Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

When It Comes to My Plans, Nothing Goes Off Without a Leg Hitch

Special gift on the way into the Twi-fecta!
When I woke up this morning and gained my bearings before getting out of bed I suddenly had a thought that had not hit me until that moment.

I wonder if I watched Eclipse "in IMAX" or not last night?

Before you ask "TT, how could you not know?" I think you should read how my night went. First let me remind you how when it comes to my life the weird sh*t or bad luck usually happens in one way or another. Case in point, remember how I still don't know if I ran into an old crush or not? How about when I went to see Remember Me  and I was super excited to see the Eclipse trailer (that I had refrained from seeing the day before) only to have the theater NOT show it.

the best laid plans of vamps and TongueTwied, oft go astray.

People were at the theater super early so our seats were not high up like I prefer but that is okay. I sat through Twilight eating my Twizzlers and drinking my cold white cherry Icee (ode to Edward) and I was so content! (Remember I hadn't seen it in the theaters the first time around.) It felt great to sit there and react to the scenes like so many others. I was laughing hearty laughs at lines I've heard a million times, but there was just something about everyone else laughing around me too that felt so contagious. Edward walked through those cafeteria doors and there were cheers, claps, sighs, and retrieving of ovaries. That my chickadees was wonderful. There was one funny reel glitch--after Bella met Edward's family the scene repeated, the sound got thrown off, and then the movie cut out, but everyone was in such a good mood that we all just laughed and waited for it to restart. I kid you NOT when I say I breathed a loud sigh at the prom scene. It was just breathtaking on the big screen.

I was truly in my happy place.

Barely a quarter of the theater were tweens. Everyone was well behaved, which was nice. Once New Moon came on Edward strutted through the parking lot bringing on the cheers and catcalls again, and I felt like I was leading that one. But then Jacob shows up to impress the girl with talk of his Rabbit and there was a whole lot of unnecessary hooting and hollaaharing. For gosh sakes, his shirt is still on at that point, simmer down now people, simmer down. I didn't manage to take a nap after Edward left but during the kiss under the clocktower, again I pulled my hands out from under my warm Edward blanket I was snuggled up in to clap and give a woot woot.

I was truly in a cozy, happy escape.

The timing seemed a little off though. Before the credits started rolling it was still close to 11 pm and I was anxious knowing we still had a while to go before Eclipse started because I was feeling Twired so I knew like Bella on a plane I needed a Coke and a smile to keep me going. There were people lined up outside the theater to come to the midnight showing as the theater was showing it on 20 different screens.

At midnight we were ready!

We had fresh drinks, one of our friends joined us after she had gotten off work, and we were all aburstin with squeeeeeee!

But @ 12:01 no movie.

12:05 no movie.

Oh boy, I should have known. After all, we are talking about me here. If Bella has trouble walking a straight line, then TongueTwied has problems having anything work out as expected for her.

A guy came to the front of the theater and told us there was a problem. We sat there making jokes to each other if this was the point when Rob and Kristen would show up on our screen all Jimmy Kimmel style but then we reminded ourselves how we live in east bumblef*ck just left of the cornfields and Timbuktu.

There was a lot of commotion. The cougars and the wolves were descending. Lots of people were marching themselves left and right to find out what was going on. About 12:25 am we realized that 19 other theaters were already watching Eclipse but us, the ones that had paid $30 plus and had been sitting in a lunchbox of a theater since around 6 pm were all being gypped out our time with the precious. There were theories as to what would go on and varying reports of what exactly was happening.

Then a manager type came around with a Free Pass to come back and see the show and my heart sunk at the realization that we weren't going to see Eclipse tonight.

Thankfully he apologized for the problems and told us it should start shortly.


So around 12:45 am Eclipse started.

The first meadow scene was absolutely magical. At this time, I will say it was my favorite scene in the movie. I will give props to Melissa R. for Bella's little speech at the end also in the meadow and to leaving out that whole Jacob/Bella vision. That's all I'm going to say for now!

Obviously, it was a longer night than expected. And you can imagine that we were all so happy to see the movie start when it finally did and how zonked I was when I realized it was 3 am when we were leaving the theater.

So now can you understand why I have no idea if the movie we saw last night was indeed "in IMAX" or not?

After a 45 minute delay who cared? In fact, one teenager from a different theater had come out complaining the picture was blurry and was given unsympathetic looks of, "well blurry beats a black screen."

So I'm tired, but it looks like TT will be going back to see Eclipse again for free!

Also I want to see Twilight on the big screen again. I told my husband today I would like to buy a movie theater so I can do just that whenever I felt like it. Twilight on the big screen was phenomenal to me.

Hope things worked out better for your Eclipsified showings!
Feel free to share!

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Twilight Freak Flag, Wave It if you Got it!


Don't have a Twilight freak flag?

You do now!

Thank you Kelly at mydiscomROBulation!

This is abso-freakin-lutely



Senin, 28 Juni 2010

Total Eclipse Merchandise Fail!!!

I admit I don't know what all is out there as far as the merchandise for Twilight goes, which might be a good thing because anything I see even remotely mentioning Twilight grabs my attention. This weekend I noticed Revlon has a lipstick shade called Twilight. Everyone is jumping on the Twilight merch bandwagon...right? So why can't I find the things I want most?

There are several things I have yet to find, which saddens me because had I been 8 years old and a movie like E.T. was the big phenomenon everything was available. Or had I been 16 and New Kids on the Block were popular, everything, and I mean everything, was available.

So who's in charge of the merchandising? Rachel Reiss you reading my blog again today? Get a message to someone okay?

Here's what I want to see:

Yes I want to lean his head back, lick his candy with my tongue, and bite his neck!
(No dolls were harmed in the making of this!)

How am I supposed to fly my Twilight Freak Flag if I don't have one?
Who lacked the forethought to make a flag out of this?

Certainly not me! I want a flag that looks like this to hang on my flag pole that sticks off my house.
Forget a flag with birdhouses or one that has flip-flops on it.

Don't forget the kids!
Maybe there are some kids fashion shirts out there, I haven't checked. I don't necessarily need my three-year-old walking around in a Team Edward shirt but that's not to say she shouldn't get to join in the fun and excitement too, right? So in the tradition of Mom making homemade costumes for her kids look what I did this weekend.

"Look Mom, it's just like your Twilight book! Put it on me right now!!!"

It's a simple look. Feel free to make your own if you need to! Recycle last year's Edward shirt with a simple red ribbon!

Here's an example of GREAT Eclipse Merchandise but the
company only alerted me to it yesterday!
(Only Edward, natch!)
Want one too? Click link to order online.

And while you are there...if you want to pretend you are freeezing in a tent and be wrapped up in warmth, then you NEED one of these blankets!!!

Click to order one of your very own!

This company is also selling books on Rob and Taylor and knee high socks (errr, must be a tween thing).

But you know what I really want? Rob How does a cutout that is a blend Rob in Eclipse and Remember Me sound?  I want a full standing and talking Roblerward.

{in British accent} A what? Do they really make those?

No, they don't, Rob and that's what I'm getting at here!

You see take you..

Add Tyler...

To Eclipseward...

And get a Roblerward!!!

And then here's the best part. It comes with a button you press and it quotes your favorite lines from the movies.
(It should be designed so the button that is pressed is located just...right below the...just grazing the...ohhhh hell, if someone was smart enough to design one of these things for people like us in the first place then they should  make the button location interchangable.)

So now I could have my own Roblerward and he would not only look beautiful but say all the right things.

TT: "Roblerward, do I look hot in this outfit today?
Roblerward: "Abso-freakin-lutely!"
(He always knows the right answer to questions regarding how you look.)

TT:  "Roblerward, how you do feel about me?"
Roblerward:  "I feel very protective of you."
(He always says the right thing to make you feel safe and loved.)

TT:  "Roblerward, I'm worried about wrinkles and my aging."
Roblerward:  "Your aging?" {scoffs}
(He always reminds you that you'll always look young and beautiful to him.)

Mr. ATP:  What the hell is this thing doing in our house?
Roblerward: "You think you know me, but you don't." {throws punches}  Go Team Roblerward!!
(He will always defend your honor and his.)

Enjoy Eclipse!

Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

Dressing Etiquette 101: Color Coordination and Recycling!

First my entry to the LivingwithEdward contest is posted. Feel free to check it out but just know that I'm going to leave that type of thing in her expert hands from now on and stick with making fun of the inconsistencies in the Twilight books and movies and general lusting after Rob because that stuff is tough and she always does a tremendously way better job that usually leaves me in tears!!

As soon as you are done reading this, go check out The Cold Shower and you can see exactly what it was that won me a copy of the Premiere Magazine. Bleriana asked for a little explanation one day on the difference between a suit and a tux so I basically gave up what little pictures I have in my Robp0rn collection as visuals to her to demonstrate which is which on Rob (and Kellan made it in there too Jella and Jayla). Bonus, Bleriana has this campaign going for Rob to be the next James Bond and she got Robnipulation to make a manip that is a must see!

And while we are on the subject of Rob in a suit....

{picture from eclipsemovie.org}
Well before I die over this because Rob's hair and face look more golden and delicious than a Twinkie...

it should be noted that themes, color-coordination,
and symbolism are NEVER lost on me.

Red, gray, white, black

Vampire blood,  Swan , Wolf

Perfect! Gorgeous! Wow!

Very matchy, matchy!!

Kudos to Rob for being the one to take on the red. Sure Kristen would have looked killer in a red dress, but then I guess someone offered Rob an environmentally-friendly alternative and he agreed to...


How very green of Rob!!! So extra kudos to the people involved in the Twilight movies who thought to recycle the crushed red velvet robe and turn it into a custom-fitted suit for Rob!

Recycling and Rob
are good for the planet!!!

Dearest Rob,
My mom thinks you look too thin and need some meat on your bones. If she offers to make you a pot roast dinner, I'll let you know, and you should definitely take her up on it!  Mom's home cooking is the best!

Be Sure to check out Access Hollywood online for tidbits on all things Rob, Kristen, Peter, Kellan, Taylor, and Eclipse from the LA Premiere! I'm sure that Rachel Reiss and Shaun Robinson read my blog daily but it would be nice to have some proof. Tickets to the premiere of Eclipse would have done just fine Rachel, but since that day has come and gone, you have 2 more chances with Breaking Dawn I and II. A phone call from Rob during the next press junket would work too. I promise not to scream in his ear. Lemme know what you kids decide!

PS: Rob totally pulled off the red crushed velvet suit better than David Arquette. Sorry David, you know I love you otherwise. *blows a kiss*

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Rob IS My Job!

My husband has often told me that if he was my manager he would fire me. He basically says that about most of the bloggy people I bring up to him. Lots of times he says, "Boy would I love to have their jobs where they have time all day to keep track of the latest Twilight news. God forbid we have to wait until we get home at night to check updates on all things RPattz!" Yeah, sweetie, God forbid. That's when I like to take the time to remind him that I'm not signed up to receive any updates and my information is solely based on blogs and the kindness of your emails.

Jobs! Housework! Ugh!! Only Robinson Crusoe got everything done by Friday. The rest of us need a little help. And thanks to Kelly at mydiscomROBulation (again) now we've got it!

Take Rob to Work Day!

Rob's on the job!

If you need a copy of these let me know and I will surely email them to you! No desk or office should be without. I'm thinking of hanging them up by laundry too!

Jimmy Kimmel tonight!

(Jimmy, I think you are nowhere near as funny as some of the Twilight bloggy goddesses so you should count your blessings everyday that you have as good a job as you do!)

Thanks again Kelly for being so good to us!!!

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Reaping the Rewards of Lazy Bloggers and a Gimmeaway!

I don't know what is going on in the bloggydom around me but I've seen a lot of laziness as of late masquerading in the form of "Do a Guest Post." Sure this is done under the pretense of "there's something in it for you."

I think what may be happening is fellow bloggers are freeing up their own time to keep up with the avalanche of Robporn and thus trying to coax others to maintain the goods on their blog. But not me, I'm way behind on blogs, Rob interviews, and Robporn because I keep offering up my time to these guest posts.

Well at least things have finally paid off for me and I'm about the REAP THE REWARDS of the laziness of fellow bloggers!!!

Yesterday it was announced that I was the recipient of a mini-E from my entry to LivingwithEdward's picture contest. So basically that means my entry got a big thumb's up from Edward...which in the world of plastic action figures whose limbs and phalanges can't always be posed means this....

Thanks Edward and LwE!!!!

Then because I submitted a guest post to The Cold Shower I was entered into another contest, which I won! I've been informed that I will be receiving Rob's package!!!!!!!!! Talk about BEING STROKED!!!! Errrr, I mean STOKED!!!!

Oh geezgreenbeanz, I was wrong again! D*mn! Apparently it is a "package of Robp0rn" to include this:

Thanks Bleriana!!! 

I don't speak Italian, but let's face it, Rob is the new universal language!!!

So these giveaway contests are fun, right???

How about if I host one, my own version, of course? That sound good to you guys?

Here it is!

Tongue-Twied's Gimmeaway Contest


GQ: Gorgeous? Quite!

Official Rules:  I was out of the Rob loop back in March of 2009, and therefore, I do not have one of these. So the first person who is willing to mail me one of these in excellent to pristine condition wins!!!! No substitutions please, unless willing to send Rob himself.

Contest Officially Starts....

Good luck (to me)!!!

Do you know why I would like to have this GQ magazine? Because I have a Robporn collection that yesterday everyone convinced me to show off. Head cheeryRobleader, Kelly, at mydiscomROBulation made this sign for me but if anyone else feels they need one for their home as well let me know and I will gladly email it to you!!!

              Thanks Robunches Kelly!!!

So you see with a sign as FABULOUS as this, 2009 GQ Rob would complete me.

Robward crooked smiles to you all!

**Disclaimer: I definitely do not think any of my fellow bloggers are lazy!!! I know you guys work really hard to keep us entertained and in the know when it comes to Rob and Twilight. And I appreciate it!! And you wanna talk laziness?  If you want links to the above mentioned blog find them yourself under my blogroll!

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Everyone's A Comedian In My Family...

Oh yes, it's not just me. Everyone in my family thinks they are a comedian. And at times, the joke is on me.

Look! It's a present from dear family members!
For me!!!! Yay!!!!!

Open it! Open it!!!

It's not even my birthday!!!


Do you get what I'm dealing with here? Have you ever seen something so repulsive in your whole life? I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this! I wouldn't even tear this up and dust my furniture or shine my car with this! (Says the girl who thumbed through GQ with Taylor in it today at the drugstore.)

Oh so you like my poster?

I'm not really a source for New Moon merchandise, officially, but yeah I have a few items. That poster I snagged from my local video store. For free. Thank goodness because I found other stuff there to spend money on that involves Edward, because it'll always be him.


I have a dilemma, and I'm wondering if you guys have had the same. I haven't been much of a hostess over the winter. Usually we host a couple of get togethers but quite frankly I just never seemed to commit to anything too big. All that planning cut into my fanfiction reading. We've just had a few friends and family over sporadically.

But now summer is here and everything is different because we are the ones with the pool and summer usually means BBQs and parties with various groups of people including:

Close friends.
Extended friends (old coworkers, hubby's friends).

The thing of it is, the family (my side) and close friends are well aware of my Twilight fascination. His family well God bless them, they think they know all about it but they don't know the half of it... thank robness. But TT is mostly concerned with is her gathering, if you will....errr, a collection, might be a better word....errr, a showcase, might be the correct term....errrr, a shrine (?) of Twilight merchandise currently on display in her home. I mean I don't bow in front of it and pray or anything (I save that for doing at my Robporn altar Dear Lord, please lead Rob to me one day and may he look like the cover of VF.)

So I've been trying to decide if I should move my Twilight stuff or leave it up as I begin inviting people to come trapse through my house. And I'm really conflicted. The family and close friends don't bother me. Some of the "extended friends" are in on this and already tease me endlessly. Some of them who don't know will be cool with it and laugh while they drink the Twilight beer I provide them with poolside while others will snicker over it (the same ones I would probably prefer not to have at my house even if I had no Twilight obsession). Then there are the neighbors, who already think I'm a recluse who ignores her weeds, now they will just attach a reason to it and think I'm nuts probably. 

Just a second...that f*ckin Jacob shirt is staring at me.

Okay that's better. Where was I? Oh yes, conflicted.

I'm also conflicted about decorating the outside of my house for June 30th. I want to. Not all cheesy. Just a nod to the series or Team Edward. Though, I kind of hate saying "Team Edward" because that acknowledges there is another team, which clearly there is not. 

So what do you guys think? Do I leave my display out and basically fly my Twilight freak flag or do I carefully put it behind closed doors and be selective about who I do and do not share it with during the upcoming months?

Are you decorating anything outside?

Personal stories to share about your own experiences?
Let me know in the comments.   

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Ring Around the Rosey with Rob

The activities in my life, mundane as they may be, kind of have a swinging door for Twilight thoughts and you just never know when something or someone Twilight related may walk in. Like one day recently I was at my mom's house and  she was watching the OC on Soapnet (okay, okay so I might have been the one to turn on the channel hoping to catch an old BH, 90210 ep)and there was Cam G. on it. I freaked out a little! He's really hawt when he's not playing a sadistic creature!!!  I guess I should expect watching any tv or movies will have some Twilight crossover.

But sometimes it hits when I don't expect it. Just this morning I was chatting with my hubby about how a friend of mine would be delayed in returning a favor I had asked of him. Said friend gave very good reasons for it the delay that involved his children, and I told my husband, "Well of course I'll just wait patiently, I'm not a cold-hearted person." My husband responds to me, "No, you just like to hang out with them." Immediately I'm trying to figure out which one of my friends he is referring to and can't think of any. My friends are top shelf in the kindness department! So I look at him and ask what he is talking about. He says, "You know, your vampires."

Well fang me, that was fun-nneee, hunn-nee!!! I love it when he indulges me, even if I don't always expect it.

Here's another unexpected thought I had just last night when I was reading nursery rhymes to my daughter. I loved nursery rhymes as a kid so I have lots of different versions of them to read to my daughter. I was reading her those older English nursery rhymes taken from The Real Mother Goose and as I was trying to keep up the right pattern of the prose and rhythm of the rhyme, suddenly I had thoughts of someone more prim and proper delivering the words like maybe...

Well no, not her.
I meant Rob.

I know this is a total Mom request, but I thought wouldn't it be nice if Rob was approached to record a series of nursery rhymes? Wow, I could put those on for my daughter to listen to and I could hear his voice too.

Dear Rob,
I was so impressed by how you read your father's emails on Leno and I was wondering how would you feel about recording some nursery rhymes from the motherland?

Wanna do a test run for us and see how it goes?
I've picked out a few straight from the book so if you could just read them out loud, we'll see how it goes.

Let's start with this one.

"A Sure Test"

If you are a gentleman,
As I suppose you'll be,
You'll neigher laugh nor smile,
For a tickling of the knee.

Awww, I bet Clare used to say that one to you and tickle your knee as a child.
Okay, that sounded great!
Let's hear you say this one...

"Ducks and Drakes"

A duck and a drake,
And a halfpenny cake,
With a penny to pay the old baker.

A hop and a scotch
Is another notch,
Slitherum, slatherum take her.

Ahem, well yes, then that was kind of perfect, actually. Okay let me find another one for you. Here, try this one...

"Little Pussy"

I like little Pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her
She'll do me no harm;

So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But Pussy and I
Very gently will play.

Oh Rob, I think you've got the job!!!
And hearing your voice would be delightful!

Twilighted.net is also holding auditions for men to read the "Edward" lines to some of our favorite fanfictions. I don't suppose Rob has any time to do that.

Let's say Rob and Kristen agreed to be the voices together for just ONE fanfiction as per voted on by the fans?

Which would have your vote?
Tell me in the comments!

Happy Weekend!!!

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Move over Mr. Darcy, We've Got Mr. Pattinson (x2)

Does anyone else feel like June 30th (well 6:30pm @June 29th for some of us) is an upcoming religious, national, international holiday? Like there's a big celebration coming up? Just take the day off, cook up a special breakfast, and look forward to celebrating in the spirit of

I realized this morning that I am so excited for Eclipse that I feel like I am 10 years old again and bouncing off the walls with anticipation over the combination of Christmas Day, Christmas presents, and Christmas vacation from school!!!

I think seeing Rob on Leno last night is what put me over the edge. Not because the trailer was new. Not because there were any more details from the movie revealed. Not because Jay Leno stumbled his way through the interview. Not because there were seemingly more screams for Team Jacob than Team Edward when Jay polled the audience.

But because I was fascinated with a whole other side of Rob.

Somewhere between adorkable and f*ckhawt lies this proper, English gentleman. 
~swoon, swoon~

Last night, smartly dressed, smiling, laughing, and acknowledging his parents with reverence and respect, there was Rob eloquently reading emails his father sent him and giving us one more piece to the overall Rob picture--glorious masterpiece and work of art that it is! The messages and language his father uses to converse with Rob have clearly inspired this other part of Rob that we may have took for granted before as part of the Rob package, but all I could say was WOW!!! I was wowed last night by the sophistication of his father's thoughts he wished to convey to his son and this new part of Rob that was receiving such messages and hopefully allowing them to impact his life--that part of Rob that can be classy, proper, and all gentlemanlike.

Did you hear about how Rob's dad said taking his wife's hand gently and kissing it is how he won her over? That's a pure Edward (and definitely PROFward) move! I think I could have a tiny overlap crush on the senior Mr. Pattinson. I bet he holds Clare's car door open and brings her breakfast in bed too! Kudos to Mr. Pattinson for being such an example for Rob. And I wonder if he was talking about anyone in particular when he suggested grace in acceptance speeches versus vulgarity? 

What a sweet and fitting tribute to his Dad with Father's Day coming up, don't you think?

And, as if I needed more fuel to fire my Profward lusting from University of Edward Masen, the way Rob read his father's emails was pretty close to how I envision Profward speaking at different parts of the story or how the love notes should be read aloud, minus the glasses but added bonus of the British accent. 

{picture source}
Move over Mr. Darcy! We've Got two Mr. Pattinsons!!

Someday we won't need literary references for comparing Rob to because he'll be the pinnacle for comparison, if he isn't already in your book!
So anyone else really excited for that very improper French rogue in Bel Ami now?

***And special thanks to itsjustme1217 at Robmusement or I would have missed this appearance altogether.
Special nod to Mr. AnTwi-Pattz for not letting me fall asleep and miss it too. He's sweet like that and complimented Rob's relationship with his parents keeping him grounded.