~~Happy Mother's Day!~~
My mom surely does not quite understand what a blog is but definitely does not know I have one. If I learned anything from reading Twitarded its that like Carlisle says you need to make a choice either to tell your family you have a blog or talk about personal lubricant. (I thought I was embarrassed for JJ for that until I read some of her old posts and found the twoilight paper post!) Anyhoo, I'm still up in the air about both so good thing no one is writhing in pain waiting for me to decide.
While my mom was once a little concerned for my marriage questioning of my fondness for the RPattz she seems to be coming around. When Rob did his Remember Me interviews she kept calling me saying, "I watched your boy on tv this morning." (Mind you she was at work during said interviews)
Recently she bought me these...

YES that is an authentic Edward Cullen photograph and a teeny bopper magazine.
ISN'T MY MOM AWESOME?? Sorry, she's NOT adopting any adult children at this time.
When I asked her what other photographs were available when she found this one she said, "the other guy" because she had yet to know who Jacob Black was. LOL! (that situation has changed, more on that another time). And just so you know, my mother used to make me use MY OWN money to buy teeny bopper magazines when I was younger and I didn't even get an allowance!
So recently, I had set the EC picture on the kitchen table one morning to take a picture of it to show one of my friends on email. I walked into the family room to get the camera and walked back into the kitchen to find this!
[Sorry you missed the picture of my daughter
kissing the above Edward picture.]
You just never know what to say when you walk in on your 3-year-old kissing your imaginary boyfriend!!!
And to make matters worse, I watched as afterwards she pulled the picture away and whispered sweet nothings to him. AND NO (as in N! O!) she was not mimicing Mommy doing that with the picture but obviously she has picked up on my fondness for Robward. She's also trying to sort out whether his name is Edward or Rob Pattinson but she calls him both when she sees him. It must be confusing to her. Just like one day I told her we were going to eat a turkey sandwich for lunch and she said, "oh like turkeys." Yeah she recognized the words but I don't think she grasped the concept!
I thought I'd share some things my 3-year-old has said without coaching or repeating my specific words.
"Mom, maybe we'll find your Twilight books in this store."
"Come on Mom, wanna read your Twilight books? Here you can read this one and I can read this one!"
*she hands me Eclipse and opens Breaking Dawn cover*
"Look a staircase!" (She's right, check your book!)
"Please Mommy, can I have some of your Twilight lotion on my arms?"
"Hey Mom, please can Cinderella dance with your Edward doll?" (Ummm, no!)
"Rob Pattinson is my favorite friend." (Oh boy!)
"Rob Pattinson is smart." (I swear I never said that but she's right!)
*looks at picture* "Who's that guy?" (I answer Jacob)
"And Jacob is smart." (Grrrrrr just when I thought she was Team Edward!)
sings, "Choking on the dust. Choking on dust. Choking on dust."
in car, "Please can we hear Hannah Montana?" (She means Paramore on Twilight CD)
in car, "Please can we hear Rob Pattinson?"
"And he plays the piano?" Yes! "for Bella?" Yes!
in car, "Please can we hear 'Everyday?"
sings and throws arms up in air, "Everyday WHOO! Everyday WHOO!"
"Mom, Rob Pattinson is your favorite friend."
No sweetie, you are!
Things my future 23-year-old will say to me,
"Mom, will you pay for my therapy?"
Rob's Birthday Blog train is this week!
And to get you into the mood click the link and have a quick listen!
And to get you into the mood click the link and have a quick listen!
You were subjected to your parent's special interests and turned out okay, right?
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