Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Reaping the Rewards of Lazy Bloggers and a Gimmeaway!

I don't know what is going on in the bloggydom around me but I've seen a lot of laziness as of late masquerading in the form of "Do a Guest Post." Sure this is done under the pretense of "there's something in it for you."

I think what may be happening is fellow bloggers are freeing up their own time to keep up with the avalanche of Robporn and thus trying to coax others to maintain the goods on their blog. But not me, I'm way behind on blogs, Rob interviews, and Robporn because I keep offering up my time to these guest posts.

Well at least things have finally paid off for me and I'm about the REAP THE REWARDS of the laziness of fellow bloggers!!!

Yesterday it was announced that I was the recipient of a mini-E from my entry to LivingwithEdward's picture contest. So basically that means my entry got a big thumb's up from Edward...which in the world of plastic action figures whose limbs and phalanges can't always be posed means this....

Thanks Edward and LwE!!!!

Then because I submitted a guest post to The Cold Shower I was entered into another contest, which I won! I've been informed that I will be receiving Rob's package!!!!!!!!! Talk about BEING STROKED!!!! Errrr, I mean STOKED!!!!

Oh geezgreenbeanz, I was wrong again! D*mn! Apparently it is a "package of Robp0rn" to include this:

Thanks Bleriana!!! 

I don't speak Italian, but let's face it, Rob is the new universal language!!!

So these giveaway contests are fun, right???

How about if I host one, my own version, of course? That sound good to you guys?

Here it is!

Tongue-Twied's Gimmeaway Contest


GQ: Gorgeous? Quite!

Official Rules:  I was out of the Rob loop back in March of 2009, and therefore, I do not have one of these. So the first person who is willing to mail me one of these in excellent to pristine condition wins!!!! No substitutions please, unless willing to send Rob himself.

Contest Officially Starts....

Good luck (to me)!!!

Do you know why I would like to have this GQ magazine? Because I have a Robporn collection that yesterday everyone convinced me to show off. Head cheeryRobleader, Kelly, at mydiscomROBulation made this sign for me but if anyone else feels they need one for their home as well let me know and I will gladly email it to you!!!

              Thanks Robunches Kelly!!!

So you see with a sign as FABULOUS as this, 2009 GQ Rob would complete me.

Robward crooked smiles to you all!

**Disclaimer: I definitely do not think any of my fellow bloggers are lazy!!! I know you guys work really hard to keep us entertained and in the know when it comes to Rob and Twilight. And I appreciate it!! And you wanna talk laziness?  If you want links to the above mentioned blog find them yourself under my blogroll!

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