Selasa, 13 April 2010

You Can't Twi-Everything!

I've noticed how corny you we all are! We try to Twilight up everything by sticking a Twi- in front of it! Let it not be said that Twilight fans are not the most creative chickadees (and chickadics?) out there especially the Twi-bloggy goddesses! Oops like a Britney song I went and did it again!

But some things were already Twied long before Twilight came along:

"If I could eat at all it would be these!" -Edward


Bella and Twix--James' kind of SNACK!
Okay so Twiggy probably wasn't eating Twinkies or Twix, but maybe she's a natural-born fangirl!

And of course the original Twilight cast already figured this one out:

Twizzlers and Rob making Kristen's mouth HAPPY!

But sadly, you can't Twi- everything! "Believe me, I've twied!"


                             (picture from 
           Mr. Twig?     
 uhhhh, yeah, that sooooooo doesn't work!

Hey MusingBella I hope you show up today because I wanted to let you know that this weekend we discovered a leak in our bathroom. Home ownership can so suck! So I just wanted to let you know that now we are in the same boat. It looks like this one! Thanks for picking me up...

Oh, and I rented Little Ashes. I have not seen it all the way through yet so I will reserve commentary for a later time. I guess I didn't make it all the way through yet because I was freeze framing and going frame by frame on the nekkidness because like my daughter says, "And that's how we do it!"

Hang Twight chickadees until tomorrow!

What other things just would not work out with the Twi-??

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