Senin, 14 Juni 2010

Edward Doesn't Saaaayyyy "Cheese!"

Whoa...I'm getting a little overwhelmed with like 10 different Eclipse trailers and new photos from Eclipse every time I turn around. I just want to see the d*mn movie already! I AM enjoying seeing Rob whenever possible.

Note to self: Make an effort to turn the tv off before you start acting upon feeling all frisky because when you suddenly hear in the background, "Coming up Robert Pattinson talks to Access Hollywood" a serious internal conflict could arise, theoretically that is.

I had some thoughts over the weekend about all these pictures that are coming out of Rob, new and old, and it made me think about the movies. I guess by now you've noticed that I notice lots of crazy things all Twilighty and it always makes me wonder if I'm the only one. If I am, then I am. I can handle it. I can more than handle it. I can blog about it!!!

So did you ever notice that Edward doesn't do well with having his picture taken? Really, it's been two movies now where Edward gets his picture taken and he does this whole, "Edward doesn't say cheese" bit.

In Twilight as they enter the prom....
"Smile." He tells Bella but keeps his own face toward her.

New Moon. Alice-resident psychic and clepto...

"Show me the love!"

Come on Edward smiling into Bella's hair is not exactly how this picture taking thing works...

Okay, let's see how it turned out...

Oh PatmeontheRButtz don't get me started on the inconsistency...Alice's camera flashed ONCE and that is sooooo not the same pose....

Well at least it is the same picture Edward unfolds and looks at...
(aside question from my Mom, "Why does she fold the picture in half?"
My answer: "Because Bella thinks she is too plain and unworthy of being next to such a gorgeous creature." Did I get that explanation right?
Okay, at least that's the same picture.

So why can't Edward smile for the camera?

Is it because he doesn't eat food so he thinks he can't partake in the "cheese?"

Edward you could always say, "mountain lion" or "blood of Bambi."

Would Edward say because it is Bella who is still living her life and not him so she should be celebrated in pictures?

Was Edward just trying to focus on the beauty he sees in her? Yeah, that sounds like Edward, all smitten, but that's probably giving the directors way too much credit that they were that well-acquainted with how Edward would act. 

So I think the real reason lies with RPattz.

I wonder if the camera lens and flash loves Rob so much that every time he had his picture taken he ended up giving this look and all the girls on set had to dart to the bathroom to change or maybe there was some fainting.  

I can just imagine the conversation while filming Twilight.

Catherine: Rob not even Edward was that hot. You've gotta stop doing that.
Rob:  in British accent Doing what? I'm just looking at the little camera.
Catherine: Alright, just turn your head or something. Don't let your eyes do that meet and melt thing.

Any pictures to be taken in Eclipse? Oh right, high school graduation, that kind of thing involves pictures. We'll see how those go. I almost wouldn't mind now if he keeps his head turned. I like consistency. In fact I was hoping he would flip someone the bird in every movie. I thought he almost did in New Moon when he got thrown under the bench by Felix. Remember how his long fingers were oddly placed in the air?

 By the way, it is graduation season, which customarily involves wishing graduates "Congratulations," right? So can you believe it still chaps my hiney that Charlie was written to be so much of a dick in Eclipse that he didn't wish Edward Congratulations at graduation? He just puts his arm around Bella and says, "You coming Edward?" (to dinner at the lodge) Stephenie, come on! How could you write Charlie that way? He was Forks Chief of Police for goddsakes. I'm pretty sure he was used to acting in a polite enough manner. Let's hope movie Billy Burke helps Charlie display some better manners all mature and professional!

What did you think of Charlie in Eclipse?
Tell me in the comments!

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