I really felt like I should say that I reserve the right to change my mind. Life happens. Things change. So I guess if one day I'm blabbering about one thing and the next day I say something contradictory I'm just going to refer you back to this post and say, "See I told ya that about me don't seem so surprised!"
For example, Mr. AnTwi-Pattz might ask if I want a cup of coffee and I say no. He then makes himself a cup comes by me and I say, "Where's mine?" He then tries to defend his actions by saying I told him I didn't want a cup. Well guess what, I changed my mind!
I reserve the right to change my mind. And you can too!
So here are some things I could possibly change my mind about...
1. I'm all about Rob. I'm Team Edward. I'm Team Bedward. I'm Team Tyler.
2. Kellan--AnnaLynn McCord or Jelena can have him.
3. Jackson --Thank Goodness he was not Edward! Elusive S can drag him to her elusive padded room all to herself.
4. Peter--I've always thought he was cute. I even used to watch him in that show he did with Tiffany Amber Thiessen and Bill Bellamy. But the blonde hair is a no-go for this gal!
5. Taylor--He's too young! He's cute as anything but his soft demeanor needs to grow into those new abs of his.
6. Robsten.
But I'm fickle as a pickle, so having said all that...
Let's say one day I'm fed up with Edward and decide I'm Team Jacob. Okay bad example, that shit's never gonna happen! LOL!
Let's try this instead...
I love funny Emmett. The Emmett sense of humor is something I am really looking forward to in Breaking Dawn. So if MR leaves in all those funny lines and Kellan delivers them perfectly like the New Moon line "Dating an older woman...Hot! What?" I just might come out of that theater declaring I freakin' love Kellan Lutz. Or I might find him sexy as hell in Captain America. I reserve the right to change my mind.
And let's just say tomorrow I finally see Jackson Rathbone in a new light and I get a case of what Elusive S calls Jacksonitis. Yeah I've been going through their old posts studying up. Holy shit!!! Is that what MOS means? So if it happens, yeah, I reserve the right to change my mind.
Peter--I adore pictures I see of you and Jennie. I'm glad you are Carlisle. Apparently Freddie Prinze Jr was in line before you but then someone remembered how bad he looked as a blonde in Scooby Doo. Guess what? I don't like you as a blonde either. But if I'm all smitten with you doing fight scenes in Eclipse and I leave the theater with all new appreciation for you and your blonde protectivey daddy moves, then yeah I reserve the right to change my mind.
Taylor--Give me 5 years. Too long? Then 3? I'm so stubborn over this. Okay I have one condition. Play someone OTHER than Jacob Black or a high school boy and maybe I will think differently about you. I don't think you as Stretch Armstrong is gonna do it for me either, but if that is the case, then yeah I reserve the right to change my mind.
Robsten---Here's how I like my Robsten best...Hidden! First off let me say that I have known about the possibility of Robsten before I knew about any Twilight blog or before "RPattz" was spoken from my lips on a daily basis. Ya know how? There are 2 spots in Twilight that are pure Rob and Kristen on screen out of character but together. Read this and if you feel inspired to go watch the movie to check it out so be it.
#1 That is not Edward playing piano, that is Rob. CH clearly says in the audio that Rob sat at the piano and played for them. He breaks character and you can see the shift in his concentration to play piano. Then there is Bella sitting there in awe, but Kristen breaks character and looks up at Rob and smiles.
#2 Up in the trees at one point, in the commentary Kristen says, "We were told we were MOS there." I don't know what this means exactly ***Update I looked it up! Read up on it here! I literally reads Mit Out Sound said by someone who meant Without Sound (errr...sounds like something I would say with my tonguetwiedness!)**** But there chickadees in that "we thought we weren't being recorded" moment is pure Robness going on, yep the boy we know--both giggly and dazzling being all cute with Kristen who is just as smitten in return.
Thus the picture I requested for my banner,
Rob and Kristen sitting in a tree.....
Do I like their relationship hidden? Yes. But if given the chance would I want some details to become public like hearing about every cute thing Rob has ever done for Kristen--flowers, notes, presents, etc? Abso-freakin'-lutely! I reserve the right to change my mind. Am I okay with Rob showing up all unattached to premieres. Yes! Will I be whining some day that I wish they had walked down the red carpet hand in hand? Maybe. If so, please remember, I reserve the right to change my mind.
So basically don't hold me to anything because who knows when I'll change my mind over it. Give me good enough reason, and I just might change my mind about Rob, too. But he'd have to pull like a Brad Pitt, Ethan Hawke, or Jude Law...and hopefully Rob and I will have a lot of good years before he ever does something like that. Of course, if he decides like Ricky Martin to start living la vida loca, well then Rob all I can say is that I hope you have some fun times with John Mayer, because that way I'll at least hear about it!
Speaking of latino crooners...long before RPattz came along I was big into hottie Enrique. He's a little more age appropriate for me **cough** but for some reason I think of him like he is 23, too.
photo from Popsugar.com
Where have I seen the hat/hoodie look before or the shirt left out hands in pocket stance?
I still love him! He's committed. Been with Anna K now how long? Reports they might be married loom. His voice and songs are to die for! I would love to see him in Breaking Dawn...maybe as Eleazar????
So why did it take me so long to put two and two together and look for an Enrique Twilight video? Shit if I know but I found a PERFECT ONE!!!
Enrique and RPattz if I need a hero I can't choose between you two so I'm just going to leave it up to fate whoever gets to me and starts singing first!!!
I might even change my mind on the name of this blog...TongueTwied is getting to be way too long to type into my phone to log in...
I might even change my mind on the name of this blog...TongueTwied is getting to be way too long to type into my phone to log in...
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