Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Interview With a Fairy Tale Writer; "Cinderella, A Tale of Lust"

"Please Edward, don't. I can not resist you." I begged, yet I knew he wouldn't.

"Then stop, and give yourself to me. You would not be shedding tears, if you did not feel the same way I do. You will learn to love me, Cinderella, and you will be mine." Edward said, almost angrily as his right hand grabbed the loose fabric around my stomach. "I will have you, and you will desire me," he began whispering in my ears. My hand instinctively grabbed at his and tightened around his fingers. Then as fire engulfed my sex, I pushed his hand lower towards my desires, now screaming for my Prince's touch. His hand, following my lead, released the grip he had on my dress and descended down towards the front. As he neared my nether region, I threw both my hands behind me, gripping his face, pleading silently with him to give me more. More of what, my mind did not care. Anything, all of it.. I was simply lost in a world of heated passion, ignited by the young Prince. One who foolishly pursued me, and one, who was kind and gentle and caring and who sat still, with his arms around me at the lake.

He greedily pulled at my garments, lifting them up, as he slipped his hand underneath. I began to moan, my breasts rising up and down with my body, almost convusling from the sensations of his touch.

"Edward..." I sighed, "I shouldn't... yet I can not seem to push you away, as much as I try."

Excerpt from "Cinderella: A Tale of Lust"

Undo you corsets chickadees, Prince Edward desires you!! ~sigh~ Today's post will be another fanfiction review followed by a great interview with the story's author, TrueBloodTwilight aka Honolulu Girl (beta'd by evenflo78)

Oh. Dear. Rob. I love this story. Why did it take me so long to read it? I know why. I have a three-year-old and since Easter I've officially been on Cinderella overload between the movie and the dolls and the music on CD and the dancing around the kitchen. And even though Honolulu Girl clearly states her story is a retelling of the Brothers Grimm fairytale version, I still had a mental Disney block about this story thinking it was the story I knew all too well just insert "Bella" and "Edward."

As usual, I was wrong with a capital F*ckin'wrong.

I should have known with fanfictionland anything can happen, anything can go, and everything goes right out the castle window. In the first chapter we learn of a Prince Edward who is "serviced" by his servants. And they aren't just bringing him tea and biscuits. Definitely no sign of Jacque and Gus in this story, but hey guys we might need that key to unlock Cinderella's true identity or Edward's heart.

There are several familiar elements--the traditional story of how Bella came to be Cinderella with a father who is widowed and marries a horrible woman with two daughters, naturally Rosalie and Alice. But there are so many surprises along the way, including the son of the village blacksmith. Any guesses? That would be Jacob Black (Extremely clever way to work him in!) There is a fairy godmother, of sorts. She's the woman who teaches Bella what to do with a riding crop, no horses involved.  There is a ball, but it's not the-clock-strikes-midnight pinnacle of the story situation.

Mixed in between wanted and unwanted punishments is a sweet story of Prince Edward and CinderBella meeting and falling for each other long before the ball but HG really does a great job of encompassing all of the Twilight characters plus sharing the stories of some new characters that fit in perfectly to the clan. The characters are playful with one another, not just Edward with Bella but also the relationship between  Edward and Jasper (brothers, of course). You'll love Emmett, heir to the throne, he even gets his own POV at one point! Rosalie and Alice each get allotted time to share where they are coming from in this tale, too.

Wanna know my favorite part of this story? The background and times. It is very romantic and medieval in its setting. Honolulu Girl's story gives you a chance to get swept away to a magical place that is full of castles, villages, horses, a prince in tights, eloquent gowns, royal dining halls, corridors, and everything else you would expect from that setting , but not the moats! It was just really nice and different to NOT be in Forks or even in the 21st century while reading a story about my favorite characters. It was a total escape, and truly, I loved it! I hope you will, or already do, too!

Interview with a Fairy Tale Writer, TrueBloodTwilight
(with my added commentary)
1. First off, paddling for Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Pfffttttt. As if. Team Edward, baby! (True blue love!)

2. Why did you decide to retell Cinderella with Edward and Bella?
I had just finished reading Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice, who happens to be one of my all time favorite fiction writers, and her erotic fairy tale inspired my own.

3. There is a certain cadence and formality to the language you use for writing this story that is so different from everyday speak, did you find it hard to get in the zone? Is it more difficult than writing with use of more casual words?
Why thank you first of all, because I don’t think I have good diction at all, but if you say so! (I do!)
Yes, it’s VERY hard. Whenever I write something modern, my female character curses like a mother fucker because I do in real life. Just ask my kids. So attempting historical forces me to be on my good behavior.

4. Did you plan out the whole story before you wrote it or have you developed the story as you've gone?
I never plan anything. The chapters come to me at the oddest times. Sometimes while I’m showering or sometimes while I’m at work. But basically the entire conversation between characters plays out in my head, and then I run to a computer and type it out. I’m sure you can tell by the beginning of the story, there is more sex, but by the end, I found myself wanting to give more depth to the characters and so the story seemed to change on me and became more thought out. (She plans nothing out?? So impressive!)

5. What books have you read that you think have been instrumental in helping you write this particular story? (Like I’m guessing Alice in Wonderland?)
Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice for starts. That is the kinkiest fucking book I’ve ever read. It is not for the squeamish. But besides that, a little Alice in Wonderland and a little House of Nights.

6. Which character has been your favorite to write? Why?
My beta is in love with Carlisle but I actually enjoyed writing Rosalie’s POV. It’s a given she’s evil but there is a reason and I found myself more sympathetic to her after I wrote out her childhood. She’s actually my favorite.

7. After Bella and Edward, who is your favorite character in the original series?
Hmmmm. In the books, I really did find myself attached to Bella, but I guess my other favorite would be Alice. She’s everything that I would want in a best friend (including her fashion sense).

8. What part of the upcoming Eclipse movie are you most excited to see? What part of the book do you hope makes it into the movie?
Easy, peasy. The tent scene. Book and movie. I want to see some spooning going on. (but aren't you Team Edward?) You know what made me want to see that? The behind the scene footage of the trifecta at Oprah. Damn them and their horny back stage talk of spooning. A tent with Edward and Jacob. Okay, I’ll go for that!

9. What are your top 3 favorite fanfiction stories that you have read?
I will always choose Wide Awake because it was my first.
The Dominant and The Submissive (sorry, they cannot be separated)
The Blessing and the Curse   (all Sooooooo good!!!)

10. When a Cinderella Story is finished are you planning on doing another fanfiction story? Any clues to what it is about?
My next story will be called "Enchantment" and it is about redemption.

Bella is a horribly spoiled princess and to avoid her untimely death, an angel appears before her in an attempt to change her ways.

11. What is your favorite scene in Cinderella? (without giving too much away)
My favorite scene is after Edward knows who Cinderella really is, and he asks Bella to marry him. *sigh* That is when she does not reply and a million things flash through her mind. In this case, it’s not about swooning over Edward. It’s about Bella making this choice on her own free will. (errrr, don't worry that doesn't give ANYthing away)

12. Favorite line from the whole SAGA series?
"Your number was up the first time I met you." -Edward Cullen
(Somehow I feel aroused by this comment)   (Most of what Edward says or does is arousing, no?)

13. Rob calls you up and tells you he has read your story and likes it. He suggests meeting you (A) for coffee to talk about it, (B) meeting you at a pub to discuss it over beers, or (C) just coming to your house to re-enact a scene. If option C, which scene?
Fuck Yeah, Option C!! We re-enact the veranda scene out on my balcony for all my neighbors to see. I’ll even wear a goddamn Renaissance dress. (See excerpt above for balcony scene.)

Thank you Honolulu Girl so much for wanting to share some extra details and insight with us! Looking forward to "Enchantment."

You can also vote for this story!
It has been nominated for a Silent Tear Award for best unknown author http://silent-tear-awards.webs.com/

Please show some fanfiction love and support in the comments! Enjoy!

Next week I'm going to be talking a lot about "crushes." I'm even considering sharing some personal stories.


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