Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Cheers! It Just Means Something Different To Me

Twilight Cheers
Open for business for 7 months now!
I know you are used to me keeping my tongue twied and all but today I've got a whole lot to say!!

It may not mean anything to you in your busy chaotic life, but 7 months ago I was contemplating posting my first blog entry. So here I am on my 7ish-month anniversary. Errr...6 months, missed that...wait til 1 year, might not be around..so yep, so we are going with 7ish months. Hey it's not like I have an assistant or wizzie guy behind the curtain keeping tabs on all this stuff for me. I've got Mr. ATP, my daughter and a cat....do you know what that's like? I say go left and they all go right.

You think I'm joking, don't you?

So some things tend to fall between the cracks. Some of you know it takes me 3 months to make it to a post office. {shivers} I have sucky experiences in post offices. Panic attack just thinking about going to one. That's why I'm thinking no on the canned veggies KG. I can pop a gift card in any random mailbox and avoid the hassle. Not to mention those postal workers are a bit of sales pushers lately. Have you noticed? "Need anything else? Stamps, a PO Box, delivery confirmation, holiday rates, etc..." NO, I don't. I just need you to stop f*ckin' prolonging the time I'm spending in this place! It's already been 25 minutes in line behind the ebayers and then having to wait while you flirted with the last guy
Mr. Postal Worker!!!

Oh hell, while I'm venting tell me what's with the coffee people at the not-called-Starbucks coffee kiosk in Borders these days? They want your name to call out to let you know your pumpkin spice latte is ready. WTF? I have to give you my name? And you are going to announce it? I'll just be standing here waiting thanks. I'm not giving them my name. That's bullshiTT!

Where was I again? Post office, pumpking spice latte, oh yeah...appreciation!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone I have met along the way of this exciting little bloggy journey! I have tried to personally email or reach out to express gratitude along the way or had an aside laugh with so many of you here and there that I have enjoyed. If I failed to do this with YOU then I am sorry and please accept my thanks for showing up and laughing with me over silly Twilight stuff.

This time last year I was newly, irrevocably in love with Twilight--thankfully a couple of my friends shared in the love for Twilight too, but in different ways--to different degrees, but I found myself wanting to be immensed in the world more and more and just talk, talk, talk about it.

You guys have given me something I really needed after I got so hooked on Twilight--a Twilight Cheers.
Ya know, like that tv show. This is my little bar here and I'm the lascivious bartender that lusts over RPattz and J-Bone. You show up and I say "What'll it be today...Should we pick the books apart, make fun of the movies, or celebrate Rob's ass?"

{Whatcha got in the bag, there Rob?}

And let's just say Bella is Norm, here might be one of her favorite lines:

kiTT:  Howz it going Bella?
Bella: It's a wolf-hate-vampire world and I'm wearing milkbone underwear and giving off my intoxicatingly dangerous bloodscent.

Errr...something like that. (Norm's orig line It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing milkbone underwear.) Thank you for being the kind of people that I can make crack dumb jokes like that around and you get me. Or even if you don't get it, I'm sure you get something out of it, even if you are just laughing at me.

I so enjoy having a place to say how I was in the parking lot of Ruby Tuesday's lately and saw a black convertible top over a green porsche exactly like the one Rob was driving that time and my heart skipped a beat. I sat there staring at it imaging Rob behind the wheel. Then I checked the license plate just to be sure it wasn't from out of town. (See and no one thinks I'm crazy for declaring this, right?)

I also know I can tell you guys how during my weekend roadtrip I saw a truck on the road that said "Carlisle" Trucking Company and it totally cracked me up, as well as hubby obnoxiously mimicking Rob from the scene in Twilight. Also spotted on the road was a truck that said "Wards." It was an ice cream distributor. Do I even need to say what I thought of next???? I don't think so. 

Limited numbers of my friends know about my blog. One couple was at our house recently and witnessed all the Twilight stuff (and a messy kitchen HEY I had been out all day and got home 5 minutes before they got there) and asked my hubby on the sly if they should stage an intervention. I cracked up over it when he told me because all I could think of was the line from "Remember Me" with Aidan telling Tyler, "I'm ready to set up an intervention here." See it just kind of all goes back to Rob or Twilight.

I wanted to dedicate this song to you guys from the bottom of my nonlovey-dovery heart! Sing along with me!!! Altered lyrics below!

"Making your way in the world today takes everything you got.
Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot.

Wouldn't you like to get away?

Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name {*cough*}
And they're always glad you came. {I'd so enjoy that, Rob}
You wanna be where you can see
your Twilight thoughts are considered sane.
You wanna be where no one thinks loving Twilight is lame!"

**Thank you again to everyone for being a part of my Twilight Cheers!**
**I enjoy every laugh! And I laugh with you guys every day!**
**Every comment on my blog, gmail chat, or emails with pictures, video, or just words in an email I have enjoyed, not to mention your own blogs.**

I'm not going to list everyone but if I've commented on your blog, emailed you, stalked you, tortured you weekly, laughed with you, lived vicariously through your story of meeting Rob or others, added Bon Jovi song lyrics into my post for you, complimented you, read your fanfiction, teased you, supported you, reminded you to take your meds, recruited you, kept tabs on Tom for you, revealed way too much about myself in answering your questions, quoted movie lines with you, sung songs with you, chatted fanfiction with you, pimped out your handiwork, or been pushed in front of a bus by you after you beta'd my one-shot, etc...then you know who you are and I've enjoyed seeing your smiling face at my
Twilight Cheers!

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