Senin, 07 Juni 2010

MTV Robsten...frustrated with the Lynch Pin!!!!

If you saw the MTV awards last night you know who I'm talking about!!!! It was the best proof of Robsten I've yet to see! I mean only a lynch pin who could kiss Rob Pattinson anytime she wants would give up an opportunity to kiss him. Right? I wouldn't have. Betty White probably wouldn't have passed up the chance!

Someone get Ryan and Rachel on the phone and have them explain to the lynch pin how the BEST KISS acceptance speech should go, please!!! This is two years in a row now!

Rob sat adoringly watching his lynch pin when she won her award.

He won his, thanked the lynch pin and was not given the best look in response??? I'm not sure what that look even was? My benefit of the doubt guess is that Rob was going to "OUT" their relationship and then decided not to. But it was the equivalent of Bella walking away from Edward to get on the back of Jacob's bike. WTF???? I thought Eclipse was about Bella not wanting to hurt either of them? I felt stabbed in the heart when I saw that scene last night. poor Robward.

I'll be resuming extended crush week!

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