Hey everyone!
I wanted to share with you my new Cell Phone Charging Base!
Classy, right?
If it looks familiar, it was a display piece that held cards at BurgerKing over the summer. Oh God, are those my fingerprint smudges on it? First thing you know someone will be knocking on my door! I didn't steal it! I asked if I could have it. And they said yes. Jealous aren't ya?
So you know how many of us cop to watching Twilight over and over?
I do and I'm not ashamed. Sure some of my friends laugh at me over it. *cough Alice cough * but one of the payoffs to it is catching something different in the movie every once and a while. So if I have this whole 'holy crap I never noticed that' moment when I watch Twilight then it seems to validate me watching it even more. Maybe you noticed this before, maybe not. I thought I'd share because certain people in my life really don't care.
You know how Rob likes to do this...
And this...
And a little of this...
And maybe a smidge of this...
If you were too distracted to see what I'm getting at here I'm talking about his hand in his hair---constantly touching it, weaving his long fingers through it, teasing us...
so did you ever happen to notice in Twilight where his hands usually are?
Don't remember? Maybe you just haven't seen the movie enough?
I mean it only took me like 647 viewings and on that viewing it was like a blaring neon sign with Alanis MorriseTTe's song in the background! Ya know this one...
I'm broke but I'm happy. I'm poor but I'm kind. I'm short but I'm healthy. yeah
I'm high, but I'm grounded. I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed. I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby. And what it all comes down to is that everything's gonna be fine, fine, fine

Because I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one is giving a high five.
I feel drunk but I'm sober. I'm young and I'm underpaid. I'm tired but I'm working yeah.
I care but I'm restless. I'm here but I'm really gone. I'm wrong and I'm sorry, baby. And what it all comes down to is that everything's gone be quite alright,
because I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one is flicking a cigarette.
And what it all comes down to is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet, because I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one's giving a peace sign.
I'm free but I'm focused. I'm green but I'm wise. I'm hard but I'm friendly, baby. I'm sad but I'm laughing. I'm brave but I'm chickenshit.
I'm sick but I'm pretty, baby.
And what it all boils down to is that no one's really got it figured out just yet, but I've one hand in my one hand in my pocket
and the other one is playing
the piano.
Trivia time: Did Rob have his hands in his pockets in this scene?
Close your eyes.
Can you see it?
If not, please go watch Twilight and report back, okay?
~ x ~
So can you imagine how that conversation went on the set?
Hardwicke: Rob you gotta stop putting your fingers through your hair, it keeps messing up the hair and we've already got all this wind and rain to contend with.
Rob: But it says in the book that Edward is always putting his fingers through his hair.
Hardwicke: No Rob, I think you are just too knee deep in the fanfiction for your own good.
Rob: Fine then what should I do with my hands, I mean what would Edward do with them. Maybe he should carry around like, I don't know, a stuffed animal or something to hold. Can he smoke? Vampires can smoke can't they?
Hardwicke: No Rob, only you can pull off being the perfect guy and smoking. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to put your hands in your pocket.
10 minutes later Rob is daydreaming about how he can get Kristen to break up with her boyfriend and tugging at his hair.
Rob: Alright alright, why does everyone keep saying that to me?
Hardwicke: Everyone, who's everyone?
Rob: You, that Oregano kid, Kristen's dad!!!!
~ x ~
I know, I'm just killing you with the laughs today aren't I, Rob?
Here's a musical "Hand In My Pocket" video montage of Rob in WFE with some pictures I had not seen up until today. I'm going to have to have a talk with "my people."
Uhhhh...do I even have "people?"
Wait! I do have people! People who make me videos, signatures, freak flags, happy place posters, banners, tote bags, buttons, notes to let me know my mom called, notes of encouragement, technical advice, and just make me laugh.
You guys!
Well I have nothing to give any of you in return, so I'm hoping you'll just tell me I give you everything you need just by breathing and we'll call it a birthday!!!
Wait! I do have people! People who make me videos, signatures, freak flags, happy place posters, banners, tote bags, buttons, notes to let me know my mom called, notes of encouragement, technical advice, and just make me laugh.
You guys!
Well I have nothing to give any of you in return, so I'm hoping you'll just tell me I give you everything you need just by breathing and we'll call it a birthday!!!
Now...You. Must. Watch. This!
But I wanted to dedicate this video to Robmusement and say thank you for the signature. Check it out below! Awesome, right? I think it is safe to say we can never have too much of Rob's tongue here at TongueTwied, whether he's sticking it out, sticking it in, rolling it around the inside of his cheek, licking his lips, or making fun of himself for not getting his words out correctly, those little moments are beautiful and always have a special place here!
By the way Robmusement, when Alanis sings, "I'm brave but I'm chickenshit" that's me, isn't it? Like that's my line!
And don't you chickadees DARE leave my blog today without watching this video. It is brand spanking new, and I watched it and got all types of ideas of having Rob tapping his fingers over my heart and saying, "ga-gund, ga-gund" and did some dirty dancing together!
Thank you Diane771!!!
This video is kind of perfect for me, actually. Because I feel like I play a game with Rob called,
"What Color Are My Eyes Today, Baby?"
He asks the question and I have to seek out the answer.
So this whole video is like a round of Rob Scene-It to me.
And guess what?
I win every single time!
Am I done yet? I don't know. I've really got to focus some of my attention on some other things so if I'm not flitting around commenting like my normal Twilight-Rob-indulging self then you know why. So I thought I'd wave a little bye-byes for now if I don't see ya for a while!!
What it all comes down to my friends
is that everything is just fine, fine, fine.
I've got one hand in my pocket,
and the other one is hailing a
taxi cab!
Fun fact: This was one of my original post ideas from when I started my blog way back in March.
When did you notice the whole hand in his pockets thing?
tell me in the comments!

"What Color Are My Eyes Today, Baby?"
He asks the question and I have to seek out the answer.
So this whole video is like a round of Rob Scene-It to me.
And guess what?
I win every single time!
Am I done yet? I don't know. I've really got to focus some of my attention on some other things so if I'm not flitting around commenting like my normal Twilight-Rob-indulging self then you know why. So I thought I'd wave a little bye-byes for now if I don't see ya for a while!!
What it all comes down to my friends
is that everything is just fine, fine, fine.
I've got one hand in my pocket,
and the other one is hailing a
taxi cab!
Fun fact: This was one of my original post ideas from when I started my blog way back in March.
When did you notice the whole hand in his pockets thing?
tell me in the comments!

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