Back for Day 2 of the Birthday Blog Train? Great! This is a huge 15-blog event! Don't stay here too long, grab a laugh and head on to the next car!
Today everyone is giving Rob gifts for his birthday. Coming up with gift ideas is tough for me. I usually have to sit and brainstorm. Do you know what that is, Rob? You just keep writing down whatever things come to your mind, no matter what they are. Maybe that is how you approach lyric writing? My session went something like this...
Brainstorming Session for a gift for Rob
Offer you my summer home, a refuge from the paparazzi on a country road with a makeshift recording studio
Give you back copies of my husband's music magazines from before you were born.
Schedule an afternoon tea party with my daughter complete with cupcakes and cookies.
children, my remaining childbearing years, the seclusion of the summer home
...whoops, and that's where it becomes a gutterstorming session.
Yeah the thing about brainstorming is that you end the session with picking and choosing the best ideas or combining the better ideas somehow. The truth is all of these will work for me none of these will work for you. I need to come up with something more universal and something that would more or less pay tribute to you, such as letting our child bear your name.
Well like Bella told Edward, "I have nothing to give you." (We've already discussed this means Bella was indeed NOT a virgin btw and yeah sorry sweetie I don't have that to offer you either) but I thought since you like music and I like music I would pay homage to you through song. They say singing songs in church is like praying twice. I'm hoping this idea goes along the same lines, a little something extra-extra to get into your pants, heaven, good graces. Did I write you a song? Nope. I don't play any instruments. Did I dedicate a song to you? Nah! Way too many to choose from and again my gutterstorming was not helpful in making that kind of selection. So instead I chose to do something very innocent that I hope no one has done for you before.
I decided to replace your name in as many songs as I could think of that already mention a heartthrob. Got the jist? You are the ultimate heartthROB (errr, do I hear throb in there?) so I hope you will see this as a compliment and the biggest gift I can offer through our current form of noncommunication. Feel free to sing along!
Sing us a song, you're the piano man because we're all in the mood Bella's lullaby.
Sandra Dee -Rizzo in Grease (oh, and you're the one that I want)
"As for you Rob Pattinson, I know what you're askin'
You got your crust, I'm no object of lust, I'm just plain Sandra Dee"
Vogue -Madonna
"Greta Garbo, and Monroe
Dietrich and DiMaggio
RPattz looking like James Dean,
On the cover of a magazine"
Hey Leonardo -Blessed Union of Souls
"She likes me for me. Not because I look like Edward Cullen
With the charm of Robert Pattsin' oozin' out my ears."
One Week -Barenaked Ladies
"Chickity China the Chinese chicken. You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'
Watchin' X-Files with no lights on. We're dons la maisen.
I hope the Smokin' Man's in this one.
Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic.
Like Spunk I'm tantric, Like Snickers guaranteed to satisfy."
**click here for definition of tantric. We're going to go with definition number 2!**
Smiling? So far you're enjoying this little tribute?
Tim McGraw -Taylor Swift (Contributed by 17Lisa! thanks!)
"When you think Rob Pattinson I hope you think my favorite song
The one we danced to all night long, the moon like a spotlight on the lakeWhen you think happiness, I hope you think that little black dress
Think of my head on your chest, and my old faded blue jeans
When you think Rob Pattinson, I hope you think of me."
That Don't Impress Me Much -Shania Twain
"I never knew a guy who carried a mirror in his pocket and a comb up his sleeve just in case.
And all that extra hold gel in your hair ought to lock it Cause heaven forbid it should fall out of place.
Ooh ooh you think you're special. Ooh you think you're something else.
Okay, so you're Rob Pattz, that don't impress me much!" (That is a compliment, Rob!)
It's My Life -Bon Jovi
"My heart is like an open highway
Like Robbie said 'I did it my way'
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life."
Of course we remembered you for your birthday!
Rob, it's your life, you should celebrate your 24th birthday how you want and with who you want!
Live well. Laugh often. Love much.
~~~Thanks to Kelly at MyDiscomROBulation whose musical posts inspired this train of thought for Rob!~~
Links to other blogs to visit on the Blog Train conducted by itsjustme @Robmusement and rpfangirldc @itsroblated!
Links to other blogs to visit on the Blog Train conducted by itsjustme @Robmusement and rpfangirldc @itsroblated!
This train runs all week!
It's Roblated TwiBite
My discomROBulation
Take Some E
The Cold Shower <------------Her material lives up to its name!
17 Forever
Twi - sted Edbrella
My Rob Addiction
Trixie and Tess Tell All
True Blood Twilight
~~picspam from Robmusement!~~
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