Amidst the Healthcare reform debates, I'd like to take some time to personally thank each and every one of the Twilight fans around the world, and especially to RPattz, yeah, I'm down with the lingo, for helping to boost the world's economy! Your dedication to the Twilight Saga and contribution to consumerism is a major driving force in getting us away from a global recession.
So yes remember Twilight fans, each time you spent your hard-earned dollars on magazines with Robert Pattinson in it, tickets to multiple showings of his movies, the Twilight books, the new Twilight comic book, multiple DVDs of New Moon, plus all the other Twilight merchandise, and travel expenses to Twilight events, you were helping to BOO$T us in economic time of need. And remember, this doesn't just span the US, this is bettering the world ecomony.
Thank you again! And hey, somebody get me one of those Edward pens. I want to use it to sign my next official document!
This is me rationalizing why I ended up with both the Borders and Target copies of New Moon yesterday.
I'm going to give myself some props for holding back on buying that Cullen hard case wallet, even though I really, really wanted it! (Stupid Twilight obsession, for Christmas I wanted a Coach does this happen? So yeah I didn't get it because not like I have any money for it anyway. Oh and I held back on that comic book but it looked sooooo coool in the store!)
**So as not to end up on any lists, it should be stated I haven't heard President Obama ever mention Twilight. These are just my thoughts of what he should be saying. And btw, I suspect Michelle is Team Edward.
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