decided to take it a step further.

It seems Musing Bella (read the comments!), DangrDafneTwilight Cupcake, and Mr TooMuch Coffee (that's right MR...TAKE A MEMO Mr AnTwi-Pattz) are getting signed letters of commendation for going above and beyond with their patronage of all things Twilight. Apparently the president thinks these guys are setting good examples with their outstanding efforts to boost the economy with their Twilight purchases. I think he might be using Mrs. P's Edward pen.

Let me know when you get those in the mail! Way to represent!

WOW! The president's devotion to the Twi-Fandom is just amazing.

**I seriously do not want to end up on any lists. This is my fabrication. Am not sure the Pres has any opinion on Twilight. But I do know that Mitt Romney does...He has read the books. Seen the movies. And he went to the same college as Stephenie Meyer. Yeah I watched him on the View. What if he had become president?

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Edward and Me: Finding our New Moon rhythm

So after some practice with my 108-year-old vampire in Twilight (I believe there was a period of everyday for at least 30 days straight after our initial meeting in the bedroom) we had definitely found our rhythm.

It went something like this:

Press Play (DVD usually in player already) The Summit music comes on.
"Let's Start Shredding. HOLLA!"
Then Press skip button on remote 4 times to get through previews and to Twilight menu screen.
Press Play.
Press skip button 4 times to the 2nd bio scene. Eric-Ipod, Mike-Arizona---"Hello. I'm sorry I didn't ...."
 Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Edward Don't be sorry. Don't ever be sorry!

And I know how to find my way to every Edward scene. Wanna catch apples and talk theories? We just jump to #7. Yep! We were in perfect sync, Twilight Edward and me.

Exceptions: If Mr. AnTwi-Pattz has agreed to watch with me , then we sit through the Bandslam preview up until the boys are rapping in front of class and the teacher is all into it because we both think that is fun-nee. 
Then Twilight starts from the very beginning.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On Saturday I popped in New Moon just as if it was Twilight and was about to start the process of skipping through the previews when Rob came on. Hello! Done & Died! It's the Remember Me trailer! Rob's voice, the punches, his smiles, his smoking, his kissing, the wallbanging, and the drive to the music that is played...well there's attention, tension, buildup, and anticipation. Sighhhhh, New Moon foreplay.

As New Moon starts I'm fumbling with my remote trying to figure out what to do with the buttons--forward just a little through the moon, put on the subtitles, skip ahead to the parking lot scene...oh wait the dream with Edward and Gran, okay I forgot about that so I'll go back and watch it. Rewind. Pause on Edward. Watch parking lot scene. Subtitle says [EDWARD MMMMM] then [EDWARD MOANS SOFTLY] He did? Let me rewind to hear that again. Shoot I hit the wrong button and now I'm back at the menu screen and I've got to go through the process again. Okay back at right spot, holy hell I think I would have missed that low moan of his had it not been for setting up the subtitles. Party/Truck/Kissing [BOTH MOANING AND PANTING]. Oh God the breakup scene, I can't watch. It's too heartbreaking so I skip through and keep pushing the skip button because I don't want to see the wolf stuff...oohhh the meadow scene! I agree to watch until she says, "I love you, Edward." Then I'm skipping again, pushing the skip button furiously trying to get to Edward. Wait the Volturi doors are opening???? Shit I missed it!!! I rewind!! Okay, I see, I have to watch the porsche driving and Bella running. Uggghhhhhh either I fast forward or watch. I try to fast forward and go too far out of impatience. Go back to car scene. Then Bella runs, and I feel her desperation and  fumble to turn volume up, because I know he talks too low here and I'm going to miss hearing him say Heaven....Why can't I find the damn volume button? Okay volumes up...NO SHIRT! WEIRD NIP Your jaw is everything, everything. They are back home. Edward you totally could have run down Jacob and been done with him! And climax, marry me!

Bask. Need more. Wanna do it again. What scene number do I skip back to for the parking lot scene? Oh crap, I don't know. Go all the way to Frame 1. Ughhh I gotta sit through the moon each time? Begin forward to the parking lot kiss. Shoot, I missed it. Gotta rewind.

New Moon Edward, I admit I don't know all of your spots yet and we are still out of sync, but I have figured out at least one button to push to get us both to moan and pant. I promise you, I'm going to keep working on it with you as often as I can until we get our rhythm down.

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

A Msg from the President for Twihards and RPattz!

                                                                       pic as seen on MSN.com
Amidst the Healthcare reform debates, I'd like to take some time to personally thank each and every one of the Twilight fans around the world, and especially to RPattz, yeah, I'm down with the lingo, for helping to boost the world's economy! Your dedication to the Twilight Saga and contribution to consumerism is a major driving force in getting us away from a global recession.

So yes remember Twilight fans, each time you spent your hard-earned dollars on magazines with Robert Pattinson in it, tickets to multiple showings of his movies, the Twilight books, the new Twilight comic book, multiple DVDs of New Moon, plus all the other Twilight merchandise, and travel expenses to Twilight events, you were helping to BOO$T us in economic time of need. And remember, this doesn't just span the US, this is bettering the world ecomony.

Thank you again! And hey, somebody get me one of those Edward pens. I want to use it to sign my next official document! 

This is me rationalizing why I ended up with both the Borders and Target copies of New Moon yesterday.

I'm going to give myself some props for holding back on buying that Cullen hard case wallet, even though I really, really wanted it! (Stupid Twilight obsession, for Christmas I wanted a Coach wallet...how does this happen? So yeah I didn't get it because not like I have any money for it anyway. Oh and I held back on that comic book but it looked sooooo coool in the store!)

**So as not to end up on any lists, it should be stated I haven't heard President Obama ever mention Twilight. These are just my thoughts of what he should be saying. And btw, I suspect Michelle is Team Edward.

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Alex Chilton Tribute & Robsten

Well chickadees, despite the excitement of New Moon, there has been a hovering sadness in my household after learning Alex Chilton past away. Hearing that there is a tribute going on at SXSW that is probably including REM and Paul Westerberg made Mr. AnTwi-Pattz and I both a little jealous of those (like JJ at Twitarded) who are there this year.

Mr. AnTwi-Pattz tried to woo me by playing a Big Star song on his guitar and singing to me---link in the title.

When I told Mr. ATP that Kristen was supposed to be at SXSW, he made some comment about how she better know who Big Star is because their music was playing during one of the scenes in "Adventureland." Then he went into some 20- minute dissertation about the history of the band, as he often does.

Anyway, just for fun I told Mr. ATP that RPattz was a huge fan of Alex Chilton (total fabrication on my part). I think this raised RPattz's stock with hubby by like 1 whole point!

I wonder what songs Rob woos Kristen with, ya know, assuming they are together and all.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

A New Moon DVD Extras Comp Chart

It's a title link-click on it!!!

Well Eff me! This complicates my original plans!

This is a freakin' expensive obsession. Thank goodness I can justify that I have gotten every single penny's worth out of the Twilight 3-disc copy I got at Target last summer!
Let me know what you decide to do!

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Team Edward v. Team Jacob: Even the CAT has an opinion!

One Saturday afternoon back in October my 2-year-old saw a snippet of Edward on tv in front of my husband and giggled over him saying, "Look at him Daddy!" 

Mr. AnTwi-Pattz's reaction? "Great!! Now I've lost both of my girls to this guy!"  

Then, he was calling out for the cat asking her if she wanted to weigh in on RPattz too, but alas, she was off attending to her busy bird watching.

Flash forward to a couple of weeks ago, I walked in on this:

"What? You were expecting me to pick the dog? He IS mine!" KittyBella

If you didn't see yesterday's post and meet Lil E check below. Blogger doesn't seem to want to update my posts on blog rolls!
PS--Irish potato ice cream--as yummy as UK Red Carpet Rob! I looked at those pictures and thought IS THIS BOY GETTING MORE GORGEOUS?

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Celebrating St. Patty's Day with eWard

You know, it's definitely not that I don't have anything better to do with my time....

I'm just a Twilight multitasker... like when my daughter askes me to play with her and her Disney princess and  prince dolls I end up doing stuff like this.

Meet eWard.

I was thinking of doing like 12 calendar months of eWard but I guess having only started this blog last week I'm already behind. 

Well, it's only March so let's backtrack.
Twilight: The Beginnings 

Hearts, flowers, Rob-candy

"Hey! Does anyone else see a leprechaun?"
    (eWard, you can't be coming to school straight from celebrating all night!)
  Check out those lockers--my artistic ability is about the size of a pinhead!

                                     Happy St. Patty's Day!!

I'll try to get eWard on track now for the upcoming months. Supposedly he loves April Fool's jokes and he's rethinking his date to the prom in May. (If not Bella, then who? gasp!)

Some people say St. Patty's Day and some people write St. Paddy's Day...which is correct? Let's ask Rob...he uhhhh...well he....let's see, he might know because...Oh yeah, he recently worked with that hot Irish actor, Pierce.

So Rob, tell us...which is the right way?
                                                                                                                     picture from last.fm
I know my lucky boy, it's a real shamrock of a humdinger...you can think it over and get back to us.

**I voluntarily changed his name since recently seeing "Lil E" is already used over by the chickadees at the SagaMafia. So eWard it is unless someone else already uses that. Shit, eWArd doesn't need Lil E putting a hit out on him!

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

My wandering mind during "Remember Me"

With all the drama of the movie, it is hard to believe my mind had room enough to think of so many other things but it did. So here is what else was going on in my head as I watched Remember Me.
**Rob throwing punches. "Oohhh, it's bad boy Rob!"

**Rob talking with a French accent. "Ooohh, Bel Ami accent preview. Delicious? Oui!"

**Rob fighting Ally's dad in the apartment. "Look at his arms flex and tighten!"

**The love scene(s)--Sitting next to Mr. AnTwi-Pattz I felt...guilt. "She (Emilie) is sooooo lucky, even if it is just acting."

**The bowl scene. "I wonder how old that actress is. I bet she has a huge crush on Rob too. Who could blame her? How could I ever be an actress working with Rob? I couldn't."

**"Hey what's up with these girls?" I answered. "They're all in love with you, duh." And now I'm going to be jealous of a bunch of little teenyboppers that met Rob."

**My heart fluttered to hear Rob say "I love you" to me...I mean to Ally. I was soooo disappointed in how he said "I love you" to Bella in New Moon. We waited all that time to hear him say it and when he did it was barely a low mumble. I felt...well, damn it, I felt robbed! I hadn't heard such a pathetic "I love you" since the way Blane said it to Andie at the prom in Pretty in Pink.

**Watching Rob's face contort in various scenes. "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen that expression on him before!!!"

**Eating at the Oak Room. Rob and Pierce did well enough with shedding their accents for the roles, but both left in a European mannerism while eating. They didn't flip their forks before putting food in their mouths. This is not a criticism, it is more of a private joke with my British in-laws, so it is just funny to me. My MIL laughs about how she never assimilated to the American way of flipping the fork over after cutting into her food. She turns it upside down to cut her meat, piles the meat and potatoes on top, and then puts it in her mouth. Rob didn't have to worry about these details as Edward.

**Aidan talking about how often he's planted his flag. "Yeah, right, he wishes!" laughing

**Ally puking. "Ughh, you know that toilet wasn't clean to begin with and she's hanging all over it." Didn't it seem like Rob was trying not to laugh when she fell on the floor? How did he go from being concerned enough to hold her hair back to not checking if her face smashed into the tile?

We'll put Remember Me to bed now.
                       Tomorrow let's celebrate St. Patty's Day the way Rob would--lots of beer!

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Remember Me: Really Caroline's Story?

In the movie, the professor asked his sociology class, "Does the knowledge of our past benefit us or limit us?" Maybe it depends on how far in the past we are talking about--when the subject of 9/11 comes up, that certainly still feels like a very recent past.

Did you have a hard time accepting the 9/11 tie-in to this story? I was taken by surprise that 9/11 was a part of the story rather than a point of reference (as in, I thought going into this movie that one of the family members had already died on 9/11).

On Saturday, I revisited the characters often before seeing the movie again Sunday and came up with this.

While the story is told from Tyler's point of view, what if the writer was really trying to convey Caroline's story? The story of an 11-year-old in 2001 whose life was forever changed that day because of a family member was killed in the tower. This particular 11-year-old's life had already changed so dramatically once prior, but from her perspective, we get to see some of the impact and aftermath of 9/11 on her life (expecting the bad, but surprised by the good). Though we don't see Caroline several years later, we are left feeling hopeful about her ability to move on, in a way that mirrors Ally, who years after her mother's death is able to finally take the subway.

We learned a lot about Caroline throughout the whole movie, didn't we? She was such an awesomely talented artistic kid, who despite the loss of her oldest brother and not feeling loved by her father, kept the family together and insisted on celebrating special occasions.
Immediately after 9/11 it was very compelling to hear stories on the news of survivors and rescues, but how many stories have we heard recently about the lives of the children who lost family that day?
There were so many children affected by 9/11 who are now adults, and I would imagine many of them have struggled or are still trying to make peace with the devastation and life-altering event of that day. I'm sure many have or will choose to write their stories as a way of coping, dealing, or just sharing what they went through 10+ years later. Perhaps, now that this movie has been made, it will open the door for more stories to be told.

I would welcome those stories.
PS: The story is so cyclical isn't it? Consider this: Ten years later Caroline would be 21 facing her upcoming 22nd birthday the same as Tyler. Just as Tyler sought to share his story in his journal to Michael, it would now be Caroline seeking to share her story.
(I APOLOGIZE to those that left comments that I deleted in error when I went to add my PS above. I haven't quite figured out blogger. )

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

So much for "Saving Myself" (No spoilers!)

Yesterday am we were trying to fit a lot of things in to our sort-of day off. We had a thought to go directly to the movie theater for 11 am after me getting in a 1-hour workout. I whined, "but then I'm going to be all sweaty and gross." Mr. AnTwi-Pattz reacted immediately, "SO! It's not like Rob is actually going to be there." {he rolls eyes}

No, no, no...the precious deserves better!

I worked out. Came home. Showered. Put on my "I'm in love with a fictional vampire" t-shirt under a plaid blazer.

Now remember me? The girl who was saving herself for the big screen to see the Eclipse trailer?

Well the movie theater did NOT show it. DID NOT SHOW TRAILER OF Eclipse.

We sat through that same Letters to Juliet preview--the one we've all seen like 5 times now, right? But then the screen got dark and I clenched Mr. AnTwi-Pattz's arm in anticipation saying, "this is it! this is it!" for Eclipse only to have Remember Me begin. WTF? But I got sooo sucked into the movie and forgot about the trailer until I was leaving the theater.

As we were leaving I spoke with those professional teenagers that run the theater about the lack of previews...apparently it is a Russian roulette thing with them telling me it might show up before one of the movie show times. {Fifty was reaching high-annoyance status that I was even asking about it and I was getting annoyed at his utter lack of understanding at finding out info that seemed as vital to me as my blood type and FICA score.}

As we drove home I complained about how I could have watched the trailer on the computer the day prior, likening it to being as hard to resist as a plate of freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies Mr. AnTwi-Pattz told me, "Well see what this movie taught you? You should have gone for the dessert first!"

I'll talk about the movie tomorrow. And yes, I finally saw the Eclipse trailer on the computer.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Happy Sir RPatty's Day! What? It's a holiday...

Friday, March 12, 2010 (I can't get blogger to do what I want it to do like fix dates and send RPattz to my house.)

Okay, okay, so I made that up but it sounds like a festivous for the TWIrestofus to me!

Between Remember Me and finally being able to see that Eclipse trailer today I just felt like the day needed a little pizzazz, a dash of sparkle, and a crowning glory of a title. No doubt RPattz will be knighted by the queen someday just like Sir Paul McCartney or Sir Sean Connery. I wonder if even Queen E gets tonguetwied at the thought of RPattz!

Mr. AnTwi-Pattz and I both have off (sort of) so by the time you read this, I'll probably have seen Remember Me w/Eclipse trailer for the first time, loved it, and be trying to decide how soon to see it again!

Every time I see a commercial on tv I find myself pointing at the screen and yelling, "OOOHHH LOOK! THERE IT IS! THERE HE IS!" Even when the rest of the household has been asleep.

Happy Sir RPatty's Day!!

Want Rob to slip you the tongue?

Can Rob's tongue come out and play? It definitely can here every single day thanks to my beautiful new banner!

Thank you to MissAmyJoon for pimping my blog! Yeah her name is in purple because this chickadee is like royalty and I bow down to her talent!

Now sure I've seen the 10 second trailer. The first 3 seconds are heaven. I felt quivers and vibrations at Rob's voice--yes those good ones, MarkyMark!

Now I'm not going to watch the full trailer today. Must. Resist. Must. Resist. I am going to see Remember Me with Mr AnTwi-Pattz tomorrow during the day so I think I can wait oh, roughly 26 hours or so. Still. Must. Resist. Normally I'm okay with the whole concept of being a spoiler whore...I mean I already read the book, which was the biggest spoiler of all isn't it?

I almost forgot to tell everyone. I'm completely and irrevocably Team Edward. Jacob Black annoyed the shit out of me since the prom, but we'll save that for another post. Literally when all these movies are done I want someone to edit out all Jacob scenes and just leave me to my Robward. Not to say that Taylor isn't nice to look at; in fact, occasionally I find a video on youtube that has a nice mix of Both Jacob and Edward. I especially love the one I have looped on my blog here because it it has the perfect balance of the boys and a jolt that is better than my afternoon caffeine fix!

It is the video in my video strip at the top with Bella and the green background (the strip loops twice if you don't see it at first) It is short but highly addictive! If the words around Bella's head make you snicker a little bit, don't worry, I won't judge! This song will have a whole new meaning to you the next time you hear it on the radio!

Do you hear songs on the radio daily and think, "Wow, this would be a perfect Twilight vid song" and then have to look it up on youtube?

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Lost Boy Corey & 5 Great Comebacks!

This was not supposed to be the topic of my second post, but my heart aches today at the death of Corey Haim.

There are only 2 movies that I have ever watched each day for a good 30 days+ straight then weekly thereafter for a good 3 months--Twilight and The Lost Boys. (And you guys don't know how thankful I was to find out other people watched Twilight daily too.)

I don't know why these 2 particular movies out of all movies out there needed to be ingrained within my brain cells with daily viewings but apparently they did. I do know that the fact that they are both vampire movies is not the reason. This may be their most obvious common denominator, but they are two completely different types of stories. I've never been an "all vamps, all the time" gal. I've never read Anne Rice novels. I don't actively seek out vampire material. I've never been to Transylvania. I would never call myself some vampire buff...(oh that reminds me, I DID love Buffy and Angel, info for another post chickadees and chickadics!)

I was actually too young to see The Lost Boys in the theater but old enough to know I wanted to see Jason Patric! *swoon* My parents had been lent the movie on VHS not really knowing what it was about and popped it in one night. Knowing how strict my parents were about movie ratings, I remember shrinking down low into the recliner hoping, praying, wishing they weren't going to turn it off or tell me it wasn't appropriate for me. They didn't. I sat and watched that movie and loved it every single funny morsel of it and every character! Well I kind of thought the band that played on the boardwalk was a little creepy and sure the next time I ate rice my stomach turned a little at the thought it could be maggots, but otherwise I loved it.

Even though my crushes revolved on Jason and Keifer, I still loved the Coreys. Corey H in Lucas was adorable, too. I was smitten with Corey Haim enough that over the years I always held out hope that he would be given that second chance in Hollywood and make some kind of comeback.

Ultimately fans can be forgiving and embracing of a return--no matter what age! The entertainment biz can overlook a person's past and give them another chance. America loves a comeback story.

Though Corey never got a chance at a successful comeback, I wanted to share some of my fav returns and good examples of fans, the entertainment biz, and America (or the world) opening their arms and saying "Welcome back! We missed you! Kick ass!"

5. Patrick Dempsey--Played that great "Can't Buy Me Love" geek-to-chic lovable character! He got work over the years here and there but his true comeback has been Grey's Anatomy. I've always thought he was a great actor and really glad to see him in this role. He also played a young JFK once and loved his kooky character in With Honors.

4. Duran Duran--Yeah we all loved their songs and movie-like videos in the 80s, (insert your own cheesy "Hungry Like the Wolf" Jacob joke here) but then there were the typical band problems. Once some of that got sorted through, Simon Le Bon put just enough of the band back together to get 2 more awesome hits in the 90s, "Ordinary World" and "Come Undone." These songs held their own amongst a lot of very different-sounding music that was out at that time, and I still love those songs! (Check out the youtube vid for fanfic "The Blessing and The Curse" with "Come Undone." This post is long enough, I'm not going to insert it today.)

3. New Kids on The Block--Talk about a fangirl in the 90s and it had everything to do with these guys! Now I'm not saying their recent comeback has been mass-media-frenzy huge but it was big news at first. I love that they are back touring. I saw them on the Today show--they were as warmly received as Rob! And they get huge credit for still getting out there and doing all that synchronized dancing!!! Who was your fav NKOTB? Mine was Jonathan.

2. Shannon Doherty--I know some of you love her and some of you hate her. I always liked her and thought she got a bad rap. So after she left BH, 90210 I loved that Aaron Spelling gave her Charmed as a second chance but 3 years later, confict. Still, she gets a third chance on 90210, which she did for all the right reasons saying it was her way of thanking her fans. (hey Luke, we want you to thank us like that too!) Now she's got a 4th chance on Dancing with the Stars. I hate the fact that they are promo-ing her as "a bad girl." She's paid for her mistakes. I never really believed she was a b*tch, just maybe didn't listen to her PR people (or fired them) but..... if there was a ever a time to prove me wrong then I predict she might get into it with Pam Anderson and THAT I think that would be one funny mess of a smackdown! And don't worry if that does happen Shannon, someone will have your 5th chance lined up for you somewhere, and I'll probably watch.

1. Robert Downey, Jr.--From irony to iron. His real life mirrored his role in Less than Zero and we all got to watch his heartbreaking appeal to the judge regarding rehab. My fav comeback of his was on Ally McBeal--I loved his character and loved how he played that role so precisely. He completely had me won over! But then he, err..., blew it. Now he's got a better career going than he did in the 80s and I am looking forward to Iron Man 2!

I was just scribbling out this list this am for a future post before I heard the news of Corey so I know I'm missing A LOT of great comebacks.

Feel free to remind me of some good ones and/or your favs in the comments!!!