If you haven't noticed, I seem to be caught up in this whole crazy Twidom. Well at least the fangirl in me is, and she is getting harder and harder to repress! So I considered the road trip to see 100 Monkeys for the first time! The chance to "see some bands at a small venue" is like bait for Mr. AnTwi-Pattz, he's big into music so after some eyerolling in explanation of how this was Twilight related he agreed to my idea. Planning such an event is complicated for us though between job schedules and finding a babysitter. By the beginning of the week I had already abandoned the idea thinking it wasn't doable for various reasons. The stars just weren't alignin' for me.
Then 3 things happened:
1. Toward the last minute I got a call from my best babysitter saying if I still needed her she had a chance to take off work that day.
DangrDafne did a post on regrets that seriously motivated me. Check it out!
3. The
Twitards got tweets from Billy Burke that put me on such a fangirl high.
Suddenly my monkey man stars were alignin' and we were actually making a road trip!
Here's what I gathered to take with me thinking I'm going to get an autograph from J-Bone.
1. My Twilight book (the one with the poster in the back)
2. Various banners of my favorite blogs. (Yes I was going to let him sign as much as he was willing to!)
Mrs. P's AVI Because she won't stop until she has had all the Cullen men.
Then I had another thought. I printed out the Twitarded banner and the of tweets from Billy Burke thinking maybe some way I could get the 100 Monkeys to tweet the Twitards too! I wrote a note on that paper to Jackson asking him to tweet the Twitards and that they in turn could pimp his band. Good plan, right?
So off we went on our road trip to make it to a 6 pm show in Lancaster, PA. Errrr...what the heck time is that for a show? Is there like an Amish curfew that town adheres to? Amish country. Don't think I didn't spend some quality time considering if there was any chance Rob might be there in the audience in disguise--dark pants, longish hair, black hat, chewing on straw. Think Harrison Ford in Witness. See it?
We get in and literally I am only 3 feet away from the stage. I'm taking in the scene and trying to figure out who to best approach with my note to Jackson. Mr. AnTwi-Pattz suggests I buy a CD to be signed (isn't he the best enabler husband?). I realize the guy working the table is dressed exactly like I have seen pictures of Jackson with the hat and tie. He has longish hair pulled back. So I ask him if he works for the club or came with the band. He very suspiciously deadpanned, "I travel with the band." So I asked if Jackson is on twitter and he said no but said the band is. Perfect! I asked him to please give my note to Jackson and have his band tweet the Twitards. I'm not sure if I can explain his reaction--he was stone-cold faced about it. Dude I was not asking to get back to see the band or anything. I bought my CD and not long after I looked back and saw him reading the note. Then I saw a different guy walking with said note in hand to the back room where the band was hanging out.
Just an aside about "I travel with the band guy" who was dressed exactly like Jackson. He seemed very put off by my asking about his connection to the band. I went to a dark place that was somewhere between Selena's fanclub president and Whitney's sister in The Bodyguard. ya know what I'm sayin'? **shivers**
First warm up act
Amanda Wells. Talented singer. Mr. AnTwi-Pattz was complimentary to her guitar skillz. If you ever need some wallow in the thought of an old relationship music this is your girl!
I had no room in my excitement for wallowing so I decided to go empty my bladder. While in the stall I overhear 2 girls by the sink.
Girl #1: So did you see any crazy Twilight moms out there?Girl #2: No just YOUR mom. Girl #1: Oh Jasper, Oh Jasper! (mocking tone)Girl #2: Jasper I love you!!! (mocking tone)So while I'm washing my hands I ask them, "Exactly how old do you have to be to be a crazy Twilight mom?" They giggle and look me up and down. "Uhhhh 40?"
"Oh good, then I'm just a fangirl wearing my Cullen crest necklace." I show them and we laugh.
I return to a second warm up act. Someone in second story above me spills beer that lands 2 feet away from me. Errr...that's when I'm thinking, I'm too old for this shit.
A third warm-up singer. Are you freakkin kidding me? I want the damn monkeys! Well they showed up at the end to sing with the guy and made him finally sound better.
At first site, the 100 Monkeys are a lot to take in. There are so damn many of them and they are everywhere. Jackson comes out and the fangirls make their presence known. Here's what I secretly loved about Jackson at first site. He's very well dressed. I've seen some pictures of him singing when he is in a sweatband and looking kind of greasy. NOT TONIGHT! He had on his dressy outfit complete with clean, wavy hair sticking out from under a cool cat hat and tie just like "I travel with the band guy."
Third warm up act is over and now we have to wait again for the Monkeys to come back out. While we are waiting the young girls from the bathroom are to my right and I joke with them, "See, I wasn't all yelling out Jasper." They laughed and complimented my restraint. Then I said, "Forget Jasper anyway, the mohawk guy is HAWT!!!!" They agreed.
Finally the band came back out. And poor Mr. AnTwi-Pattz, I wasn't even trying to hide how surprisingly taken I was with this guy...
It's Mohawttie!!!
The most f*cktastic thing about this band is that they each take turns singing and playing all the instruments! It was like watching 100 Monkey musical chairs after each song they changed everything and shared each other's instruments. That's trust! Aren't musicians usually very protective of their personal instruments?
Then it happened about 3 or 4 songs in, who can remember because I was kind of drunk on the sight of these guys. Mr. Rathbone was standing directly in front of me with only 5 shorter-than-me fangirls in between us. As he was singing his eyes locked in on me.....for a loooooo-hoooong while! And I just stood there absof*ckinglutely locked in to his gaze. Don't spit in my soup! I'm telling you he was f*ckin' locked in on me hard! The song was called "Poison Oak." And well it was like throwing back a little poison in that moment because I was Done and Died! When he finally wasn't looking just at me anymore I had to catch my surreal breath a little and come back to reality. Oh my Jackson was he just staring directly at me? Oh my Rathbone was I just doing something inappopriate to him in my mind. OH SHIT! What if Twitards decide to do a post on HIS penis size?
I can't say I witnessed Jackson staring so intently toward anyone else the rest of the night but I did feel as though he intentionally avoided looking at me after our shared moments. Maybe he realized Mr. AnTwi-Pattz was with me, though he was standing behind me and to my left, and was trying to be respectful?
But then it happened again didn't it Jackson? I caught you looking at me again when you came out for an encore wearing dark shades someone from the audience had given you. I guess you thought we couldn't see your eyes behind the black lens but I could see you looking at me from behind the keyboard.
I played it cool by focusing a lot of attention to Mohawttie. You played it cool by trying to emcompass the whole club with your quick, darting looks out into the audience. But I will always remember those special moments we shared when I stood there, not singing, not dancing, not doing anything other than feeling hopelessly shitfaced grinning directly back at you as you sang to me and only me.
Jackson and Jerad: Coooool cat and Monkey man!
Hello cat meet cougar, PUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

And look! It's mo' Mohawttie at the parttie!
Sorry my pictures just suck. I have some recorded video on my new phone if I only knew how the hell to transfer it here I would share that.
I can't tell you what an awesome show it was and I do hope to go see them again maybe next time with DangrDafne and LwE! I hope they tweet the Twitwats! I hope I never forget how stupidly smitten I got at that show. I hope I haven't bored you with my boring personal experience! There were no autographs being given out and the staff was terribly rude about getting everyone out of the building so I abandoned that plan but have no regrets about it because my heart and soul were kind of already content.
I hope the kind woman Cheryl I met at the show emails me her pictures. She may have gotten a little annoyed with me because every time Jackson turned around I yelled, "Get a picture of his ass!"
Thanks to
TwiredJen and her elusive sis for sharing this
video. I think it piqued my interest in seeing the band. So I'm wondering if there is a Jeraditis because yeah I was horned up over that guy. What can I say? I have a type and he fit right into it, even with the mohawk!
Wanna know what I really looooooooooooooooooooved about JACKSON? His dancing on stage! His grooving was sexy as anything! Please let Jasper bust a move at both Bella's graduation party and at the wedding!!!!
And speaking of dancing.....allow me to pimp Kelly and her blog
My DiscomRobulation. We've been chatting over her November experience in meeting Rob! I lived vicariously, and her sharing gave me even more ammunition to road trip to see Jackson. She's been putting beautiful pictures of Rob to songs this week and honored me with my song suggestion whose sentiment fits Rob, my road trip, 100 Monkeys, and YOU! Go check it out!
And I hope you dance!
Fun fact about Jackson Rathbone: Descendent of Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, Confederate General from West Virginia per IMDB.com You really do f*ckin learn something new every day!