Dear Rob,
This letter comes to you in celebration of your 25th birthday. A simple 'happy birthday to you' is not what you'll hear from me. Oh no, because turning 25 is a BIG deal! I know this to be true, and I'm sending you more than best wishes. I'm writing to send you insight, plain ole wisdom, and a sprinkle of some fan-girl fun.
I feel comfortable dishing this out, because in my mind, you and I have a connection. Yeah, I guess, meeting you in person and standing close enough to pinch those rosey cheeks or suck on those plump lips seems to have given me the confidence to dish out some Alice-like insight.
First, let me just say that 'getting older' suits you. Just like brown, blue, gray, and damn, black suits you mighty fine too.
Seeing you in those suits really makes me come undone....but let me get back to more mature, insightful thoughts. Clearly you are handling your life SO well. The career choices you're making all back this up. Water for Elephants allowed you to step up and away from the little pebble in your shoe known as Edward Cullen. Yes, it's safe to say that Edward may have shed a bright light on your talents, but YOU Rob are extending the light to shine in all sorts of varied rainbow colors. Your talent just blows me away!
Bravo, Rob, you haven't let fame change your true essence. You're still the adorable you. I love how you have accepted the good, bad, and ugly parts of fame. You seem to be using this newfound power to your advantage. I can only imagine what you'll bring to the role of Eric in 'Cosmopolis.' There's another suit to look forward to.
I know that with this fame--this fast-forward success, comes a price to pay, and pay it you are! It's sad to hear you don't have a place to call home and that you won't even consider buying a house until it's safe from those that would track it down and find you. It's sad to read that your greatest wish is " be able to walk down a city center without being recognized, enjoying anonymity, take my dog for a walk where there is no one around..." Yeah, it hurts to read those quotes of yours, but it's also clear that you understand the craziness won't last forever.
Instead of me sending you some random birthday wishes, I thought I'd repeat some that come directly from you. Someone asked you, "If you had a choice, where would you like to wake up?" Your answer made me think of the cottage being used for Breaking Dawn.
You replied, "There's a cottage int he south of France, where I've been a couple years ago. There is nothing in the area. I was all by myself. I'd like that."
And so dear Rob, for your birthday, my sincerest wish is that you get that alone time.
It is pointless to wish you success, you've already earned it, and from the looks of it, you will continue to do so. Pointless to wish you good luck, you've got some of that too. I won't tell you to plan for the future, when it's so obvious that you already are. So, instead I wish for you peace, your slice of it, somewhere in the south of France. Just you, your dog, guitar--to a place that feels like home to you. (Maybe you might bring a lover too. If Kristen's not available, I'm a good stand-in, just a thought.)
I'll end this letter by including an interview quote from you. It says much about you as a man, a twenty-five-year-old man, yet one with the wisdom of an old soul.
The following interview is from Buzzine with Emmanuel Itier:
EI: The movie is a love story, so there were lots of discussions about love because it says love in all forms, family, whatever. Tell me about love--what you learn from it. How do you define it?
RP: The thing about this movie, especially in my (character's) relationship with Marlena -- I don't think it's conventional. I don't think it's about him falling in love with her and wanting to just be with her. In some ways, I think it's sweeter that he completely acknowledged the whole time that he doesn't want to just steal her away and be with her, because I think that's not ever really love anyway. That's just something to do with pride. You just see someone who doesn't particularly believe in themselves. If you're loving someone, you think they're the best person in the world, and she doesn't see herself as that, and that's the only thing he wants to show to her. I guess in some way that's what love is. He wants her to love herself in the same way he does.
I hope she sees herself as you do....
Enjoy being 25, Rob, time really does go by so very quickly. "Youth is the gift of nature, but age is the work of art." To me, you are a piece of art already. I see you as the best person in the world and I so want you to be able to see that too. Please accept this letter as a humble gift, as it is meant to celebrate your special day.
Happy Birthday to YOU!
A note from kiTT: Dearest Fran, any of us would be lucky to receive such heartfelt words from you! I have nothing more to add other than to say this letter was beautiful and so well-intentioned toward such a deserving person. Thanks so much for tackling the birthday letter portion of this train!
Hope you've enjoyed your stay! Robmusement has prepared a special trip tonight full of letters to Rob!
Next Stop: ItsRoblated
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