Special gift on the way into the Twi-fecta!
When I woke up this morning and gained my bearings before getting out of bed I suddenly had a thought that had not hit me until that moment. I wonder if I watched Eclipse "in IMAX" or not last night?
Before you ask "TT, how could you not know?" I think you should read how my night went. First let me remind you how when it comes to my life the weird sh*t or bad luck usually happens in one way or another. Case in point, remember how I still don't know if I ran into an old crush or not? How about when I went to see Remember Me and I was super excited to see the Eclipse trailer (that I had refrained from seeing the day before) only to have the theater NOT show it.
the best laid plans of vamps and TongueTwied, oft go astray.
People were at the theater super early so our seats were not high up like I prefer but that is okay. I sat through Twilight eating my Twizzlers and drinking my cold white cherry Icee (ode to Edward) and I was so content! (Remember I hadn't seen it in the theaters the first time around.) It felt great to sit there and react to the scenes like so many others. I was laughing hearty laughs at lines I've heard a million times, but there was just something about everyone else laughing around me too that felt so contagious. Edward walked through those cafeteria doors and there were cheers, claps, sighs, and retrieving of ovaries. That my chickadees was wonderful. There was one funny reel glitch--after Bella met Edward's family the scene repeated, the sound got thrown off, and then the movie cut out, but everyone was in such a good mood that we all just laughed and waited for it to restart. I kid you NOT when I say I breathed a loud sigh at the prom scene. It was just breathtaking on the big screen.
I was truly in my happy place.
Barely a quarter of the theater were tweens. Everyone was well behaved, which was nice. Once New Moon came on Edward strutted through the parking lot bringing on the cheers and catcalls again, and I felt like I was leading that one. But then Jacob shows up to impress the girl with talk of his Rabbit and there was a whole lot of unnecessary hooting and hollaaharing. For gosh sakes, his shirt is still on at that point, simmer down now people, simmer down. I didn't manage to take a nap after Edward left but during the kiss under the clocktower, again I pulled my hands out from under my warm Edward blanket I was snuggled up in to clap and give a woot woot.
I was truly in a cozy, happy escape.
The timing seemed a little off though. Before the credits started rolling it was still close to 11 pm and I was anxious knowing we still had a while to go before Eclipse started because I was feeling Twired so I knew like Bella on a plane I needed a Coke and a smile to keep me going. There were people lined up outside the theater to come to the midnight showing as the theater was showing it on 20 different screens.
At midnight we were ready!
We had fresh drinks, one of our friends joined us after she had gotten off work, and we were all aburstin with squeeeeeee!
But @ 12:01 no movie.
12:05 no movie.
Oh boy, I should have known. After all, we are talking about me here. If Bella has trouble walking a straight line, then TongueTwied has problems having anything work out as expected for her.
A guy came to the front of the theater and told us there was a problem. We sat there making jokes to each other if this was the point when Rob and Kristen would show up on our screen all Jimmy Kimmel style but then we reminded ourselves how we live in east bumblef*ck just left of the cornfields and Timbuktu.
There was a lot of commotion. The cougars and the wolves were descending. Lots of people were marching themselves left and right to find out what was going on. About 12:25 am we realized that 19 other theaters were already watching Eclipse but us, the ones that had paid $30 plus and had been sitting in a lunchbox of a theater since around 6 pm were all being gypped out our time with the precious. There were theories as to what would go on and varying reports of what exactly was happening.
Then a manager type came around with a Free Pass to come back and see the show and my heart sunk at the realization that we weren't going to see Eclipse tonight.
Thankfully he apologized for the problems and told us it should start shortly.
So around 12:45 am Eclipse started.
The first meadow scene was absolutely magical. At this time, I will say it was my favorite scene in the movie. I will give props to Melissa R. for Bella's little speech at the end also in the meadow and to leaving out that whole Jacob/Bella vision. That's all I'm going to say for now!
Obviously, it was a longer night than expected. And you can imagine that we were all so happy to see the movie start when it finally did and how zonked I was when I realized it was 3 am when we were leaving the theater.
So now can you understand why I have no idea if the movie we saw last night was indeed "in IMAX" or not?
After a 45 minute delay who cared? In fact, one teenager from a different theater had come out complaining the picture was blurry and was given unsympathetic looks of, "well blurry beats a black screen."
So I'm tired, but it looks like TT will be going back to see Eclipse again for free!
Also I want to see Twilight on the big screen again. I told my husband today I would like to buy a movie theater so I can do just that whenever I felt like it. Twilight on the big screen was phenomenal to me.
Hope things worked out better for your Eclipsified showings!
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