Some of you might remember this post I did a few months back where I ripped on the Set Designers of New Moon for doing something I thought was hideous!
Putting this red blanket on top of purple bedding in New Moon. (I also compared Edward's caked on makeup and outfit to looking like Jack Nicholson's portrayal of The Joker. You can go back and read it here.
It was supposed to be part of the foreshadowing
of Bella in Italy (per TwiredJen )
I guess because the dream sequence in the beginning
wasn't foreshadowing enough.
Foreshadowing is one thing. Clashing is another.
Well chickadees thank goodness someone finally listened to me, and let's just pretend that someone was actually Mr. Slade because from the looks of things we just narrowly escaped having this atrocity show up in Eclipse! Check it out!
See it? Yeppers! There it is! But guess what IT IS NOT IN THE MOVIE!!! Because true to form, I looked for that sh*t the first 3 times I saw Eclipse and there was no sign of it.
So thank you again Mr. Slade, for taking the time to read what the people were saying and to get a few things right for us!!! The blanket Bella's mom made for her was a very sweet idea!
Here is where red DOES look good!
And here...
I've been trying to console myself through this stupid flu I'm trying to get over so I decided the best way to do this was to imagine Rob and Cam both wanting me. So here's what I came up with!
Don't be jealous!
It's a fabrication!
I'm not stuck up.
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