Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Do You Have a Real Life "Forever Crush?"

It’s summertime! Oh how us chickadees love the idea of a summer romance, don’t we? Twilight could have only been better if Stephenie had written out the details of the summer romance Bella and Edward surely had before her aging became such a problem. I’m hoping I get this post right because if I get it right, then you’ll understand the posts for the rest of the week and we'll have a theme. I love themes!

It’s been over a month ago that Robmusement had invited me over to list 10 things I love about Rob. The number one thing I said was that I love how he has become a “magical” crush for me, and I mean so much when I call it “magical.” I have a “magical” crush on Edward, too. So did Bella. She was 17, and from the first moment she saw Edward and timidly asked Jessica, “Who’s that?” she was crushing hard on Edward Anthony Masen Cullen.

I’ve heard a lot of people talk about their love of Twilight reigniting the feelings of “first love,” which I tend to agree with, but for me, Twilight has flooded my life with thoughts of the past crushes. As I said before, I watched the movie before reading the books and I developed such a crush on Rob. As I was reading Twilight, though, I had so many thoughts of different guys I had crushes on when I was younger. I’m going to leave my husband out of said scenario, even though, sometimes Edward was my husband when I read the books, but husband was not someone I had to crush on during my teen years.
I've had a lot of crushes along the way, celebrity and real life ones, and I wasn’t the type of girl who was lucky enough to date every guy she ever had a crush on, which is okay. Though we don’t know much about her preForks life other than the fact that nobody had asked her out, it wouldn’t be hard to believe that at 17, Bella had already had at least a few crushes on guys that were unrequited. Even after Edward acted so strangely that first day in Biology, she still thought about him constantly and even dreamt of him.

Isn’t that what happens with crushes? Somehow we allow someone to invade so much of our thoughts, fill a space in our heart, muddle our thought processes, affect our speech pattern, give us shivers of nervous tingles, star in our dreams, and absolutely entwine our soul with hope, anticipation, and the desire to find out what could be? It’s a buzz, a high, a little shot of our own personal brand of heroin. We come about crushes in different ways—there is the guy that makes you stop in your tracks and say, “WHO IS THAT?” and the guy that you quietly sit next to in biology class and develop an easy conversation with and decide there is potential there, and the guy you admire from afar possibly asking others for little tidbits of information on without revealing why you are interested. Edward was all of those to Bella. He was an ultimate crush, and as a vampire whose body was frozen in time, he was able to be her “forever crush.”

I have a forever crush.

Okay I have three forever crushes—my husband, Rob, and the boy I met when I was 16 years old. We’ll call him my Edward so as to keep with the Twilight theme.

My Edward was a sixteen-year-old boy I met during the summer when I was also 16. I met him where we worked. To me, he was absolutely the hottest--yet cutest--and coolest guy I had ever known. He didn’t walk, he swaggered. His hair was brown with cooper highlights and it was cut to the pefect style for the 90s, though I don't know if that haircut style had a particular name. He wasn't any particular type--not preppie, not skater, not jock, not grunge, not surfer, definitely not nerdy, and yet he could have been any of those because he was so naturally handsome. It didn't matter what he was or wasn't, he was ridiculously nice to me the first time I met him and I had an instant crush on him, yep the butterflies went up from my stomach to my ears told me so.

Within the same afternoon of meeting him though, I found out there were other girls who had already met him and were crushing on, lusting after him, throwing themselves at him, girls that seemed to know all about him, too. These girls were a couple years older than me and were very vocal about what they wanted to do with him. They spoke like most of us speak now about Rob. Because of them, I made an assumption about my Edward and shied away from him. I already knew that had we gone to high school we would have run in very different circles so I did the watch from afar thing and went on to make friends with lots of other people, successfully avoiding seeing him most days.

At some point over that summer, I realized I rarely saw those girls I had spoken with that first week after I met my Edward. (Maybe they got fired?) When I did see my Edward again he remembered my name and it completely surprised me. He even asked me how things were going with the job. From then on out, there were other flirtatious encounters. I stopped avoiding him and came up with excuses to see him. We even found ourselves hanging out together at a place where food and drink could be bought after my friends giggled and left me. 

But ultimately it was just a crush. There were no declarations from him of feelings for me and I was left with "what ifs," based on things he said to me or how he acted, which is the ugly flipside of crushes for us chickadees, isn't it?

I guess I have occasionally thought about him over the years because there was something magical and special about him but not as much as I did after reading Twilight when, prophase like I said, I had thought back over some of my crushes. It was my friend, "Alice" who had met my Edward the same summer I did that decided to bring my Edward to the forefront of my thoughts one day. As we discussed some Robporn she said to me, “Of course you would be in love with this guy, he totally reminds me of (my) Edward.”


She was right! Don't get me wrong, They don't look exactly alike but they both have that "there's something about him" quality that girls were falling over themselves for, including me.

But if you go back and read my description of  my Edward you might be able to see the similiarities. I wish I had a picture to show you chickadees but he's not of Facebook. Yes I'm guilty of looking him up.

But you know what I decided?
Maybe I don't need to see what he looks like 20ish some years later, who he is married to, or how many kids he has. Sure I would like to think that he is still hot and a really nice guy, but maybe I don't want to know if he ended up with a a horrible receding hairline and lost his license from a DWI or anything crazy like that. I have no bad feelings toward him, only giddy schoolgirl memories, and I would prefer he stay in my memories, frozen in time at 16 years old, as a forever crush.

Where my giddy stories about flirtations and exchanges with a certain sixteen-year-old boy ends, my now more mature lusty thoughts of Rob can begin, and both will reside in a special place in my heart as  a "magical, forever crush."
Did you miss the part where I said my life has been flooded with thoughts of my past crushes? The story doesn't end there. Come back for the next post.
Do You have a Real Life Forever Crush?
Tell me in the comments!

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Interview With a Fairy Tale Writer; "Cinderella, A Tale of Lust"

"Please Edward, don't. I can not resist you." I begged, yet I knew he wouldn't.

"Then stop, and give yourself to me. You would not be shedding tears, if you did not feel the same way I do. You will learn to love me, Cinderella, and you will be mine." Edward said, almost angrily as his right hand grabbed the loose fabric around my stomach. "I will have you, and you will desire me," he began whispering in my ears. My hand instinctively grabbed at his and tightened around his fingers. Then as fire engulfed my sex, I pushed his hand lower towards my desires, now screaming for my Prince's touch. His hand, following my lead, released the grip he had on my dress and descended down towards the front. As he neared my nether region, I threw both my hands behind me, gripping his face, pleading silently with him to give me more. More of what, my mind did not care. Anything, all of it.. I was simply lost in a world of heated passion, ignited by the young Prince. One who foolishly pursued me, and one, who was kind and gentle and caring and who sat still, with his arms around me at the lake.

He greedily pulled at my garments, lifting them up, as he slipped his hand underneath. I began to moan, my breasts rising up and down with my body, almost convusling from the sensations of his touch.

"Edward..." I sighed, "I shouldn't... yet I can not seem to push you away, as much as I try."

Excerpt from "Cinderella: A Tale of Lust"

Undo you corsets chickadees, Prince Edward desires you!! ~sigh~ Today's post will be another fanfiction review followed by a great interview with the story's author, TrueBloodTwilight aka Honolulu Girl (beta'd by evenflo78)

Oh. Dear. Rob. I love this story. Why did it take me so long to read it? I know why. I have a three-year-old and since Easter I've officially been on Cinderella overload between the movie and the dolls and the music on CD and the dancing around the kitchen. And even though Honolulu Girl clearly states her story is a retelling of the Brothers Grimm fairytale version, I still had a mental Disney block about this story thinking it was the story I knew all too well just insert "Bella" and "Edward."

As usual, I was wrong with a capital F*ckin'wrong.

I should have known with fanfictionland anything can happen, anything can go, and everything goes right out the castle window. In the first chapter we learn of a Prince Edward who is "serviced" by his servants. And they aren't just bringing him tea and biscuits. Definitely no sign of Jacque and Gus in this story, but hey guys we might need that key to unlock Cinderella's true identity or Edward's heart.

There are several familiar elements--the traditional story of how Bella came to be Cinderella with a father who is widowed and marries a horrible woman with two daughters, naturally Rosalie and Alice. But there are so many surprises along the way, including the son of the village blacksmith. Any guesses? That would be Jacob Black (Extremely clever way to work him in!) There is a fairy godmother, of sorts. She's the woman who teaches Bella what to do with a riding crop, no horses involved.  There is a ball, but it's not the-clock-strikes-midnight pinnacle of the story situation.

Mixed in between wanted and unwanted punishments is a sweet story of Prince Edward and CinderBella meeting and falling for each other long before the ball but HG really does a great job of encompassing all of the Twilight characters plus sharing the stories of some new characters that fit in perfectly to the clan. The characters are playful with one another, not just Edward with Bella but also the relationship between  Edward and Jasper (brothers, of course). You'll love Emmett, heir to the throne, he even gets his own POV at one point! Rosalie and Alice each get allotted time to share where they are coming from in this tale, too.

Wanna know my favorite part of this story? The background and times. It is very romantic and medieval in its setting. Honolulu Girl's story gives you a chance to get swept away to a magical place that is full of castles, villages, horses, a prince in tights, eloquent gowns, royal dining halls, corridors, and everything else you would expect from that setting , but not the moats! It was just really nice and different to NOT be in Forks or even in the 21st century while reading a story about my favorite characters. It was a total escape, and truly, I loved it! I hope you will, or already do, too!

Interview with a Fairy Tale Writer, TrueBloodTwilight
(with my added commentary)
1. First off, paddling for Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Pfffttttt. As if. Team Edward, baby! (True blue love!)

2. Why did you decide to retell Cinderella with Edward and Bella?
I had just finished reading Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice, who happens to be one of my all time favorite fiction writers, and her erotic fairy tale inspired my own.

3. There is a certain cadence and formality to the language you use for writing this story that is so different from everyday speak, did you find it hard to get in the zone? Is it more difficult than writing with use of more casual words?
Why thank you first of all, because I don’t think I have good diction at all, but if you say so! (I do!)
Yes, it’s VERY hard. Whenever I write something modern, my female character curses like a mother fucker because I do in real life. Just ask my kids. So attempting historical forces me to be on my good behavior.

4. Did you plan out the whole story before you wrote it or have you developed the story as you've gone?
I never plan anything. The chapters come to me at the oddest times. Sometimes while I’m showering or sometimes while I’m at work. But basically the entire conversation between characters plays out in my head, and then I run to a computer and type it out. I’m sure you can tell by the beginning of the story, there is more sex, but by the end, I found myself wanting to give more depth to the characters and so the story seemed to change on me and became more thought out. (She plans nothing out?? So impressive!)

5. What books have you read that you think have been instrumental in helping you write this particular story? (Like I’m guessing Alice in Wonderland?)
Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice for starts. That is the kinkiest fucking book I’ve ever read. It is not for the squeamish. But besides that, a little Alice in Wonderland and a little House of Nights.

6. Which character has been your favorite to write? Why?
My beta is in love with Carlisle but I actually enjoyed writing Rosalie’s POV. It’s a given she’s evil but there is a reason and I found myself more sympathetic to her after I wrote out her childhood. She’s actually my favorite.

7. After Bella and Edward, who is your favorite character in the original series?
Hmmmm. In the books, I really did find myself attached to Bella, but I guess my other favorite would be Alice. She’s everything that I would want in a best friend (including her fashion sense).

8. What part of the upcoming Eclipse movie are you most excited to see? What part of the book do you hope makes it into the movie?
Easy, peasy. The tent scene. Book and movie. I want to see some spooning going on. (but aren't you Team Edward?) You know what made me want to see that? The behind the scene footage of the trifecta at Oprah. Damn them and their horny back stage talk of spooning. A tent with Edward and Jacob. Okay, I’ll go for that!

9. What are your top 3 favorite fanfiction stories that you have read?
I will always choose Wide Awake because it was my first.
The Dominant and The Submissive (sorry, they cannot be separated)
The Blessing and the Curse   (all Sooooooo good!!!)

10. When a Cinderella Story is finished are you planning on doing another fanfiction story? Any clues to what it is about?
My next story will be called "Enchantment" and it is about redemption.

Bella is a horribly spoiled princess and to avoid her untimely death, an angel appears before her in an attempt to change her ways.

11. What is your favorite scene in Cinderella? (without giving too much away)
My favorite scene is after Edward knows who Cinderella really is, and he asks Bella to marry him. *sigh* That is when she does not reply and a million things flash through her mind. In this case, it’s not about swooning over Edward. It’s about Bella making this choice on her own free will. (errrr, don't worry that doesn't give ANYthing away)

12. Favorite line from the whole SAGA series?
"Your number was up the first time I met you." -Edward Cullen
(Somehow I feel aroused by this comment)   (Most of what Edward says or does is arousing, no?)

13. Rob calls you up and tells you he has read your story and likes it. He suggests meeting you (A) for coffee to talk about it, (B) meeting you at a pub to discuss it over beers, or (C) just coming to your house to re-enact a scene. If option C, which scene?
Fuck Yeah, Option C!! We re-enact the veranda scene out on my balcony for all my neighbors to see. I’ll even wear a goddamn Renaissance dress. (See excerpt above for balcony scene.)

Thank you Honolulu Girl so much for wanting to share some extra details and insight with us! Looking forward to "Enchantment."

You can also vote for this story!
It has been nominated for a Silent Tear Award for best unknown author

Please show some fanfiction love and support in the comments! Enjoy!

Next week I'm going to be talking a lot about "crushes." I'm even considering sharing some personal stories.


Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Some Kind of Wonderful Twilight

How long ago was it that Taylor Swift's song "You Belong with Me" was on the radio like every 2 hours? I don't know, it's all been a blur since Twilight entered my life but if you are like me and listen to pop music then you'll remember just how often the radio stations felt the need to play this song.

The regressing fangirl in me loves this song, so does my three-year-old. So we had about a month of excitement and yelling within my household whenever this song came on the radio, which led to freeform dancing and then choreographed moves as we sang along to the lyrics. Admit it, you sing along to it too!

Before Twilight came along, I had this special power to relate most anything things to the 80s, as I was a very impressionable child. Mr. ATP has a very special nickname for it which I'm not going to share. So the first time I had all the words down to this song I thought, "Wow, this song perfectly describes the storyline of Some Kind of Wonderful!" By the way, this was not one of my favorite of teenager movies when I was younger. I rediscovered this movie in my twenties. At that point I fell in love with it and was much more appreciative of it then.

So where did TT go for validation of such thoughts before she had any bloggy buddies (who I suspect would totally back me up in this little connection I've made)?? Why YouTube of course. And look what I had found!

Made by pixiehollow103 (You rock!) Totally fitting like a diamond stud earring, right?

PreTwilight I would have been satisfied in this finding and gone about with my life, sharing it only with Mr. ATP (he loves Some Kind of Wonderful he's always had a thing for little punk rocker chicks that play drums). 

But it seems my special power to link things to the 80s has just been upgraded (like when Piper's freezing power on Charmed grew to being able to blow sh*t up with her hands) because the final word is not the 80s's Twilight.
Okay ready to take this trip? As I'm watching the video above I watch the scene @1:33 where Keith (Stolz never looked hotter!) is sitting at the table in the club talking to Watts and he's looking like he's full of confusion. He wants to say the right thing to her but he's not sure what that is. It's a pretty honest, teenage angsty moment OH MY ROB it's just like Edward in the restaurant scene in Twilight!!!!!

Moving on....
Take a look at the video @1:55 HOLY SOME KIND OF TWILIGHT. Awkward, uncomfortable position in bed with Keith having his hand tucked behind his head...This remind anyone else of anything? Here's a hint, "I can never lose control with you."

That's Some kind of Wonderful first kiss in the garage in this movie is it not? Not as hot as the Twilight bedroom kiss, but the same innocence mixed with tension wouldn't you agree? Both end with someone yanking themselves away.

And because sometimes I can't help but let my favorite 90s stuff sneak in I thought of Brenda/Dylan/Kelly in on my BH, 90210 in reaction to "You, Belong with Me" and wouldn't you know I found this! It is a video made up of super feel-good moments between Brenda and Dylan and the scenes were selected to match the lyrics perfectly. (Enjoy DangrDafne!)  

ktproduction58 did a great job of matching up scenes from BH, 90210 to the lyrics! Love that! Ohhhhh Dylan, never looked so freakin' adorable!

Still following my train of tHAWT?
If Twilight had been filmed in the 80s, could Stolz could have totally pulled off Edward?

 He does have some similarities to Rob...
-Mophead of hair
-Big blue eyes
-Cleft chin
-Strong jaw line
-Looks good in t-shirts and plaid

Did you hear Rob say on Oprah last week that he grew up liking American Movies? Do you think he was a fan of Some Kind of Wonderful? Did he study Stolz's portrayal of Keith? Now see Oprah and Ellen these are questions the fans want to know. Guess what? We already know he is in People Magazine, how about a discussion about John Hughes movies. I could sleep better at night knowing Rob shares the John Hughes movie experience, maybe he doesn't get all gooey and gushy over them like I do, but they are universal in their appeal are they not?. Just like Twilight there are lines and scenes in all the John Hughes movies that are part of the fabric of our shared experience.

Psssst....Rob, wanna be friends with potential with me?

here's a parting kiss...
Absolutely stolen from The Cold Shower.
Happy Birthday B! Go see her stuff and you can die happy.

Most likely, don't hold me to anything, but if I can swing it, my next post will be the much anticipated next installment of a Fanfiction review and interview. And this time will be, of course, with Honolulu Girl of TrueBloodTwilight and her story, "Cinderella, A Tale of Lust." It's going to be a very uncensored interview. That girl curses like a Starbucks employee whose been told he didn't put enough chai in my chai tea latte!

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Bella is Fire Proof!

You might want to toss out the fire extinguisher in your kitchen and just keep your very own Bella on hand. Fire extinguishers are for putting out fires. Bella can knock out a small flame before it ever has time to become a full blown fire!

Not sure what I mean?

Remember the birthday party in New Moon? Sure you do, it wasn't so long ago you watched it, right? Maybe this past weekend? You remember there was happiness then blood then Jasperpantz does a sniff sniff then all hell breaks loose and first thing you know Bella is on the ground bleeding and Edward is just standing around feeling sorry for himself instead of rushing to her side and seeing how hurt she is....

Ahhh, it all started out innocently enough, take a look.
Edward is there. Bella is happy!

The stage is set for a beautiful party complete with fresh flowers and candles.

Yep, lots of beautiful fresh flowers and festive glowing candles on the sofa table behind Bella.

Then Edward shoves Bella out of the way sending her flying through the air and right onto

said sofa table.
Magically Bella does NOT burst into flames!
No charbroiled dress!
No singed hair!

There you have it! She may be a klutz or unable to walk a straight line, but she's definitely Fire Proof! Noncombustible Bella!

Again tonight I say WAY TO GO SET DESIGNERS!!!!


PS-Rob on Ellen...hello Ellen next time give him the whole hour. WTF cares about Adam Lambert anyway!

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Purple's cool...but NOT with red!

So we've ripped on the wigs/hair, the clothes, the makeup, the lines, the deviations from the book, etc regarding New Moon. What haven't we ripped on?

Howz about the set? Yeah SET DESIGNERS, ANSWER ME THIS...

Who the hell thinks a burgendy/red blanket matches with purple bedding? Was there a need for this? When I first noticed this it was at the end of the movie and I thought, "So what is that supposed to be Edward's robe that made it back home and he left it with her to cover her up?" {Mmmmmm, basking in Edward's scent} Okay I can go with that theory.....But no, it was there in the beginning of the movie too when Charlie brings Bella her birthday gifts.

Have you noticed that one of the major differences between Twilight and New Moon is the set background. Twilight offered so much visually in the background--there were more extras, more commonalities, more little details the eyes could take in beyond RPattz. It was overall more visually appealing. New Moon scenes were a lot more direct and to the point with nothing extra. Definitely reflects the directors--CH was all over the place with the wild, crazy and cool where CW was very tunnel-vision, get the job done FOCUSED!

By the way, Rob is still stating how he would like to work with Jack Nicholson, which is funny because doesn't the picture above sort of remind you of this....

Purple's cool but not with orange and teal, either!


Rob as an Educational Tool

Just the other day my three-year-old, out of nowhere proclaimed, "In the movie with his guitar Rob Pattinson's hair is long but in your Twilight movie his hair is short. What's that called, Mommy? "Ahhhh, ahhh, ahhh, (she's trying to give me a clue to the answer in the same fashion I would give her) opposites mom! That's called opposites!" Yep! Short hair here.

Long hair here.
"Why yes sweetie, you're right." I say.

Mr. AnTwi-Pattz rolls his eyes and mutters a curse under his breath.

So that's the long and the short of it. If you needed one more really positive thing to say about RPattz, let's throw in how he is of educational value to the under 5 crowd!

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Just another Manic Monday with a Robsten moment Interview

I knew I was forgetting one of my songs last week when I did my birthday gift to Rob post so I'm just going to throw it up today since it is fitting! Enjoy!

Six o'clock already

I was just in the middle of a dream

I was kissin' Rob Pattinson 

By a crystal blue Italian stream

But I can't be late

'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid

These are the days

When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday

I wish it was Sunday

'Cause that's my funday

My I don't have to runday

It's just another manic Monday

Have to catch an early train

Got to be to work by nine

And if I had an air-o-plane

I still couldn't make it on time

'Cause it takes me so long

Just to figure out what I'm gonna wear

Blame it on the train

But the boss is already there

All of the nights

Why did my lover have to pick last night

To get down

Doesn't it matter

That I have to feed the both of us

Employment's down

He tells me in his bedroom voice

C'mon honey, let's go make some noise

Time it goes so fast

When you're having fun

Wishing you hawt dreams of kissin' Rob Pattinson!
(Some of us have had'em ME, ME, ME, some of us haven't....kepp dream' LKW!)

Also check out this great interview with Rob, Kristen, and Taylor with cute picture posted by Twilight Moms Virginia. Rob is his normal adorable self and Kristen and Taylor are too cute, too! There is one line where Rob's reaction to Kristen is, "You never told me that!" Only something a boyfriend would say to his girlfriend if you ask me!

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Robmusement Birthday Wishes!

Ummm, excuse me, Rob?

"What is it TT? I'm working on something special for itsjustme's birthday!"

Don't give me that look, Rob! Boy, someone gets a little bit of a cranky 'tude when they get interrupted. 

"What look? What are you talking about TT?"

Nothing! I was just saying, I'm glad you know it is her birthday! Why don't you share with us what you've come up with, please? After all, she did so much for your birthday.

"Yes I know! That is why I'm working really hard on something. Okay, it goes something like this..."
 Dear Jeanette,
"NEVER THINK I would forget your birthday!
I'm trying to decide HOW TO BE part of your birthday celebration.
I've consulted THE BAD MOTHER'S HANDBOOK, not helpful!
Then I checked into VANITY FAIR for some inspiration. I think I found a clue: a french maid's outfit?

So here's my plan:

At TWILIGHT I'll pour us champagne and raise my GOBLET OF FIRE to toast you. We'll laugh as we smoke our cigarettes and use a fancy bowl that completes the room to mingle our LITTLE ASHES. I'll tell you my secrets of how I WAS BROKEN, a HAUNTED SEXHAIRMAN, and just a STRAY DOG ROAMING until I met you. I'll pull out my guitar and play and sing I'LL BE YOUR LOVER TOO. In the morning I'll whisper in your ear, "Happy Birthday, my love. I must go now, but I'll be back before the next NEW MOON." And I'll leave you a note on your pillow that says, "Watch over my heart. I've left it with you. Until I return, REMEMBER ME."

Love always, RPattz

Oh My Birthdayward, you f*ckin' rate Jeanette!!!!

Wishing you a Happy Birthday!

Rob is lucky to have a fan as dedicated as you! I hope someday he'll know, if he doesn't already, about all the fantastic ideas you have come up with to honor and celebrate him!

Live well! Laugh often! Love much!
Enjoy your day!

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Come what may...

Thanks for coming back today! You are approaching the last stop on Rob's Birthday Blog Train. And though the train pulls into the station today, this is a journey we're on with Rob so the well wishes we have for him will never end.

Today we are going to take some time to talk about our future wishes regarding Rob. This is VERY exciting to me! I'm no Alice, which isn't a bad thing, considering her visions of the future are all subjective but yeah there are a few events coming up this year that I'm really ecstatic about sharing with Rob! I've got the "Remember Me" DVD coming out soon, followed by Eclipse, and then Bel Ami, and then THIS:

YAY!!! That's going to be even better than when I turned 21 years old!!!

~~Excuse me for a second, my phone is ringing.~~

"Heyyyyyyy itjustme! How are you?
Yeah I'm having a ton of fun with this birthday blog train. Thanks again for signing me up to run a car.
I was just posting my wish for RPattz to come to my birthday party this year for today's post.  
What's that?
Uh huh.
ohhhhhhhhh...I see.
Sure, yeah, you have a nice weekend too. Bye."

Well Efff-the-UCK-out-of me, apparently this post is supposed to be about my predictions for Rob's upcoming year and not predictions for MY upcoming year inclusive of Rob.

Rob, Rob, Rob, it's always about him!
Alright, **begrudgingly sighs** let's try this again, but just so you know, I'm not going to hold back!
Here's what I hope the upcoming year holds in store for Rob.

1. Be naked in my bed in a movie! You said on Ellen, in front of your family, that you weren't opposed to nudity!

2. Smile and look happy as Edward while filming Breaking Dawn (especially during the wedding)--We know you think you won the role of Edward because you played it all tormented but someone needs to tell you that wasn't the case. Obviously Catherine Hardwick (and Kristen) thought you were HAWT and gave you the part so quit with the all the brooding, tormented, pained and constipated look and get in your happy place because when you are in your happy place we want to be there with you too!

3. Since you are being mentioned on tv shows a lot these days, why not agree to do a two-part guest spot on one of our favorite shows--an investigator on NCIS, a bad guy on Law and Order, a teacher on the Vampire Diaries, a patient on House, appear as yourself on 90210, or hell even be a guest judge (the acting Brit in Simon's place)on a American Idol with your friend Ellen!!! (yeah, I'm greedy tonight I want a two-part not just one episode)

4. Host SNL--if you are just going to make fun of yourself in interviews anyway and sound all dumbward why not let that stuff be scripted for you!!!

5. Admit you are dating Kristen. Just because we really want to hear about all the cutsie things you do for her!!!!

6. More photo shoots with VF! Cigarettes a must! Pianos, cobs and clothes optional.

7. I'm still hung up on that waltzing you did in Harry Potter. How about some dance lessons and then show us what you've got somewhere.

8. A schmexy ad for something. Cologne, underwear (w/Kellan?), jeans, watches, coffee, bottled water, Heineken, Hot Pockets, etc...Go make more money by doing some print ads and give us more sexy, hawt pictures, I say!!!!

9.  Take home the Oscar.  

10. Perform your music on stage somewhere.

11.  Record your music and release it!

12.  And just for me, throw me a boner, errr, I mean bone and comment on my blog!!!!

Rob, truly, you're future is so bright, you've got to wear shades.
Come what may, tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll love you tomorrow, you're only a day away!

Happy Birthday!

We've come to the end chickadees, now...
"Get off my train!"
(A little Ghost the movie humor because technically I died after seeing HG's video today!)

If you haven't done it yet, go play the Friday Fun Five hosted by DangrDafne tonight then go back and do a blog round robin!

Tina's Been Rob'd

It's Roblated


***Thanks to Kelly who made my party invite as seen above!***
My discomROBulation

Take Some E

The Cold Shower

17 Forever

Twi-sted Edbrella



My Rob Addiction

Trixie and Tess Tell All

True Blood Twilight

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

My Wish, My Message for Rob!

Happy Birthday RPattz!

~*My wish*~

I'll play my part by making a wish and blowing out a candle for Rob today. Truly if there is one wish I have for Rob on his birthday it is for him to fully recognize his youth and talent and to truly enjoy these days despite the crazy media-fame roller coaster he is on because these are the days to remember.

~*My message*~

Dear Rob,

As a thirtysomething, I can tell you that one day you'll look back at your 20s and see snippets of your days in black and white. You'll just turn around and think, "Where did the time go?"

You wait so long for something big to happen in your life (and fill your nights getting drunk) and then that something big does happen (and it was HUGE for you!) and suddenly your days are nonstop busy and time just seems to fly by. It is just how things go!

So today I wanted to ask you to step back, take a breath, look around and just take everything in! It is tough to do, but I've got a secret weapon that I'm going to share with you--it's a song! Whenever I hear this song it always makes life seem so simple for me and helps me to take time out to live within the moment of the day and reflect on fun times of my past. And just like seeing you, this song always puts a smile on my face! 

Today, I dedicate this song to you (and my bloggy buddies!)

These Are The Days

These are days you'll remember

Never before and never since, I promise

Will the whole world be warm as this

And as you feel it,

You'll know it's true

That you are blessed and lucky

It's true that you

Are touched by something

That will grow and bloom in you

These are days that you'll remember

When May 13th is rushing over you

With desire to be part of the miracles

You see in every hour
You'll know it's true

That you are blessed and lucky

It's true that you are touched

By something that will grow and bloom in you

These are days

These are the days you might fill

With laughter until you break

These days you might feel

A shaft of light

Make its way across your face

And when you do

Then you'll know how it was meant to be

See the signs and know their meaning

It's true

Then you'll know how it was meant to be

Hear the signs and know they're speaking

To you, to you

Enjoy today and each day!
~*~*FFF at the Twisted Ed-Brella will be hosted over at DangrDafne's site tomorrow. After spewing way too many personal details of my life last week I won (and I suspect it had to do with the FanfictionFuck), so they are my questions! Hope they are fun and look forward to your answers tomorrow!

Rob you can play too. Use the code name "Sexhairedboy" and that way your answers will stay just between the two of us.~*~*
Wanna go see more of the bloggy train buddies' sentiments? Stamp your ticket and take the ride!

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Sharing in Our Pattz

Dear Our Pattz,

I would love to claim you as all mine, but truthfully because I know that is not the case, I rather enjoy in engaging in being part of a group of your endearing fans, especially this birthday blog train group and my favorite bloggy guests (All 50 of us!!). You are Our Pattz--you share so much of yourself with us and we in turn share with each in our excitement over you.

And dear Our Pattz did you notice in my post yesterday how I replaced your name with Brad Pitt in the Shania Twain song with not one ounce of protest, no raised eyebrows, no shaking of heads, and not one "OH NO SHE DIDN'T!" as a response? I mean we're talking Brad Pitt, a guy both me and your sisters (and probably your mum too) lusted over when he was in Vanity Fair years ago. Yep, Our Pattz, has replaced Brad Pitt, and it's not because he is older now or dumped his wife, but since you entered through those cafeteria doors and into my life, the door on my crush closet has a star on it with only your name underneath and, albeit a walk-in closet, it seems to only be big enough for you. And oh what I'd give to have even 5 minutes alone with you in that closet and run my fingers through your hair, to touch your lips, to hold you near...

Errrrrr...Where was I?
Oh yes, I was talking about sharing you....this whole idea of coming together to share
in Our Pattz.
Very selfless of me, I know!
I got this in the mail and I thought it was a personal invitation from you to a big carnival type party to come together and celebrate Our Pattz. It turned out not to be, but I still realized The Robert Zone is a place I wanted to be to celebrate and to share with so many others and with you, Our Pattz.

I hope that for your birthday you are able to properly celebrate in your own little Bella-like happy place with your friends and family but as for the rest of us, please know that we cherish sharing in Our Pattz each day with each other and are happy to be a part of The Robert Zone. To us, it is always fun here because you are always here giving of yourself through pictures, interviews, music, songs, movies, words, poses, gestures, smiles, laughs, twinkles, smirks, and your overall oozing sexiness!

Happy 24th Birthday Our Pattz from all of us!
Always know we're here celebrating you in The Robert Zone!

Wanna share in more of Our Pattz? Be sure to get off at each stop of the Rob Birthday Blog Train! Feel free to go back and play, "Spot the Bon Jovi" lyrics with LwE, Tess, and Kim!!! Special welcomes to Kim, SGC, Bite Me, and KC!

It's Roblated
My discomROBulation
Take Some E
The Cold Shower
17 Forever
Twi-sted Edbrella
My Rob Addiction
Trixie and Tess Tell All
True Blood Twilight