Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Ring Around the Rosey with Rob

The activities in my life, mundane as they may be, kind of have a swinging door for Twilight thoughts and you just never know when something or someone Twilight related may walk in. Like one day recently I was at my mom's house and  she was watching the OC on Soapnet (okay, okay so I might have been the one to turn on the channel hoping to catch an old BH, 90210 ep)and there was Cam G. on it. I freaked out a little! He's really hawt when he's not playing a sadistic creature!!!  I guess I should expect watching any tv or movies will have some Twilight crossover.

But sometimes it hits when I don't expect it. Just this morning I was chatting with my hubby about how a friend of mine would be delayed in returning a favor I had asked of him. Said friend gave very good reasons for it the delay that involved his children, and I told my husband, "Well of course I'll just wait patiently, I'm not a cold-hearted person." My husband responds to me, "No, you just like to hang out with them." Immediately I'm trying to figure out which one of my friends he is referring to and can't think of any. My friends are top shelf in the kindness department! So I look at him and ask what he is talking about. He says, "You know, your vampires."

Well fang me, that was fun-nneee, hunn-nee!!! I love it when he indulges me, even if I don't always expect it.

Here's another unexpected thought I had just last night when I was reading nursery rhymes to my daughter. I loved nursery rhymes as a kid so I have lots of different versions of them to read to my daughter. I was reading her those older English nursery rhymes taken from The Real Mother Goose and as I was trying to keep up the right pattern of the prose and rhythm of the rhyme, suddenly I had thoughts of someone more prim and proper delivering the words like maybe...

Well no, not her.
I meant Rob.

I know this is a total Mom request, but I thought wouldn't it be nice if Rob was approached to record a series of nursery rhymes? Wow, I could put those on for my daughter to listen to and I could hear his voice too.

Dear Rob,
I was so impressed by how you read your father's emails on Leno and I was wondering how would you feel about recording some nursery rhymes from the motherland?

Wanna do a test run for us and see how it goes?
I've picked out a few straight from the book so if you could just read them out loud, we'll see how it goes.

Let's start with this one.

"A Sure Test"

If you are a gentleman,
As I suppose you'll be,
You'll neigher laugh nor smile,
For a tickling of the knee.

Awww, I bet Clare used to say that one to you and tickle your knee as a child.
Okay, that sounded great!
Let's hear you say this one...

"Ducks and Drakes"

A duck and a drake,
And a halfpenny cake,
With a penny to pay the old baker.

A hop and a scotch
Is another notch,
Slitherum, slatherum take her.

Ahem, well yes, then that was kind of perfect, actually. Okay let me find another one for you. Here, try this one...

"Little Pussy"

I like little Pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her
She'll do me no harm;

So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But Pussy and I
Very gently will play.

Oh Rob, I think you've got the job!!!
And hearing your voice would be delightful!

Twilighted.net is also holding auditions for men to read the "Edward" lines to some of our favorite fanfictions. I don't suppose Rob has any time to do that.

Let's say Rob and Kristen agreed to be the voices together for just ONE fanfiction as per voted on by the fans?

Which would have your vote?
Tell me in the comments!

Happy Weekend!!!

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