You've seen her on your own blogs commenting. Now the Kellan-cottoning, Rob-lusting, and Jackson-loving Jayla is going to share her own personal monkey business with the rest of us chickadees complete with pictures! First Jayla-did you squeeee at the sparkly drums like I did? LOL! I might have to provide my own commentary because I can and all.
Jayla's words:
I'm going to be excruciatingly detailed, but I'll say this so you don't have wait until the i didn't grope or hug jasperpants- but did sit as his feet & touch him... literally, and his feet are H U G E for his stature (more on that later)
I had sooooo much fun last night. my friend Liz was really a trooper and was willing to put up w/ lots my antics last night. she wanted the door man (this cute tatted up guy- esp after he carded us- LOL... so the night went well) Go Liz, thanks on behalf of the Twifans for understanding! It takes a special person!!!
(ok- slow burn...) Oh, I get it. Now we have some Master Edward! enthusiasm.
We walk into the downstairs stage/bar area and the place is halfway filled. I was SO relived to see a lot of over 40 folks (i didn't want to be the only 37 yr old) in addition to the teens that i knew would be there. The second band is about to start their set and doing sound checks- and i'm about 4 ft from the stage because i'm just wandering to see where the best spot will be. I look up and there is Mr. Rathbone fiddling with the keyboard. (rockin' the bandana thingy tied around his forehead). At this point I'm honestly dumbstruck. I clutch my beer tighter and take a swig (yes, drinking out of the bottle- classy and fun too.) Is there another way to do it? I just stare and admire. No one is going nuts- I don't think half the crowd noticed the band running back 'n' forth.
So - the 2nd band (duo) goes on and they are pretty good.. some grunge rock/ballad stuff. adorable- liz called the one guy a jonas brother w/ rock n roll style.
I have yet to bother looking at the time- but eventually 100 monkey's make their way to the stage. I'm standing on the right side of the stage right near the steps (it's a small place) so they all have to walk right next to me to get up the 3 steps. Squuueeee time!!!Ewww he was in the grunge...hey maybe Jackson should be the one playing Kurt Cobain!
Jackson is about 5'9". i have yet to look up his 'official' height- but he is sooooo short and skinny. I knew he'd be skinny- but that short. OMG, the precious better tower over jackson. I was wearing 4" heels (and I'm 5'5" on a good day...).. my first thought after 'he's so short' was, i'd break this poor boy in 1/2. there were some 20ish twifans behind me - lined up against the wall really all 'squee' and not really that coherent. so i said 'did you ever think he'd be that short?', response 'nooo! If he's that short, the girls are really teeny tiny."
Told you I'd see you again Mohawttie!!!

The guys in the band all play everything (not all play everything well... )- so they all rotate around the stage. so although i didn't start out at jackson's feet.. i ended up there quite a few times. ok- jerad (band guy who is sporting a mohawk - was adorable. Liz wanted him too- but we both noticed a wedding band).. but Jerad won for best dressed and best smell. He smelled amazing. Everyone else- not so much. Yes, jasper didn't smell all spicy and nice and yummy.. (You mean he wasn't sporting whatever his trademark vampire scent is?) He smelled like he'd been in a car all day. not stinky- just not 'fresh'. ben (most animated band member) - well he chose not to wear shoes on stage - and his feet.. um, well.. ew. he even asked if the crowd could smell his feet. I didn't even answer- he was 2 feet in front of me. Uncle (the older Sammy Davis Jr like gentleman) was comical - and endearing. I even got a fist bump (more on that later).
Jackson is great on stage--very animated and fun and playful. I loved watching him play guitar and just singing his heart out. It made me want to pull his tail (oh yea- both he and ben wore monkey(?) tails on their jeans...-shaking head-) Oh is that what that was supposed to be hanging down?
The band played for about 2 1/2 hours and said they'd be out to sign stuff. Liz went to sit at the ONE bar stool- while i wandered a bit. We hung out for about 15 minutes and then the guys decided to come back on stage and play 3 or 4 more songs. I found my spot again and sat at Jackson's feet. I kept staring up at him.. but every time he looked at me i looked away. I felt so silly (and gawd those dimples are effin incredible!) This is my chance to ogle up close & personal in a nice intimate club .. Nope i'm a chicken shyt. If I acted this way w/ Jackson - What would I be like with Rob?!
They go off stage, again. I wander back to Liz- still perched on her bar stool. We b.s.'d with the sound board guy (who was drunk & pissed because he zeroed out his sound board and then the band wanted to play again- so he had to reset everything - he was quite funny and entertaining) and the bar tender who said he'd never seen dennis so pissed. (again two tatted up guys - one white - one black and funny as heck)
ok- Band comes out and sits behind one of those conference tables- no pictures allowed. I'm still standing at the bar and decide i'm not waiting on the line until it gets a lot shorter. (there can't be more then 100 people in the club) so Liz and I watch the girls fall all over themselves and the band ..while the annoying boy-who-wears-the-banana-suit rushes everyone along. Liz and i watch these girls fall apart- one by one. it's truly an adorable site to see them walk away in tears, bouncing up and down.
Finally I go get in line when there are 3 people left. Jerad is the first guy at the table-(i had their cd cover and he's signing it) i stick out my hand and introduce myself (as jay - like I do on the blogs) and he introduces himself and I tell him how much i enjoyed the show. (mr. banana boy is rushing me and I'm not happy - nor can i move along since there is a girl in front of me talking to Jjackson).. ok.. now Jackson. I also introduce myself & offer my hand and he says...'how ya doin' darlin?' (to quote fanfic here...) I thought I'd cream my panties. do you know how many times I've 'read' a line in fanfic when jasper says darlin?! and I was all squee, internally- of course- trying to remain cool and calm. (banana boy again is trying to hurry me- but I cant move because the chick in front of me is talking to Ben).. F*CKING SERIOUSLY.... Jackson just said darlin' to me- it never sounded so dayum cute. He's wearing his sun glasses- which irks me because i really wanted to look into his eye, but I guess it's a good thing he did have them on- because it gave me the courage to say how much I enjoyed the music and how I didn't anticipate they would be coming to DC and that was a pleasant surprise. Done and Died! Best part of the story! Jackson brings FF to life!
He tells me of course they'd come to DC because banana boy (he said the boys name- but i don't remember it- or care) is from DC.. so i ask if they are going to upstate ny (just because i needed more Jackson time) and he smiles (gawd the dimples) and says 'shhhh, maybe it's a surprise with his megawatt smile and he's not whispering .. in fact he sounds a bit tipsy (they were all drinking Bud & water or something on stage all night). again banana boy is trying to move me.. (i'm about to stomp his little behind) and I say bye to Jackson and he thanks me for coming.. i don't get to say anything to ben or the drummer ben because the chick in front is still talking to them.. so I zip to Uncle at the end of the table - who has my cd cover and I say hi Uncle, I loved the show, nice to hear some good live music. He says 'glad you were here sistah.' I say, 'so how did you get mixed up with these boys?' he says, 'we did a movie together- he says the name but i can't hear him- and he says you can imdb* it.. I laugh. then I say, 'so you just stuck with them?' response, 'yea- we've been as tight as butt cheeks' (I look stunned now and he continues) 'You heard what i said, right?' my response, 'Yea- but I was trying to ignore it.' (laughs) okay- banana boy is successful with getting rid of me...
The guys leave the table as the last few stragglers leave the club for the foyer. Right before we walk the 2 feet to the front doors- who is in my way- banana boy sucking face furiously w/ his girlfriend (who i guess is still in DC) ..Now I'm pissed that he was rushing us all along so he could get some?! the nerve. We all walk around them and just glare. When I get outside, I literally got all squee on the sidewalk. The few girls/moms that are left are doing the same thing. Liz is just smiling and watching the crazy unfold.
Jayla you are a true all-around Twilight fangirl! Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is official both your story and the Twired's stories are both so much more kick*jack*ass then my story but there is definitely this common theme of being consumed in some kind of Jackson trance and of course perving up over thoughts of Jackson and Jerad.
But it seems like if Rob ever does meet you Jayla, because Jackson was so nice and practically acted out his role in every fanfiction we've ever read, Rob has some big shoes to fill!
~Jackson's Big Feet~
Thanks again! Anyone who comes here today by way of Jayla's story please feel free to leave her some love in the comments! -TT
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