Look! It's a present from dear family members!
For me!!!! Yay!!!!!
Open it! Open it!!!
It's not even my birthday!!!
Do you get what I'm dealing with here? Have you ever seen something so repulsive in your whole life? I wouldn't be caught dead wearing this! I wouldn't even tear this up and dust my furniture or shine my car with this! (Says the girl who thumbed through GQ with Taylor in it today at the drugstore.)
Oh so you like my poster?
I'm not really a source for New Moon merchandise, officially, but yeah I have a few items. That poster I snagged from my local video store. For free. Thank goodness because I found other stuff there to spend money on that involves Edward, because it'll always be him.
I have a dilemma, and I'm wondering if you guys have had the same. I haven't been much of a hostess over the winter. Usually we host a couple of get togethers but quite frankly I just never seemed to commit to anything too big. All that planning cut into my fanfiction reading. We've just had a few friends and family over sporadically.
But now summer is here and everything is different because we are the ones with the pool and summer usually means BBQs and parties with various groups of people including:
Close friends.
Extended friends (old coworkers, hubby's friends).
The thing of it is, the family (my side) and close friends are well aware of my Twilight fascination. His family well God bless them, they think they know all about it but they don't know the half of it... thank robness. But TT is mostly concerned with is her gathering, if you will....errr, a collection, might be a better word....errr, a showcase, might be the correct term....errrr, a shrine (?) of Twilight merchandise currently on display in her home. I mean I don't bow in front of it and pray or anything (I save that for doing at my Robporn altar Dear Lord, please lead Rob to me one day and may he look like the cover of VF.)
So I've been trying to decide if I should move my Twilight stuff or leave it up as I begin inviting people to come trapse through my house. And I'm really conflicted. The family and close friends don't bother me. Some of the "extended friends" are in on this and already tease me endlessly. Some of them who don't know will be cool with it and laugh while they drink the Twilight beer I provide them with poolside while others will snicker over it (the same ones I would probably prefer not to have at my house even if I had no Twilight obsession). Then there are the neighbors, who already think I'm a recluse who ignores her weeds, now they will just attach a reason to it and think I'm nuts probably.
Just a second...that f*ckin Jacob shirt is staring at me.
Okay that's better. Where was I? Oh yes, conflicted.
I'm also conflicted about decorating the outside of my house for June 30th. I want to. Not all cheesy. Just a nod to the series or Team Edward. Though, I kind of hate saying "Team Edward" because that acknowledges there is another team, which clearly there is not.
So what do you guys think? Do I leave my display out and basically fly my Twilight freak flag or do I carefully put it behind closed doors and be selective about who I do and do not share it with during the upcoming months?
Are you decorating anything outside?
Personal stories to share about your own experiences?
Let me know in the comments.
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