Senin, 05 April 2010

Paging Doctor Rob, Paging Doctor Who?

Well I just might need a doctor soon if I catch this Jacksonitis bug, but Doctor Who?

I was cracking up when I came across this little article for which Rob was interviewed prior to the release of Twilight. Obviously, at the time, he didn't know Twilight was going to hit the way it did. In the article he says he would be interested in taking over the role of Doctor Who when the current actor's turn ends in 2010.

I'll give you a minute to pick yourself up off the floor and stop laughing.

Guess what Rob? That's one dream you need to let go of, at least for now! I don't think Doctor Who has ever been hawt, no need to start now. You and your hawtness are obviously destined for greater roles!

I was subjected to tortured by enough episodes by an older brother during the years we were still a one-tv, no cable, household while growing up that I know about a spinning red call box time travel machine and the Tardis. Guess what? I didn't get it! The only Doctor I ever liked was the guy with curly hair and the scarf. But you know what? I'm surely not going to knock "Doctor Who" cult fans now. How could I? I'm definitely a Twilight cult fan! So cult fans of "Doctor Who," "Star Wars," "Star Trek," or whatever else let me just say, hey "I get it" now! But as far as the role of the Doctor Who... No! No! No! You cannot have Rob.

Crushed red velvet? 
                                                                               picture from
 Sure Rob can totally pull that off!

                                                    picture from
See? Pulled off.

Now Rob, if you want to be a Doctor, I feel it would be beneficial to give you a proper name to answer the question of "Doctor Who?" So let's do that, shall we?

I'm still happy about Patrick Dempsey getting a major second chance in Hollywood, so how about we find you a fitting title all Grey's Anatomy style?

        I'm not a real doctor, but I could play one in a movie, on tv, in fanfiction, or in your dreams.

So how about...

Dr. McTeamE?

Dr. McSeeMeNaked?

Dr. McCreamyurpantiesforme?

Deep breath in! Say "Ahhhhhhhh!" Lean back!
Give me some better titles chickadees. I know you've got it in ya!!!

***Special thanks to itsjustme over at Robmusement for letting me borrow her cool Docward picture! Her devotion to Rob is awe-inspiring and she's hysterical! If it were down to just me and her in position for Rob, I think I would just step aside and wave her on to him.  

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